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* '''Destroy Evil Where It Exists:''' Actively seek out and oppose evil in all its forms. Followers are called to confront and eradicate malevolence, ensuring that goodness prevails in the face of darkness and corruption.
* '''Destroy Evil Where It Exists:''' Actively seek out and oppose evil in all its forms. Followers are called to confront and eradicate malevolence, ensuring that goodness prevails in the face of darkness and corruption.
== Clergy and Temples ==
[[File:IMG00007 - Cleric of Bahamut.jpg|left|thumb|300px|A cleric of Bahamut always strives to inspire others]]Bahamut's clergy is a gamut of diversity and unity woven with utmost care. This sacred gathering is not limited by the boundaries of class or profession; it encompasses a broad spectrum of devoted individuals. Clerics, paladins, fighters, wizards, and monks stand shoulder to shoulder, each bringing their unique strengths and backgrounds to the forefront. The common thread that binds them is a deep-seated commitment to the principles of order, law, and, above all, the pursuit of good.
The organizational structure of Bahamut's clergy is a marvel of precision and clarity. Like a well-orchestrated symphony, each member plays their part, fully aware of their roles and responsibilities. The hierarchy, complex in its design, is imbued with a sense of order that resonates deeply with Bahamut's teachings. Despite the rigid structure, a warm bond of unity pulsates through the ranks, as members form close, almost familial connections with one another.
Education and training are the bedrock of this divine institution. Rigorous and wide-ranging, the learning never ceases, spanning a lifetime. Subjects are diverse, ensuring that each member is well-rounded and highly capable. This continuous pursuit of knowledge fosters an environment of mutual trust and reliance, essential for a group dedicated to influencing the world towards a path of good and justice.
When it comes to aiding others, Bahamut's clergy often opts for guidance over direct intervention. They believe in empowering individuals, teaching them to stand against injustice and evil. However, this should not be mistaken for passivity or fear. When the situation demands, they are swift and decisive in action, embodying the valor and courage of their deity in the face of adversity.
The mission of Bahamut's clergy extends beyond guidance; they are ever-vigilant, seeking out and eradicating sources of evil. They wear their allegiance like a badge of honor, never shying away from displaying their symbols, nor do they falter in their loyalty to their comrades.
In appearance, the clergy of Bahamut are a sight to behold. Adorned in white clothing, symbolizing purity and righteousness, they drape themselves in deep blue capes, a nod to their unwavering loyalty. Always prepared, they don medium or heavy armor and carry swords, ready to defend their cause. Their appearance is meticulously maintained, a reflection of the discipline and dignity that Bahamut's followers hold dear.
This is the clergy of Bahamut: diverse yet unified, disciplined yet compassionate, educators and warriors, ever loyal to their cause and their deity.
== Initiation ==

Revision as of 00:16, 1 February 2024

Basic Information
TitleThe Platinum Dragon, The Dragonheart, The Luminous Gale, The Gallant Knight
SymbolA dragon holding a bright sphere
AlignmentLawful Good
Allowed AlignmentsLG, NG, LN
Primary PortfolioGlory, Good, Good Dragons, Nobility, Sky, Unity
Secondary PortfolioAir, Honor, Knighthood, Law, Leadership, Order, Victory, Wind
Favored WeaponBastard sword
Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon

Bahamut, the deity of all that is good, stands as a beacon of hope and righteousness, of virtue and moral grandeur. His essence, embodying the pinnacle of benevolence, casts a protective and nurturing influence over all living beings. This compassionate guardian, unseen yet ever-present, fosters a world where kindness, justice and goodness flourish under his silent watch.

As the undisputed leader of the celestial pantheon, Bahamut commands reverence and respect. His presence is a harmonious blend of power and wisdom, admired by those who champion good and feared by the emissaries of evil. This reverence transcends the mortal realm, influencing even the deities themselves, who acknowledge his supreme authority and moral compass.

True to his nature, Bahamut is the embodiment of justice. With a heart unyielding in the face of wickedness, he is a relentless adversary to those who would sow seeds of evil. Yet, in his pursuit of justice, he remains calm and composed, embodying the noblest virtues of a just ruler. His wrath, though rarely invoked, is a sight to behold, a tempest of righteous fury protecting the innocent and vanquishing the malevolent.

Despite his immense power, Bahamut believes in the virtue of influence over action. He seeks to inspire and guide, rather than dictate. His ultimate aspiration is the proliferation of goodness, a dream he nurtures by kindling the light of virtue in the hearts of others. In every whisper of the wind, in the courage of knights, in the unity of peoples, his influence gently guides the world towards a brighter, nobler future.

Bahamut, in his chosen guise, exudes the nobility of a mature man, with auburn hair flowing long and eyes of a deep, serene blue. His countenance, marked by a short, well-kept beard, reflects the valor and dignity of a true warrior. Adorned in heavy platinum armor, etched with intricate draconic designs, he carries the aura of unassailable strength. This armor is complemented by a white robe, sometimes graced with a blue cross, symbolizing his commitment to righteousness and chivalry. Ever present in his grasp is his sword Vaelen, a testament to his readiness to defend the good.

In contrast, his true form is that of the majestic Platinum Dragon, an embodiment of the pure goodness he champions. His scales, resplendent like mithril, glimmer with an ethereal light. His deep blue eyes, mirrors of his soul, glow softly in tranquility. This appearance can quickly transform into a form of terror is someone dares to incur his wrath, as his smooth scales turn into rough platinum spikes and the glow in his eyes turn into thundering fury, a shape that can instill fear in the heart of most, including even deities. This awe-inspiring form captures the essence of his divine nature, both in beauty and in power.


