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Basic Information
TitleThe Frostbound Avenger, The Warden of the High Peaks, The Untamed
SymbolTwo crossed iron battle axes against a mountain
AlignmentChaotic Good
Allowed AlignmentsNG, CG, CN
Primary PortfolioFreedom, Mountains, Strength, Vitality
Secondary PortfolioCold, Courage, Earth, Endurance, Rage, Survival
Favored WeaponBattleaxe
Crossus, The Warden of the High Peaks

Crossus, deity of mountains and strength, stands as the epitome of primal strength and indomitable spirit. Known across realms as the strongest entity, his physical might is unparalleled, a testament to the raw power that the natural world embodies. Yet, beneath this formidable strength lies a heart of goodness, untainted by evil. Crossus's essence is a beacon of purity in a cosmos where darkness often seeks to prevail, his intolerance for malevolence a shield against the corruption that threatens the balance of all things.

His temperament mirrors the untamed wilderness; a savage spirit quick to wrath, his anger is a force that can unsettle the very foundations of the multiverse. This rage, though fearsome, is directed at the heart of wickedness, manifesting as a tempest against any who would dare to sow the seeds of evil. Crossus's fury is not mindless destruction but a passionate defense of integrity and virtue, a reminder that even in anger, there can be a righteous cause.

Crossus harbors a deep-seated aversion to the constraints of civilization and the rigidity of rules. He views such constructs as chains that bind the spirit, stifling the strength that comes from freedom and self-reliance. His ethos champions the wild, unbridled expanse of nature as the true crucible of character, where one's inner will is both tested and fortified. This disdain for the civilized world is not born of malice but a profound belief in the sanctity of personal freedom and the inherent value of facing life's challenges unshackled.

To many, Crossus is a figure of solitude, a hermit who finds solace in the lofty peaks and the serene cold of mountainous terrains. Yet, this solitude is not born of isolation but a choice to commune with the elements, to be one with the austere beauty and harsh realities of the natural world. In these remote sanctuaries, Crossus's spirit thrives, untainted and pure. However, to those few who manage to glimpse beyond the veneer of the recluse, Crossus reveals a different facet of his being—a warmth and camaraderie that belies his formidable exterior. His laughter, deep and resonant, echoes through the valleys, a testament to the joy he finds in genuine connection. His fondness for mortal ale, a simple pleasure, becomes a bridge between the divine and the earthly, a symbol of his willingness to embrace the joys of existence in all its forms.

Crossus chooses to manifest as a towering figure of immense physical prowess, embodying the quintessence of strength and resilience. His skin is as pale as the snow-capped peaks he favors, with eyes the color of the deepest oceans, reflecting a clarity and depth that transcends the mundane. His hair and beard, symbols of his wisdom and experience, are meticulously braided, adorned with rings and runestones that whisper of ancient power and deep-rooted connection to the earth. His attire, crafted from the rugged leather of the wilderness, and a cape of bear skin, speaks of his dominion over the cold and harsh realms he protects. Decorated with tokens of the wild—fangs, claws, and other trophies—Crossus embodies the fierce beauty of nature itself. Always by his side, his battle axes serve not just as weapons but as extensions of his will, ready to defend the sanctity of his mountainous realms. This visage of Crossus, both formidable and majestic, serves as a constant reminder of the strength that lies in the untamed wilds and the unbreakable bonds of trust and vitality he champions. His other form is that of a polar bear of might, with feral feral fangs and claws, it's fur adorned in similar fashion as his human form's hair.


The holy symbol of Crossus features crossed iron battle axes against a stylized mountain, embodying his connection to strength, mountains, and the wild. It signifies protection, vitality, and the deity's fierce opposition to evil, serving as a guiding emblem for followers who value freedom, resilience, and the raw power of nature. This symbol, blending resilience with divine might, encapsulates Crossus's essence as the guardian of the untamed and the champion of good.

Relations With Other Deities

Crossus stands as a beacon of raw power and untamed spirit. His relationships with other deities are as multifaceted as the rugged landscapes he protects, marked by alliances forged in the fires of battle, shared loves, and ancient rivalries.

