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Basic Information
TitleThe Wayfarer's Guide, The Pathfinder
SymbolA compass rose
AlignmentNeutral Good
Allowed AlignmentsLG, NG, CG, N
Primary PortfolioAdventure, Discovery, Exploration, Travel
Secondary PortfolioDaring, Horizons, Journey, Navigation, Roads, Wanderers
Favored WeaponLongsword
Cirgrith, The Wayfarer's Guide

Cirgrith, the deity of exploration and discovery, is a youthful deity within the celestial hierarchy, infused with an insatiable curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for the unknown. His essence is a beacon for those who yearn to discover what lies beyond the familiar, urging them to embrace new experiences and adventures. With an adventurous spirit that cannot be tamed by the known, Cirgrith champions the pursuit of knowledge and exploration.

His protective nature dictates a methodical approach to travel and exploration, emphasizing the importance of documenting discoveries not just for personal enlightenment but as beacons to guide others further into the unknown. Benevolence is at the core of his teachings, advocating for assistance and goodwill amongst travelers on their journeys. This blend of curiosity, protection, and benevolence crafts Cirgrith as a unique figure, encouraging a balance between the boundless pursuit of discovery and the thoughtful sharing of knowledge to forge paths for future explorers.

Cirgrith appears as a young adult, his visage marked by an adventurous spirit. With hair as dark as the night sky and eyes that show the brown of the earth, he stands as a testament to the boundless curiosity that defines him. His attire is that of a seasoned traveler, equipped for the myriad journeys across the multiverse. His clothing, practical for travel and exploration, speaks of a readiness for the unknown. Around his body, not just carried but worn as badges of honor, are tools of navigation and discovery, like magic compasses, arcane goggles for enhanced vision, and implements for mapmaking. These tools are not merely accessories but extensions of his essence, facilitating his endless quest for knowledge and adventure. Cirgrith can also show himself as a majestic white stork, a creature that embodies his celestial aura as it soars through the astral plane. This stork is no ordinary bird; its feathers shimmer with an ethereal light, casting a celestial glow that illuminates the astral paths it traverses.


The compass rose, as the symbol of Cirgrith, signifies guidance, exploration, and the endless pursuit of knowledge. It embodies the deity's oversight of all journeys, whether terrestrial or celestial, marking the unity of direction and discovery. This emblem encourages followers to seek their path, promising wisdom and protection across the vast expanse of the unknown.

Relations With Other Deities

His very recent integration into the celestial pantheon, marked by curiosity and the relentless pursuit of the unknown, finds resonance and kinship among the elder deities, weaving his essence into the fabric of the divine. Gaidos, the venerable deity of knowledge, beholds in Cirgrith a mirror to his own boundless thirst for enlightenment. This bond, forged in the crucible of intellectual pursuit, transcends mere alliance; it is a confluence of purpose, where Cirgrith's explorations chart the untraversed terrains of knowledge, feeding the rivers from which Gaidos draws wisdom and knowledge. Their friendship is a testament to the power of curiosity and the relentless quest for understanding, serving as a beacon to mortals and immortals alike, illuminating the path to wisdom through the veil of the unknown.

Parallel to this intellectual camaraderie, Cirgrith's rapport with Bran epitomizes the spirit of adventure. Bran, driven by a love for challenges and the exhilaration of survival, finds in Cirgrith a companion of the heart. Theirs is a fellowship born of shared zeal for the horizons beyond, yet divergent in their quests; one seeks the thrill of the challenge, while the other yearns for the revelations each journey brings. This alliance enriches the tapestry of their divine endeavors, showcasing the multifaceted nature of adventure—where the pursuit of knowledge meets the test of will, and where curiosity intertwines with valor.

What The Legends Say

Cirgrith, in his stork form, traveling through the astral plane


Cirgrith dogma is composed of this tenets:

  • Seek the Unseen: Encourage followers to explore beyond their boundaries, to seek out new lands, ideas, and experiences. The world is vast and filled with wonders waiting to be discovered.
  • Embrace the Journey: Value the journey as much as the destination. The paths we take and the challenges we overcome are vital to our growth and understanding. Every step is an opportunity for learning and self-discovery.
  • Share Your Discoveries: Knowledge gained from exploration should be shared with others, enriching the collective wisdom. Documenting and disseminating new findings fosters a community of learners and adventurers.
  • Respect the Unknown: Approach the mysteries of the world with respect and humility. The unknown is not to be feared but understood, offering lessons and insights into our place in the universe.
  • Offer Help on the Road: Embrace the virtue of compassion by offering aid to those in need encountered during your travels. This tenet calls on followers to not only seek adventure and discovery but to also act as guardians and benefactors on their journeys. Whether it be a fellow traveler or a stranger met along the path, the act of providing help embodies Cirgrith’s teachings of benevolence and communal support. Followers are encouraged to be vigilant and generous, making the roads safer and the journey more meaningful for all.

Clergy and Temples