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Basic Information
TitleThe Untamed Guardian
SymbolA feral eye carved into a circle of wood
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
Allowed AlignmentsCG, N, CN, CE
Primary PortfolioAnimals, Beasts, Instinct
Secondary PortfolioFreedom, Hunting, Predation, Shapeshifting
Favored WeaponJavelin
Velthar, The Untamed Guardian

In the heart of the multiverse's wilderness, where the untamed essence of the world beats strongest, there dwells Velthar, deity of animals, beasts, and the primal instinct that pulses within all living creatures. He reigns over his domain with the raw, unbridled force of nature itself, embodying the chaotic whirl of life in its most fundamental form. He is the breath of the wind, the strength of the predator, and the shadow that moves unseen through the dense foliage of the ancient forests.

Velthar exists as a being of pure, unadulterated instinct. His essence is the call of the wild that echoes deep within the bones of every creature, urging them to embrace their innate selves, free from the fetters of civilization's so-called refinements. With a presence as basic and primitive as the law of survival that governs the natural world, he eschews all forms of sophistication, finding solace and kinship among the beasts that roam the lands of Airalar.

This deity's approach to life is unyielding, dictated by the merciless principle of survival of the fittest. In his eyes, the world is divided into hunters and prey, with only the resilient, the adaptable, and the strong deserving of life's breath. Yet, Velthar is not a deity of wanton destruction; he preaches the doctrine of necessity, advocating for a balance through the philosophy of taking only what is needed. To kill for sustenance is sacred, but to waste life is anathema.

Velthar embodies raw freedom, an existence unshackled by obligations or societal norms, urging his followers to heed their desires as they arise, as unpredictable as the weather and as natural as the seasons. His advocacy of hunting transcends the act itself, symbolizing the ultimate expression of his worldview. For Velthar, to hunt is to participate in the eternal cycle of life and death, a cycle that ensures the continuity of existence through the dynamic interplay of predator and prey.

Velthar, the wild deity, manifests in a form that straddles the divide between man and nature's unchecked spirit. His humanoid frame is marked by feral traits: hair as unruly as bramble thickets, fangs hinting at his predatory essence, and hands ending in formidable claws. Draped in plain animal hides, his attire is humble yet functional, with minimal adornments—simple tokens of the wild. His eyes, reminiscent of a predator's, hold the forest's untold stories, mirroring a soul unbound by civilization's reach. He also takes the form of a sabretooth tiger, in this shape his essence is unbridled and pure, his body a powerful fusion of muscle and instinct. Cloaked in fur patterned with deep browns and dark spots, he moves with silent grace, his every step an assertion of his dominion. The distinctive oversized canines, are not just weapons but symbols of his primal might and the raw savagery of nature itself. His eyes, amber and discerning, scan the depths of his realms like a guardian spirit whose roar is both a benediction and a warning in the endless dance of the wilds.


Velthar's is a feral eye carved in a circle of raw wood. The raw wood represents Velthar's primal nature, and his preference for a natural way of life. The feral eye represents his domain over beasts and animals, and also the vigilant eye he keeps for those who seek to break the natural order.

Relations With Other Deities

Velthar, the deity of beasts, stands apart from most deities due to his wild nature and being relatively new to the pantheon. His main relations are with Edmer, his father and the deity of nature, and his mother Aela, the deity of weather, who share elements of his domain. He also has a bond with Bran, the deity of challenges and survival, because of their mutual appreciation for the hunt.

However, Velthar's belief in the survival of the fittest often puts him at odds with gods who protect the weak and uphold laws, like Aerion, Selya, and Brigit. Despite this, he commands respect from some, such as Dorgross, the war god, who admires Velthar's embodiment of survivability, and Crossus, deity of mountains and strength, who sees strength in Velthar's independence. Velthar's relationships with other deities mirror his place in the natural world: respected yet solitary, a lone figure among the gods.

What The Legends Say


Velthar, in sabretooth tiger form

Velthar's dogma has these five principles as base:

  • Embrace the Wild Within: Followers of Velthar are encouraged to connect with their primal instincts and respect the natural order. Living in harmony with the untamed aspects of themselves and the world around them is seen as the truest form of existence.
  • Respect the Hunt: The act of hunting is sacred to Velthar. His followers believe in hunting not for sport, but for survival and balance. They take only what they need from nature, honoring the life they've taken as part of the cycle of life and death.
  • Survival of the Fittest: Velthar teaches that strength, adaptability, and resilience are virtues to be cultivated. His followers strive to improve themselves, physically and mentally, to thrive in a world that does not favor the weak.
  • Heed Your Instincts: Velthar’s doctrine emphasizes the importance of intuition and instinct. His adherents are taught to listen closely to their inner voices and the subtle whispers of the wild, for in them lie guidance and wisdom that surpass all reason.
  • Live Free: Above all, Velthar values freedom. His adherents are encouraged to live life unshackled by society's constraints, to follow their hearts and desires as the wind guides a leaf. True freedom, for Velthar's followers, is to live in accordance with nature's law, untamed and unfettered.

