Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

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Quasielemental Plane of Lightning
Planar Traits
GravitySubjective Directional
MorphicAlterable Morphic
ElementalNo Elemental Traits
AlignmentNo Alignment Traits
MagicNormal Magic
The Quasielemental Plane of Lightning

The Quasielemental Plane of Lightning, a plane within the Inner Planar Region, is an eternally active realm, resulting from the merge of positive energy and the element of air. This is a plane where swirling air currents dance amidst vast expanses of dark, ionized clouds. The landscape is illuminated solely by the constant electrical discharges between these clouds, creating a soft, white glow that permeates the plane. This realm is defined by its dynamic weather patterns, with phenomena like lightning strikes, some instantaneous like its material plane counterparts, but other lightning discharges can be huge, covering great distances and with durations of even years. Ball lightning is another phenomenon that occurs in this plane. These are balls of pure electrical energy, more or less stable, that appear and take some time to dissipate. They generate light and low buzzing sound, and are deadly to the touch. In some locations also lightning can create rivers of pure plasma that cross the open skies.

Navigating this plane is fraught with danger. By default the hum ever present in the plane impairs hearing. But there are even bigger dangers for the poorly prepared travelers. First, close lightning discharges generate loud thunders and flashes of lightning pose serious risks to hearing and sight, even with the posibility to permanently damage them. Travelers, especially those with metal equipment, face the constant threat of lightning strikes, which can result in severe injury or death. The plane's volatile nature demands respect and caution, challenging even the most experienced of explorers.

Despite its dangers, the Plane of Lightning draws scholars seeking to unravel its mysteries, often residing on artificial floating islands. Also other arrive seeking refugee and protection within the plane treacherous embrace. The plane is home to lightning elementals and majestic thunderbirds, which thrive amidst the electrical storms.
