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Basic Information
TitleThe Mistress of Blossoms
SymbolA rose surrounded by a spiked whip
Allowed AlignmentsNG, LN, N, CN, NE
Primary PortfolioBeauty, Fertility, Vanity
Secondary PortfolioEnchanment, Love, Lust, Passion
Favored WeaponWhip

[[File:IMG0054 - Cyndel.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Cyndel, The Mistress of Blossoms]Cyndel, the deity of beauty and fertility, is revered across the multiverse as the epitome of beauty, unparalleled in her allure. Proud and joyful, her demeanor is marked by a blend of selfishness and arrogance, a reflection of her deep-seated belief in beauty as a marker of superiority. Cyndel views her own magnificence not just as a gift but as a symbol of her ascendance above all others, judging the worth of creatures and objects solely by their aesthetic appeal. She champions the power of physical beauty as a tool for achieving one's goals, skillfully leveraging her own splendor to influence outcomes to her favor.

Despite her vanity and the high standards she sets based on beauty, Cyndel is neither malevolent nor harmful. Her love for peace guides her actions, ensuring she avoids causing harm even to those she deems inferior. Embracing the pleasures of life, she advocates for the pursuit of bodily joys and the fulfillment of desires, urging her followers to indulge respectfully and with consideration. As a deity embodying freedom and intensity, Cyndel lives passionately, dedicating herself to the things and beings that capture her heart, embodying the essence of living fully and freely.

Cyndel, in her divine grace, appears as if born from the very essence of beauty itself, blending the delicate features of elvenkind with the ethereal allure of nymphs. Her flawless skin glows with an inner luminescence, while her eyes, deep pools of starlight, hold the mysteries of love and beauty. Strands of gold and silver weave through her hair, a living tapestry of moonlight and sunlight, framing her soft, dawn-colored lips that whisper tales of passion. Adorned with ethereal jewelry that mimics the purest of flowers, she embodies the idealized form of beauty, transcending mortal standards. Her attire, a gown lighter than the breeze, flows around her with the grace of the wind itself, symbolizing her freedom and boundless joy. Jewels of pure light encircle her, radiating a warm, inviting glow, marking her sovereignty over beauty and fertility. In Cyndel's presence, one feels the very essence of beauty and life, a reminder of the power of allure to inspire and elevate the spirit, making her a living testament to the divine splendor that she oversees.

Cyndel also takes the form of a hummingbird, her feathers a dazzling display of pearlescent silver, deep emerald, and rich ruby. This divine creature moves with a grace that defies the mundane, each flutter of her wings casting a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow. The hummingbird's swift, agile movements leave behind a shimmering trail of godly starlight dust, marking her passage through the heavens and the mortal realm alike.


The symbol of Cyndel, featuring a vibrant red rose encircled by a dark silver whip with thorns, embodies the delicate balance between beauty and the perils of love and passion. The red rose symbolizes Cyndel's domains of beauty and fertility, reflecting the inherent beauty in life and the natural cycle of growth. The whip, with its protective yet dangerous thorns, represents the complexity and sometimes harsh realities of love and desire.

Relations With Other Deities

Cyndel moves with an elegance all her own, her gaze fixed not on the conflicts that entangle her divine kin but on the beauty that pervades the multiverse. Her detachment from the squabbles of the gods, even those within the esteemed pantheon of equilibrium, marks her as a deity of singular focus, where the allure and splendor of creation hold sway over her heart.

Yet, within this realm of detached beauty, Cyndel finds kinship with Antanara, the luminous deity of the moon, and Elandrien, guardian of the verdant woodlands. These bonds, forged in mutual admiration for the aesthetic and the natural, place Antanara and Elandrien in a circle close to Cyndel's own divine essence. She regards them as nearly her equals in the realm of beauty, a testament to their own magnificent spheres of influence that so closely mirror her values.

Aela's wild and untamed beauty, too, draws Cyndel's eye, though the rawness of her nature poses a challenge. In Aela's tempestuous form, Cyndel sees a beauty fierce and unbridled, a contrast to her own more refined and ethereal aesthetic. This appreciation, tinged with struggle, underscores Cyndel's broad but discerning embrace of beauty in its myriad expressions.

However, not all divine relations are marked by admiration or camaraderie. Tiamat, whose dominion over evil and seduction twists beauty into a weapon of harm, and Kal'Katoth, the aberrant deity bent on corrupting all that is beautiful, stand as antitheses to Cyndel's ideals. Her disdain for them is palpable, a reflection of her commitment to preserving the sanctity and purity of beauty against those who would seek to mar it for their own ends.

What The Legends Say


Cyndel, the paragon of beauty

Cyndel's dogma is based on these five tenets:

  • Cherish Beauty in All Forms: Recognize and appreciate beauty everywhere, in the grandeur of nature, the arts, and within oneself and others. Beauty transcends physical appearances, embodying the essence of harmony and inspiration in the world.
  • Uphold the Grace of Fertility: Embrace fertility as a divine gift, reflecting the grace and abundance of life. Foster environments where life can flourish, honoring Cyndel's domain by supporting growth, renewal, and the natural cycles that sustain the world.
  • Embrace Your Desires with Passion: Pursue your deepest desires and passions with the full intensity of your heart. Let the fire of your will manifest in the pursuit of love, joy, and artistic creation, always guided by the radiant beauty that Cyndel embodies.
  • Live with Elegance and Respect: Embody elegance in your demeanor and actions, reflecting the divine beauty of Cyndel. Approach all beings and the world itself with respect, recognizing the inherent worth and beauty within everyone and everything.
  • Ward Beauty Against Corruption: Stand against forces that seek to mar or exploit beauty for nefarious ends. Protect the purity of beauty from those who would twist its nature, ensuring it remains a source of light and inspiration in the world.

