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Basic Information
TitleThe Iron Fist, The Ruthless
SymbolA closed iron fist surrounded by chains
AlignmentLawful Evil
Allowed AlignmentsLN, LE, NE
Primary PortfolioConquest, Executions, Opression, Slavery, Tyranny, Violence
Secondary PortfolioDeserts, Fear, Judgement, Law, Ruthlesness, Torture, Vengeance, War
Favored WeaponFlail
Xendral, The Iron Fist

Xendral, deity of tyranny, stands as a paragon of total power and authoritarian control, a being who embodies the harsh rule of the strong over the weak. His doctrine is one of unyielding dominance, where authority must be imposed with an iron fist and sustained through the subjugation of others. He believes that true power lies in the hands of the strong, who have the inherent right to enforce their will upon those who are weaker. Mercy and compassion are alien to him, dismissed as mere weaknesses. In his eyes, the world must be shaped through brutal force, for it is violence that eliminates opposition and instills the fear necessary to ensure obedience and loyalty. Fear, Xendral teaches, is a more reliable bond than any sentiment of trust or respect. He also sees slavery as the natural order of society. It epitomizes his belief that the strong should dominate the weak, a tangible manifestation of his doctrine. In his world, enslaving others is not merely accepted but revered, as it demonstrates the hierarchy and order he deems essential for a well-ordered realm.

The expansion of power is a sacred duty under Xendral’s rule. He advocates for the relentless pursuit of conquest through military might, seeing it as the ultimate proof of strength and dominance. His regime thrives on oppression, with a populace kept under strict control to guarantee stability and endurance. Suppressing dissent is not just a tactic but a fundamental principle, ensuring that rebellion is crushed before it can take root.

For Xendral, judgement must always be severe and unforgiving. He upholds laws with a rigor that brooks no leniency, imposing harsh and exemplary penalties on transgressors. This approach serves a dual purpose: it punishes the guilty while simultaneously instilling fear in the hearts of the populace, making them easier to control. To Xendral, justice is a tool of terror, a means to maintain his iron grip on power. His rule is characterized by relentless oppression, where fear and violence are wielded as instruments to forge an unyielding order. He demands absolute loyalty and enforces his will through terror and brutality, convinced that only through such means can true power be achieved and maintained.

Xendral is often described with a formidable and fearsome presence. He manifests as a towering figure, draped in battle-worn clothes and clad in dark, menacing plate armor. His visage is one of maturity and battle-hardened experience, his face etched with numerous scars that tell tales of countless battles fought and won. Xendral’s hair is kept short, matching the trim of his equally short beard, both framing his stern and imposing countenance. His eyes are particularly striking, glowing with a yellow-orange tint that seems to burn with the intensity of his unyielding will and ruthless ambition.

One of the most notable features of Xendral is his right hand, or rather the absence of it. In its place, an iron replacement shaped like a closed fist can be seen, a grim reminder of the deity's relentless nature and his refusal to succumb to any weakness. This iron fist serves not only as a symbol of his authoritarian rule but also as a literal manifestation of his belief in absolute control and dominance. Xendral also likes to appear as a fiendish dark rhino, a terrifying embodiment of his tyrannical nature. This massive creature has an armor-like, almost black hide that exudes strength and dominance. His eyes burn with a fiery yellowish tint, reflecting his malevolent will and ruthless demeanor. Strikingly, his front right hoof is replaced by an iron one too.


The symbol of Xendral is a closed iron fist surrounded by chains. The iron fist represents his absolute control, unyielding power, and merciless rule. The chains encircling the fist symbolize oppression, subjugation, and the enforced dominance over the weak. Together, they encapsulate Xendral's doctrine of tyranny, fear, and ruthless authority.

Relations With Other Deities

Xendral's ruthlessness, thirst for power, and desire to rule through tyranny make him a formidable threat to freedom across the multiverse. His unyielding ambition and oppressive rule place him at odds with most good deities. These deities, whether they uphold law as a means to bring order and peace to society or as a way to protect those in need, view Xendral's tyranny as a direct affront to their principles. Those who seek a life free of shackles and oppression see him as a dangerous adversary, an embodiment of the very chains they strive to break. The dislike is mutual, as Xendral views the celestial pantheon as a threat. Among them, his hatred is almost completely focused on Aerion, his nemesis. Destroying Aerion is one of Xendral's greatest desires, a consuming obsession that drives much of his malevolent actions.

