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Basic Information
TitleThe Subtle Hand
SymbolA dagger in front of an open chest spilling coins
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
Allowed AlignmentsCG, N, CN, CE
Primary PortfolioGreed, Revelry, Thievery
Secondary PortfolioAgility, Deception, Gambling, Rebellion
Favored WeaponDagger
Milucrah, The Subtle Hand

Milucrah, deity of thievery, embodies the nuanced and contradictory essence of her dominion over thievery and revelry. She views existence as a grand gift meant to be shared among all living beings, a belief that fuels her disdain for the rigid structures of law and ownership. To Milucrah, laws are but chains forged by the powerful to subjugate those without power, and her soft stance on property reflects this ideology. Her rebellion against legal and societal norms is not merely an ethical stance; it is deeply rooted in a personal philosophy of self-benefit. Milucrah is fundamentally egoistical, placing her desires and needs above others'. However, her self-centered ethos is tempered by a notable boundary: she avoids actions that would directly harm others. This delicate balance places her somewhere between stark egoism and a nuanced care for the communal good, embodying the chaotic neutral alignment that defines her.

Despite her considerable influence and power, Milucrah favors subtlety over ostentation. She encourages her followers to emulate her approach—blending into the background, appearing unassuming, and employing stealth as both a practical skill for thievery and a philosophical approach to life. This preference for subtlety extends to her teachings on maintaining physical agility and flexibility. Followers of Milucrah are urged to keep themselves in peak physical condition, honing their senses to be as sharp as their minds, ensuring they can navigate the world with the same adeptness as their patron deity. In this way, Milucrah champions a philosophy that intertwines the thrill of self-indulgence with a covert respect for the welfare of others, all while challenging the conventions that govern the material world. Her legacy is one of silent whispers in the shadows, of deft hands in unseen pockets, and of the quiet rebellion against the tyrannies of power and possession.

Milucrah, The Subtle Hand, manifests as an enigmatic figure, her appearance mirroring the stealth and cunning that define her divine essence. She takes the form of a young woman, her skin as pale as freshly fallen snow, providing a stark contrast to her dark, braided hair and piercing reddish eyes. These braids, which cascade down her back, are not just for aesthetic appeal but are a practical choice, meant to keep her hair neatly out of the way during her clandestine endeavors. Her attire is that of a seasoned rogue—functional yet enigmatic. Milucrah dresses in clothes that blend seamlessly into the shadows, favoring dark, muted tones that help her avoid unwanted attention. Her outfit is carefully tailored to her needs, equipped with hidden pockets and loops for stashing away an array of daggers and thieves' tools, essentials for a deity whose domain is thievery and subtlety. Always draped in a cloak, Milucrah's silhouette remains shrouded in mystery. This cloak serves a dual purpose: it cloaks her movements in shadow and mystery, and it acts as an additional layer of concealment for her tools and weapons. Completing her guise, sometimes she wears a mask that covers the lower half of her face, preserving her anonymity and adding to her enigmatic persona. Milucrah also enjoys appearing in the form of a ferret, with sleek white and black fur. This animal form embodies her playful yet mischievous nature, agility, and cunning—traits that are quintessential to her domain of thievery and subtlety.


Milucrah's holy symbol is a medallion that features a wooden dagger and an open chest spilling coins. The dagger signifies the tools and skills essential to a thief's trade, representing sharp wit and the courage to challenge law and society. Meanwhile, the open chest with spilling coins symbolizes Milucrah's belief in the shared wealth of the world.

Relations With Other Deities

Milucrah's relationships with other deities reflect her contentious stance on thievery and societal norms. Lawful deities generally distrust her for her rebellious views on property and law. However, she finds allies in deities like Velthar, the deity of beasts, and Dorgross, the deity of war, who also challenge societal conventions.

Her closest ally is Selya, the deity of trickery, with whom she shares many ideologies and a strong friendship based on their mutual appreciation for freedom and clever manipulations. Her most profound and personal connection is with Bran, the Deity of Challenges and Survival. Their relationship is one of deep love, grounded in shared values of resilience and the ability to overcome adversity through cunning and strength.

On the other hand, Milucrah despises Yuthdel, the deity of suffering and murder, because he represents everything she opposes—using deception and thievery to cause harm for personal gain, rather than as a means to challenge unjust structures.

What The Legends Say

Milucrah, unmasked


Milucrah, in ferret form

Milucrah's creed is based on the following tenets:

  • Challenge Conventions: Embrace the belief that the world's riches and resources are for all to share. Question and challenge societal norms and laws that favor the powerful at the expense of the powerless.
  • Prioritize Self-Value: Always place a high value on your well-being and ambitions. While cooperation and community are important, ensure that your own needs and goals are not sidelined, promoting self-reliance and personal strength.
  • Harm Not the Innocent: Engage in thievery carefully, ensuring you never steal from those in need or cause harm to the innocent. Focus your actions on targets that can afford the loss, avoiding unnecessary suffering to uphold your own code of self-benefit without inflicting direct harm.
  • Cunning as a Virtue: Cultivate agility, both mental and physical. Stay sharp, be adaptable, and always think several steps ahead to navigate through life’s challenges and opportunities.
  • Subtlety in All Actions: Move silently and impactfully. Value stealth and discretion in your undertakings, ensuring your actions speak louder than words.