Clergy and Temples

A cleric walking with the fairies

In the secluded havens dedicated to Cyndel, a devoted group of clerics, bards, and spellcasters unite under a shared mission: to honor and propagate the ideals of beauty, passion and love. These devoted followers, each bearing a natural affinity for the arts, embody the divine principles of their deity, embracing beauty, fertility, and the myriad forms of love and passion that define their worship. In this realm, where art and magic intertwine, the clergy of Cyndel thrive in a harmonious balance between structured devotion and the free pursuit of individual desires.

The hierarchy among them is as fluid as the melodies of a bard's lyre, emerging into coherence only when the gravity of their collective purpose demands it. Such occasions are rare, for the clergy prefer the tranquil solace of their temples, places of ethereal beauty hidden from the uninitiated eye. These sacred spaces are not just centers of worship but bastions of creativity and reflection, where the air hums with the power of enchantment and the scent of blooming gardens.

Yet, when the world beyond their sanctuaries calls, members of Cyndel's clergy answer with a purpose that transcends mere duty. Driven by the quest to recover lost relics of art and magic, they venture into the unknown, guided by the belief that beauty must be preserved, restored, and revered. Their journeys are acts of devotion, seeking to mend the fabric of the world where beauty has been tarnished by neglect or malice.

Among them are a cadre of skilled warriors and mages who embody the deity's resolve to protect the sanctity of beauty from the forces of corruption. These valiant defenders, few in number but unparalleled in their prowess, stand as bulwarks against the encroaching darkness. They confront aberrations and entities that seek to despoil the divine essence of beauty, ensuring that the light of Cyndel's grace remains untainted.

Cyndel's clerics, in their devotion to beauty and the arts, reflect their deity's principles even in their choice of attire. Within the secluded sanctuaries and groves that house their temples, they dress in outfits that epitomize comfort and aesthetic grace. These garments are not just clothing but expressions of artistry, delicately crafted to harmonize with the natural beauty that surrounds them, allowing the clerics to perform their rituals and artistic endeavors with ease and elegance.

When venturing beyond their sacred confines into the outside world, the clerics' attire transforms to suit their journey. They don practical travel outfits and pieces of armor, each piece a testament to delicate craftsmanship, designed to protect without sacrificing beauty or grace. Even in armor, they carry the essence of Cyndel, adorning themselves with fine jewelry that catches the light and the eye, serving as a reminder of their divine patronage and the enduring presence of beauty in all aspects of life.

Cyndel's temples, nestled in the embrace of nature's untouched beauty, stand as sanctuaries of tranquility and artistic devotion. These sacred spaces, often hidden near groves or natural gardens that sparkle with the pristine beauty of the world, serve as the clergy's connection to the divine. Here, amid the whispers of the wind and the soft murmurs of streams, clerics find companionship with beings of pure beauty, such as nymphs and dryads, whose presence enriches their worship and deepens their commitment to Cyndel's domains.

The locations of these temples are closely guarded secrets, known only to those within the clergy. This secrecy is a protective veil, ensuring that the sanctity and purity of these places remain untouched by the corruption of the outside world. Built with a reverence for their natural surroundings, the temples are examples of architectural grace, each structure designed to blend seamlessly with its environment, never overshadowing the natural beauty it celebrates.

Despite their preference for seclusion, Cyndel's followers maintain a few temples within the bustling hearts of major cities. These urban sanctuaries act as conduits between the clergy's isolated worship and the vibrant life of the wider world. They offer a glimpse into the divine beauty that Cyndel champions, inviting those who seek to understand or join their ranks. These city temples, while fewer in number, play a crucial role in recruitment and in sharing the teachings of Cyndel with those who might not otherwise encounter her divine message of beauty, love, and artistic expression.


ACyndel, in her hummingbird form

In the year leading up to their coming of age, those who wish to dedicate themselves to Cyndel embark on a journey of preparation, a tradition steeped in beauty and reflection, marking the first step toward their spiritual union with the deity of beauty, fertility, and passion. This period of preparation, beginning precisely one year before the formal initiation ritual, is a time of deep personal growth and artistic exploration. The initiate, guided by the principles of Cyndel's dogma, undertakes tasks that resonate with the deity's domains: they might cultivate a garden to bloom with unearthly beauty, create art that captures the essence of enchantment, or compose music that stirs the soul with passion.

Each day, amidst their endeavors to embody Cyndel's ideals, the initiate dedicates at least one hour to meditation. In these moments of quiet introspection, they reflect upon the day's efforts, contemplating the beauty they have nurtured or discovered and the love they have fostered. This daily practice of meditation serves not just as a discipline of the mind and spirit but as a continuous weaving of their life's tapestry with the threads of Cyndel's divine essence.

As the year progresses and the final day before the initiation arrives, the initiate observes a day of profound contemplation. This is a sacred time for reflecting on the year's journey, a solitary vigil that delves into the meaning of Cyndel's teachings and the personal transformation that has unfolded. It's a moment to understand the depth of their commitment to the path of beauty and grace they are about to formally embrace.

On the culmination of this year-long journey, the initiate presents themselves before a cleric of Cyndel, in a setting that embodies the deity's essence—perhaps a temple nestled within a blooming garden or a sacred grove bathed in moonlight. Here, the cleric performs a delicate ritual, a ceremonial acknowledgment of the initiate's devotion and their readiness to accept Cyndel as their patron deity. This ritual, imbued with themes of beauty and fertility, marks the initiate's spiritual rebirth into Cyndel's fold. It is a moment of celebration and reverence, an acknowledgment of the beauty within and the beauty yet to be created under Cyndel's guidance.