Clergy and Temples

A cleric of Velthar

In the heart of untouched wilderness, the clergy of Velthar embody the untamed spirit of their deity, living in deep communion with the natural world. Comprised of druids, rangers, and barbarians, these fervent guardians eschew the structure of traditional hierarchy, instead finding leadership in those among them who embody the raw strength and cunning of the wild. Cloaked in animal hides and adorned with tribal tattoos, their appearance is a testament to their life’s creed: to live as one with the wild, respecting the cycle of predator and prey, and embracing the primal essence that pulses beneath the earth.

Velthar’s followers make their homes in nature’s sanctuaries, from dense forests where the canopy weaves a tapestry of light and shadow, to hidden valleys and rugged mountains where the air sings with the call of the wild. Here, in seclusion from the world of man, they act as stewards and protectors, wielding natural magics that heal and harmonize. They are shapeshifters, taking on the forms of the animals with whom they share an unbreakable bond, speaking with them, understanding their fears and dreams, and standing as allies in the defense of their shared home.

Their commitment to safeguarding the balance of nature often sets them at odds with the encroachments of civilization. Mines, lumber camps, and farmlands represent the antithesis of their beliefs, the harbingers of imbalance and destruction. Thus, they become silent saboteurs in the name of preservation, dismantling the efforts of those who would harm the wild. Yet, their actions are not borne of malice but of a deep-rooted belief that harmony can exist between man and nature, provided there is respect for the land and its ancient rhythms.

Central to their way of life is the profound relationship they share with their animal companions. These creatures are not pets but equals, partners in the dance of life and death that plays out in the wilderness. Through rituals and innate abilities bestowed by Velthar, they can communicate with these animals, understanding their language as one of their own. This communion goes beyond mere words, reaching into the realm of empathy and mutual respect, allowing cleric and beast to work together with a synchronicity that is both beautiful and deadly.

Velthar's temples are simple shrines tucked away in the heart of nature, such as forest clearings or beside calm lakes where animals come to drink. These sacred spots are deliberately modest, reflecting Velthar's wish for worship without disturbing the natural surroundings. The idea is that building anything grander would go against the deity's desire to keep the wild untouched.

Though a passerby might stumble upon one of these shrines and see no one around, it doesn't mean the place is unattended. Clerics of Velthar are always nearby, blending into the environment, unseen unless they choose to show themselves. This hidden watchfulness ensures the shrine remains a serene place for those genuinely seeking Velthar's presence, without altering the balance of the natural setting it occupies.


The initiation into Velthar's fold is a year-long journey of self-discovery, survival, and communion with the wild, commencing a year before the initiate's coming of age. Those who feel the call of the wild must first seek out a cleric of Velthar to express their desire to walk the deity's path. This marks the beginning of their preparation, a time when they are encouraged to step away from civilization and immerse themselves in the natural world.

During this pivotal year, initiates learn to live off the land, relying solely on their skills to hunt and forage, thereby forging a deep connection with the cycle of life and death that governs the wilderness. They are instructed in essential survival skills, from tracking and hunting to understanding the intricate behaviors of the beasts that share their environment. A crucial aspect of this preparation involves befriending a wild animal, learning from it, and establishing a bond that symbolizes the initiate's harmony with nature.

Daily meditation is a cornerstone of the initiate's journey, dedicating at least one hour each day to reflect upon their actions, lessons learned, and the profound link between their experiences and Velthar's dogma. This practice culminates in a day of total isolation on the eve of the ritual, offering a moment for deep contemplation on the personal growth achieved over the year and its significance in the context of Velthar's teachings.

The ritual itself is a sacred ceremony held in one of the clergy's consecrated natural sites, attended by the initiate and their animal companion. Here, the initiate offers prayers to Velthar, pledging adherence to the deity's dogma. The commitment is sealed with Velthar's mark, a tribal tattoo applied by the officiating cleric, symbolizing the indelible bond between the deity and his follower. Finally, the cleric casts an initiation spell, formally binding the initiate to Velthar, marking their acceptance into the fold as a true follower.