At the heart of his divine connections is the bond with Bahamut, the embodiment of justice and honor. Their friendship is a fortress, built on mutual respect and trust, hardened by countless battles against the forces of evil. Together, they represent a bulwark against darkness, their combined might a testament to the power of unity in pursuit of good.

Dunguthar, who's realms are deep within the mountains Crossus has domain over, shares more than just a love for the high peaks. Their camaraderie is kindled by the simple joys of existence, a mutual appreciation for ale's hearty brews, and the solemn beauty of their domains. This bond speaks to the heart of Crossus, a reminder that even gods find solace in the earth's simple pleasures.

Thuzulin, with his quick wit and lighter spirit, is known to be able to bring smile to Crossus's stoic visage. Their friendship is a dance of contrasts, the humor of one meeting the seriousness of the other, proving that even among deities, diversity strengthens the bonds of friendship.

Within the Pantheon of Equilibrium, Crossus finds kinship with Dorgross, deity of war. Their alliance is forged in the respect of warriors, an understanding that strength and Courage are the pillars upon which the balance of the multiverse rests.

Yet, not all divine relationships harbor warmth and camaraderie. In the shadow of Crossus's alliances lurks Tarnull, deity of earthquakes and volcanic fury. Their enmity is as old as the mountains themselves, a battle of ice against fire, stability against destruction. Tarnull's relentless drive to turn the frozen bastions into molten chaos is a constant threat, fueling a rivalry that rages as fiercely as the volcanic infernos he commands.

What The Legends Say

Crossus, The Untamed


Crossus, in bear form

Crossus dogma is founded upon the following principles:

  • Cultivate Your Strength: Followers of Crossus are encouraged to hone their physical prowess as well as their inner resilience, courage, and moral integrity. This dual focus on strength ensures a balance between body and spirit, embodying Crossus's comprehensive definition of power.
  • Embrace the Mountains: Hold the mountains as sacred, drawing strength and wisdom from their imposing presence. This tenet symbolizes the reverence for Crossus's domain, urging followers to protect and find inspiration in the mountainous landscapes that mirror the deity's majesty.
  • Endure the Cold: Embrace not only the literal cold of Crossus's beloved landscapes but also the metaphorical cold of life's challenges. This principle teaches resilience in the face of adversity, finding strength in hardship, and the importance of perseverance through both environmental and personal trials.
  • Rage Against Evil: Channel righteous anger towards combating evil, reflecting Crossus's fierce opposition to malevolence. This tenet encourages followers to confront injustice and darkness with the ferocity of a tempest, embodying the deity's unwavering stand against corruption.
  • Live with Unbridled Spirit: Pursue a life of freedom, embracing the wilderness and the lessons it teaches. This tenet champions a lifestyle that values self-discovery, autonomy, and living in accord with one's deepest truths, free from societal chains.

Clergy and Temples

A cleric of Crossus, patrolling the mountain

Within the rugged embrace of mountain peaks and the whispering chill of the untamed lands, the clergy of Crossus thrive, a diverse and powerful assembly unified under the banner of their formidable deity. This is not a congregation bound by the strictures of hierarchy or the confines of tradition but a gathering of souls drawn together by shared strength and respect. Among them walk clerics and barbarians alike, each finding solace and purpose in the teachings of Crossus, their differences in path overshadowed by their common devotion.

The fabric of their community is woven with threads of respect—a respect earned through displays of physical prowess, the wisdom of age, and the scars of battle. There is no rigid structure to dictate the flow of their daily lives. Instead, they are guided by a mutual understanding, a recognition of each other's strengths and contributions, creating a hierarchy as fluid and formidable as the landscapes they protect.

Adorned in the furs of beasts, their attire is a badge of honor and a shield against the cold. These garments, rich with the essence of the wild, serve as a constant reminder of their deity's dominion and their own resilience. Within this brotherhood and sisterhood, the body is a temple to be honed and tested. Rigorous training and ritualistic brawls are not mere acts of aggression but sacred rites, celebrations of their enduring strength and the raw power that pulses at the heart of their faith.

The clergy's role extends beyond the spiritual; they are guardians of the natural world, stewards of the mountains and the frigid expanses where few dare to tread. In these secluded realms, they stand as protectors, not just of the land but of all who dwell within it, embodying the fierce guardianship and respect for nature that Crossus espouses.