Bahamut's symbol is a dragon holding a deep blue sphere. This symbol represents the essence of good, and so the symbol represents the protective nature of Bahamut over everything that is good.

Relations With Other Deities

Bahamut, the Gallant Knight, in human form

Bahamut is the revered leader of the Celestial Pantheon. His dominion is not solely a testament to his boundless nobility and compassion, his relentless pursuit of good and justice, and his influence on others, but also a tribute to his formidable prowess and might in battle, a might that has shaped the very annals of history. Forged in the crucible of ancient conflicts, his leadership is a harmonious blend of unyielding strength and benevolent guidance. thanks to this, Bahamut has sculpted a legacy that is revered by many as the paragon of celestial virtue.

With Gaidos, deity of knowledge, and Leviathar, deity of the sea, by his side, Bahamut forms a powerful alliance, the "Three Pillars of Good" whose unity is as enduring as the stars themselves. Their bond is more than allegiance; it is the kinship of souls, a brotherhood born from the eternal flames of virtue and the shared vision of a cosmos shielded from darkness.

In regards of Aios, deity of balance and neutrality, ancient and wise among the dragon deities, Bahamut's sentiments are complex. Aios's deep wisdom and venerable age have earned Bahamut's respect, even if his enigmatic nature often puzzles and, sometimes, even annoys him. The elder dragon is more often than not an ally, albeit one that requires careful deliberation, a dance of respect between one of the oldest of dragons. Among the other deities of the Pantheon of Equilibrium, Chronos, deity of time, is the one with whom he shares a strong friendship, tested with the hardships of history.

Yet, where light shines brightest, shadows loom. Bahamut's nemesis, Tiamat, deity of evil, lurks ever in opposition. To Bahamut, she is the antithesis of his very being, a blight upon the canvas of creation. His resolve to vanquish her is as unyielding as the mountains, a war not of territories but of ideologies, a clash of titanic forces that ripples across realms.

Beyond Tiamat, the deities of the Maleficarium find no quarter in Bahamut's heart. His disdain for their wicked ways is as sharp as his claws, and his determination to thwart their corrupting influence is unwavering. Bahamut's presence is both a shield against the encroaching darkness and a sword to cut through the malefic threads woven by those who would see creation undone.

What The Legends Say

Bahamut, casting a Sphere of Purification


Woe to those who incur the wrath of Bahamut

Bahamut's dogma reflects his nature and his expectations for his followers:

  • Uphold and Promote Good: Actively engage in deeds that manifest and spread goodness, using both actions and influence to encourage others to do the same. Bahamut emphasizes that influencing others towards good is crucial for maintaining a just and benevolent world.
  • Champion Justice and Fairness: Stand firm for justice and fairness, ensuring that righteousness and ethical principles guide all actions and decisions.
  • Embrace the Virtues of Knighthood: Honor, nobility, valor, and integrity are the pillars of a true knight. Followers should embody these virtues, reflecting Bahamut's noble spirit and courageous heart.
  • Lead with Loyalty and Unity: Leadership should foster strong bonds and unity among followers. Your guidance should inspire loyalty and create a cohesive community that stands together against challenges.
  • Destroy Evil Where It Exists: Actively seek out and oppose evil in all its forms. Followers are called to confront and eradicate malevolence, ensuring that goodness prevails in the face of darkness and corruption.

Clergy and Temples

A cleric of Bahamut always strives to inspire others

Bahamut's clergy is a gamut of diversity and unity woven with utmost care. This sacred gathering is not limited by the boundaries of class or profession; it encompasses a broad spectrum of devoted individuals. Clerics, paladins, fighters, wizards, and monks stand shoulder to shoulder, each bringing their unique strengths and backgrounds to the forefront. The common thread that binds them is a deep-seated commitment to the principles of order, law, and, above all, the pursuit of good.

The organizational structure of Bahamut's clergy is a marvel of precision and clarity. Like a well-orchestrated symphony, each member plays their part, fully aware of their roles and responsibilities. The hierarchy, complex in its design, is imbued with a sense of order that resonates deeply with Bahamut's teachings. Despite the rigid structure, a warm bond of unity pulsates through the ranks, as members form close, almost familial connections with one another.

Education and training are the bedrock of this divine institution. Rigorous and wide-ranging, the learning never ceases, spanning a lifetime. Subjects are diverse, ensuring that each member is well-rounded and highly capable. This continuous pursuit of knowledge fosters an environment of mutual trust and reliance, essential for a group dedicated to influencing the world towards a path of good and justice.

When it comes to aiding others, Bahamut's clergy often opts for guidance over direct intervention. They believe in empowering individuals, teaching them to stand against injustice and evil. However, this should not be mistaken for passivity or fear. When the situation demands, they are swift and decisive in action, embodying the valor and courage of their deity in the face of adversity.

The mission of Bahamut's clergy extends beyond guidance; they are ever-vigilant, seeking out and eradicating sources of evil. They wear their allegiance like a badge of honor, never shying away from displaying their symbols, nor do they falter in their loyalty to their comrades.

In appearance, the clergy of Bahamut are a sight to behold. Adorned in white clothing, symbolizing purity and righteousness, they drape themselves in deep blue capes, a nod to their unwavering loyalty. Always prepared, they don medium or heavy armor and carry swords, ready to defend their cause. Their appearance is meticulously maintained, a reflection of the discipline and dignity that Bahamut's followers hold dear.

This is the clergy of Bahamut: diverse yet unified, disciplined yet compassionate, educators and warriors, ever loyal to their cause and their deity.