Clergy and Temples

A cleric of Milucrah

In the shadowy fringes of society, the clergy of Milucrah, The Subtle Hand, operate with a cunning and flexibility that perfectly reflects their deity’s ethos. These followers form a loosely organized network rather than a strict hierarchical structure, adapting fluidly to the changing landscapes of the urban underworld and the wilderness beyond. Leadership within this clandestine network is earned through merit—demonstrated skills in stealth, thievery, and a keen ability to navigate the moral ambiguities they often face. Dressed for the shadows, Milucrah’s clerics wear practical garments in dark or muted tones, designed for movement and discretion. Their clothing is cleverly fitted with hidden pockets for tools and small weapons, essential for their trade. Symbols of their allegiance are subtle, often just a small amulet bearing the emblem of a dagger and a spilling chest, worn under their clothes, visible only to those who know to look.

These clerics are resourceful and independent, viewed by some as protectors of the poor and disenfranchised. They wield their skills in thievery both for personal gain and as a tool to redistribute wealth, particularly targeting those who have amassed riches by exploiting others. This Robin Hood-like behavior endears them to the downtrodden, even as it draws the ire of the wealthy and powerful.

Their duties extend beyond simple redistribution of wealth. They also teach valuable skills to those willing to learn, empowering the disadvantaged to better their circumstances, and offering their skills for the best bidder. This makes them sought after by those who need assistance that lies outside the grasp of conventional solutions—whether it's recovering lost items, navigating disputes, or offering protection from exploitation.

However, the very nature of their work—operating in the grey areas of law and morality—makes them figures of contention. In more lawful or conventional circles, Milucrah’s clerics are often mistrusted or outright shunned. Their presence in a community can be a magnet for conflict with local authorities and other religious groups who view their methods as too radical or unethical.

Nestled within the shadowy confines of bustling cities or hidden away in secluded natural retreats, the temples of Milucrah serve as sanctuaries for the sly and the resourceful. These temples, often disguised as ordinary buildings or camouflaged within the landscape, offer refuge and resources to those living on the fringes of society. Whether tucked behind the facade of a nondescript tavern in the urban sprawl or concealed in a cave amidst dense forests, each temple is a fortress of secrecy and skill. Inside, the architecture is ingeniously practical, featuring adaptable spaces with hidden compartments and secret passages. Here, the clergy of Milucrah train in the arts of stealth, thievery, and deception, surrounded by libraries filled with stolen or forbidden texts. These temples also function as hubs for the redistribution of wealth—goods pilfered from the affluent are discreetly channeled back to those less fortunate, ensuring a cycle of resource circulation that challenges societal inequalities.

The day-to-day activities are shrouded in mystery, with the clergy engaging covertly with the local community. They maintain a network of informants and allies, rallying support for their causes and executing carefully planned missions that align with Milucrah’s ethos. Rituals and ceremonies within these temples are subtle and pragmatic, focusing more on honing skills and planning strategic heists than on elaborate religious rites.


In the shadowed corners of society, where law blurs into discretion, the clergy of Milucrah, The Subtle Hand, watch and wait. Unlike followers of more forthright deities, those drawn to Milucrah rarely seek initiation; instead, they are chosen. Clerics of Milucrah discreetly observe communities, identifying individuals who naturally embody the deity's principles of cunning, stealth, and a skewed sense of justice.

Potential initiates, typically on the cusp of adulthood, find themselves approached by a cleric who emerges from the shadows at a decisive moment. These chosen few are offered a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the art of thievery and the philosophy of subtle rebellion under Milucrah's guidance. For those who accept, this marks the beginning of a year-long journey of transformation.

During this preparatory year, initiates immerse themselves in tasks that hone their innate talents for lock-picking, stealth, and deception. More than just training in the physical arts of thievery, they engage in acts of redistribution, subtly shifting resources from the abundant coffers of the wealthy to the needy hands of the impoverished. Each day concludes with an hour of meditation, reflecting on their actions and their alignment with Milucrah's dogma—contemplating the fluid morality of property rights and the ethics of their clandestine interventions.

As the year reaches its culmination, the final day demands complete solitude. The initiate reflects deeply on their year of secretive deeds, evaluating their growth and understanding within the framework of Milucrah’s teachings. This day of solitude is crucial, a quiet before the storm of their final test.

Guided by a cleric to a secluded location—a place shrouded in mystery and layered with challenges—the initiate faces their ultimate test. Here, they must retrieve a carefully placed item, navigating a series of obstacles that test every skill they have acquired. This final act of thievery is more than a test; it is a rite of passage, symbolizing their readiness to embrace Milucrah’s path fully.

Upon successfully completing the challenge, the cleric performs the initiation spell, forging a mystical bond between Milucrah and the initiate. This moment marks the birth of a new follower, not necessarily bound to join the clergy but forever linked to the network of Milucrah's shadowy disciples. They remain a part of her extended family, ready to be called upon, and ever-prepared to spread her influence across the realms.