Deities of balance also find Xendral's posture too extreme. Even Chrovonner, the deity of law and retribution who recognizes the order Xendral's actions create, cannot fully condone his methods. Xendral's brand of order is one born of fear and subjugation, a stark contrast to the harmonious balance these deities aim to maintain. Chrovonner, while acknowledging the stability Xendral imposes, remains wary of the extremes to which he is willing to go.

Among the deities of evil, Xendral maintains a tenuous alliance with Tiamat. This alliance is marked by underlying tension, as their views on achieving power often conflict. Tiamat, with her cunning and manipulation, pursues power through subtlety and deceit, while Xendral favors brute force and direct domination. Despite these differences, they find utility in each other's strengths. Xendral values Tiamat's skills in manipulation, which complement his own martial prowess. In turn, he provides Tiamat with invaluable knowledge and skills in warfare, making their uneasy alliance beneficial, if not entirely harmonious.

What The Legends Say


Xendral, in rhino form

Xendral's dogma is based on these five principles:

  • Rule with an Iron Fist: Govern through fear and intimidation. Maintain order through strict and uncompromising discipline. Mercy is a sign of weakness; impose your will without hesitation.
  • Dominate Through Strength: Power is the ultimate measure of worth. Seek to dominate and control those around you through displays of strength and martial prowess. Only the strong deserve to rule.
  • Crush All Opposition: Tolerate no defiance. Any challenge to your authority or ambition must be met with swift and ruthless retaliation. Let none question your supremacy.
  • Pursue Absolute Power: Never be satisfied with your current status. Always seek greater power and influence, whether through conquest, subterfuge, or alliance. Your ambition should know no bounds.
  • Enforce Order Through Oppression: Stability and control are achieved through the subjugation of others. Use oppression and tyranny to maintain order and ensure your rule is unchallenged. Let your reign be a testament to the unyielding power of absolute authority.

Clergy and Temples

A vampire cleric of Xendral

The clergy of Xendral is a diverse and formidable force, counting beings from many races, including lawful evil outsiders, among their ranks. Most members hail from martial classes such as fighters and monks, drawn to Xendral's emphasis on strength and dominance. The hierarchy within the clergy is highly organized, rigid, and militaristic, reflecting the deity's own ideals of order through oppression. Clerics of Xendral favor battle-ready outfits, donning dark, imposing armors that signify their readiness for combat. These armors are often complemented by capes, with various decorations and insignias denoting their rank and status within the hierarchy. Their appearance is designed to intimidate and command respect, embodying the fearsome presence of their god.

In their conduct, the clergy always act in the open, making their presence known in regions of evil influence. They operate with authority and decisiveness, serving as ruthless enforcers of Xendral’s will. Mercy is a foreign concept to them; they show none to those who defy their god. Their actions are a direct reflection of Xendral’s ruthless drive for power and control.

In the regions where they operate, the clergy of Xendral form close relationships with local governments, particularly those ruled by tyrants. They assist these rulers in maintaining control through oppression and subjugation of the populace. Acting as overseers and enforcers of law, they deliver swift and strict punishments to anyone they perceive as breaking the law. These on-the-spot punishments are designed not only to penalize the offender but also to serve as a stark warning to others, instilling fear and reinforcing the control of the ruling power. Sometimes, however, the clergy may decide to take the lawbreaker with them as prisioners to their infamous dungeons, where they will deliver longer and harsher torture punishments. Most of the time, these prisoners are never seen again.

The clergy is also frequently called upon to support expansionist actions. They play a crucial role in training troops, designing military strategies, and even leading forces on the battlefield. Their expertise in warfare and their unwavering loyalty to Xendral make them invaluable assets in campaigns of conquest and domination.

Through their actions and presence, the clergy of Xendral embodies the very essence of their deity's dogma: order through oppression, strength through dominance, and power through ruthless enforcement.

In the malevolent regions where darkness prevails and tyranny rules, the temples of Xendral stand as ominous beacons of oppression. These imposing structures, always conspicuously visible, serve as unequivocal symbols of the deity's ruthless influence. Never hidden, these temples are strategically placed to dominate the hearts of cities controlled by despotic rulers, often found looming near government buildings, military barracks, and execution grounds. They are unmistakable centers of evil, their presence a constant reminder of Xendral’s pervasive and unyielding control.