Among their ranks are brewers of unmatched skill, craftsmen whose ales capture the essence of the wilds and the spirit of their god. These master brewers hold a place of esteem, their creations fostering bonds of fellowship and moments of joyous respite amidst the solemn duties of their calling. Crossus ales, as they are called, are valued and coveted by many outside the clergy.

The temples of Crossus are sanctuaries not just of faith but of the elemental forces that define the deity's essence—strength, endurance, and the raw beauty of nature. Far removed from the trappings of civilization, these sacred sites are nestled in the heart of wilderness, where only the most determined and resilient can venture. The journey to reach these temples is a testament to the believer's fortitude, often entailing arduous treks through rugged terrain and biting cold, mirroring the trials that Crossus himself champions.

Constructed with the simplicity and solidity of the mountains they honor, these temples are built from the very essence of their surroundings. Logs and stone, materials as enduring as the faith they embody, form the backbone of these structures. Some temples are carved into the heart of mountains themselves, with cave entrances marked by symbols and decorations that signify the sacred within the stone's embrace.

The path to these remote sanctuaries serves as both pilgrimage and trial, a physical manifestation of the spiritual journey towards strength and enlightenment. It's a journey that clerics and followers undertake, not just as a test of their physical limits but as a profound expression of devotion.

Beyond their spiritual significance, these temples stand as beacons of shelter and warmth in the literal cold. Travelers braving the mountain passes may find refuge within their walls, a testament to Crossus's protective aspect over those who dare to walk his domains.

For the clergy, these temples are more than places of worship; they are bases of operation for the guardianship of the wilds. From these strongholds, they patrol and protect the sacred lands, embodying their deity's will.

In the larger temples, the deep cellars and expansive halls house the renowned breweries of Crossus's clergy. Here, the sacred art of brewing is practiced, producing ales that are as much a part of their worship as their prayers—a celebration of life's joys and the communal spirit that Crossus fosters among his followers.


As the dawn of adulthood approaches, the initiate steps into the shadow of Crossus's temple, a sanctum nestled in the heart of mountains, where the air breathes the ancient cold. With a heart full of resolve, the initiate seeks the guidance of the temple's clerics, embarking on a year-long odyssey to forge their spirit and body in the image of Crossus, the deity of strength, endurance, and the untamed mountains.

Guided by the seasoned hands of Crossus's clerics, the initiate undertakes tasks that challenge the limits of their physical capabilities and spiritual resilience. Day by day, they immerse themselves in the rigorous discipline of chores that demand and sculpt physical strength. They traverse the biting cold of mountainous terrains, where the wind carries the whispers of their deity, and engage in brawl training, a dance of power and control that hones their combat skills and inner fortitude.

With each setting sun, the initiate retreats into solitude, dedicating an hour to meditation. In these moments of quietude, they seek communion with Crossus, reflecting on the day's triumphs and trials, each achievement a step closer to embodying the deity's essence. This daily ritual of contemplation fosters a deepening bond with the mountains, the deity's sacred domain, and cultivates an unshakeable spirit, resilient against the adversities of life.

On the eve of their coming of age, the initiate embarks on a final day of isolation. Surrounded by the majesty of nature, they delve into a profound meditation, journeying through the memories of the year's challenges, their personal growth, and the deeper understanding of Crossus's dogma they've garnered. This introspection is a pilgrimage of the soul, preparing them for the culmination of their initiation.

The following day, the initiate stands before the temple's clerics, ready to face the ritual brawl, performed normally out in the cold weather. This ceremonial combat is not a contest of mere physical might but a testament to their journey, a measure of personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Victory or defeat holds no sway; the true test lies in the heart's resilience and the spirit's strength.

After the brawl, the initiate kneels, offering this act of valor as a tribute to Crossus. In this sacred moment, a cleric steps forward, casting the initiation spell that weaves the indissoluble bond between the follower and their patron deity. This rite seals the initiate's transformation, marking their ascension as a true disciple of Crossus, ready to walk the path of strength, endurance, and unwavering courage.