The architecture of Xendral's temples is designed to intimidate and assert dominance. Constructed with high, thick walls, narrow windows, and fortified gates, they are the epitome of impregnable strongholds. The use of iron and dark stone in their construction symbolizes both strength and an unyielding nature. These temples are not merely places of worship but are also integrated into fortresses or keeps, serving dual roles as both religious sanctuaries and military bastions for Xendral’s clerics and warriors.

Beyond the cities, within the expansive territories under evil dominion, additional temples can be found. These are strategically positioned as fortresses and keeps, providing both a haven and a base of operations for Xendral’s adherents. Whether within urban centers or in the desolate reaches of these dark realms, the temples of Xendral are designed to project power and instill fear.

Within these formidable structures, the true extent of Xendral's cruel doctrine is manifested. The temples function as training grounds where clerics and warriors hone their skills in combat and oppression. They serve as slave markets, where the subjugation and trade of human lives are conducted with ruthless efficiency. Punishment and execution facilities are integral to the temples, ensuring that dissent is met with swift and brutal retribution.

Beneath the formidable edifices lie extensive dungeons and torture chambers, places of unimaginable suffering and despair. Here, the walls echo with the screams of agony and torment, as prisoners are interrogated, punished, and their wills systematically broken. It is said that the anguished cries from deep within these subterranean chambers can be heard at all times, a chilling testament to the perpetual state of fear and control exerted by Xendral’s followers.

In essence, the temples of Xendral are not merely places of worship but centers of power, intimidation, and control. They embody the very essence of tyranny, standing as grim reminders of the deity’s absolute dominion and the pervasive fear that sustains his reign. These bastions of evil influence serve to perpetuate Xendral’s ideals, ensuring that his brutal doctrine remains unchallenged in the regions where his dark presence prevails.


In the lands where tyranny rules and despotism is law, the imposing temples of Xendral stand as symbols of power and oppression. These temples are not just places of worship but centers of control and ruthless justice. Here, in the midst of iron and stone, many inhabitants of these dark regions are drawn to Xendral's teachings, making him one of the most followed deities in the Pantheon of Dread. The path to becoming a true follower is demanding, requiring unwavering discipline and absolute obedience.

The journey begins a year before the initiate's coming of age. To walk this path, the aspirant must first seek permission at one of Xendral’s formidable temples. Upon approval, they are assigned to a master cleric who will oversee their rigorous preparation. Under the watchful eye of the master cleric, the initiate undergoes brutal combat training. They learn to wield weapons with deadly precision and to enforce Xendral’s law with an iron hand. Joining enforcer parties, they participate in raids and actions that demonstrate their growing power and authority. The dungeons beneath the temple serve as a crucible for the initiate’s resolve. Here, they are tasked with interrogating and punishing prisoners, instilling fear and ensuring obedience. These grim tasks are essential in understanding the full extent of Xendral’s justice.

Absolute obedience is the cornerstone of the initiate's training. Every command from the master cleric must be followed without question. Failure to comply or to meet expectations results in severe punishment, reinforcing the importance of discipline and submission.

Each day, the initiate must meditate for at least one hour, reflecting on the day’s tasks and how they relate to Xendral’s dogma. This meditation focuses on the feelings of power, control, and ruthlessness experienced during their daily activities.

On the final day of the preparation year, the initiate spends the entire day in solitude within the temple. This period of contemplation is dedicated to reflecting on the meaning of Xendral's dogma, considering how their actions and experiences over the past year have embodied the principles of tyranny, control, and ruthless justice.

The following day, the initiate presents themselves in the temple’s altar room. Before the assembled clerics, they make a solemn declaration of loyalty to Xendral and their acceptance of his dogma. This public vow signifies their unwavering commitment to the deity's principles. One of the senior clerics steps forward with a heated marking iron, bearing the symbol of Xendral. As the iron is pressed against the initiate's skin, branding them with the mark of obedience, the cleric simultaneously casts the initiation spell. The searing pain serves as a final test of their resolve, embedding the symbol of Xendral both physically and spiritually.

With the completion of this harrowing ritual, the initiate rises as a true follower of Xendral. Marked by the symbol of their deity and empowered by the initiation spell, they are now fully prepared to embody and spread Xendral's ruthless doctrine. As part of Xendral’s clergy or warrior ranks, they stand ready to enforce his will, perpetuating his reign of tyranny and control in the regions under his dark influence.