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The Kharnaki, known in their native tongue as the Staþfolkrar, meaning "strong people" in the common language, are a hardy human subrace hailing from the harsh and frozen continent of Kharnak. The Kharnaki are a proud and resilient people, having adapted to and thrived in one of the most unforgiving regions of Nyrus. Their love for their homeland is fierce and unwavering, rooted in a deep appreciation for the rugged beauty and formidable challenges it presents.

Despite the relentless cold and treacherous terrain, the Kharnaki have carved out a life of strength and endurance. Their settlements, nestled amidst snow-covered mountains and dense, icy forests, stand as testaments to their indomitable spirit. The Kharnaki are not just survivors but thrivers, their culture steeped in a profound respect for the land that sustains them.

Renowned for their seafaring prowess, many Kharnaki venture beyond their homeland's icy shores, navigating the vast oceans to visit other continents. These journeys, however, are typically temporary, for it is rare to find Kharnaki settlements outside their beloved Kharnak. Their hearts remain tied to the land of their ancestors, a bond that is both unbreakable and sacred.

The Kharnaki are distinguished by their physical and mental fortitude. They are strong and tough, known far and wide for their bravery and rough demeanor. Life in Kharnak demands resilience, and the Kharnaki embody this trait in every aspect of their existence. Their legends and songs speak of heroism and hardship, of battles fought and won against the forces of nature and those who would challenge their way of life.

The Kharnaki are a people forged by the cold, their spirits as unyielding as the frozen land they call home. They are the Staþfolkrar, the strong people, whose legacy is etched into the very ice and stone of Kharnak.


The Kharnaki, who proudly refer to themselves as the Staþfolkrar, or "strong people," embody their name in both spirit and physique. Strength is not merely a trait but an integral part of their identity, woven into their very essence. The Kharnaki are renowned for their formidable physical power, standing far above the average human in both might and endurance. It is said that Kharnaki women are strong and capable to wrestle polar bears with their bare hands, a testament to their unparalleled strength. Men are even stronger, on average being able to match frost giants in physical might.

Physically, the Kharnaki are giants among humans, their muscular builds and towering stature making them an imposing sight. They range in height from 6.5 feet to nearly 8 feet, with most individuals weighing well over 250 pounds. Even the women, though generally shorter and leaner than the men, surpass the average human in both height and mass, exuding a presence of formidable strength.

Their skin tones are predominantly white, a reflection of their icy homeland. Hair colors vary from shades of blonde and white to auburn and light brown, typically growing straight. Braiding is a favored practice among the Kharnaki, with intricate plaits adorning their hair. The men often wear long, thick beards, further enhancing their rugged appearance.

The Kharnaki's eyes are predominantly green and blue, evoking the hues of their frozen landscape. These piercing eyes, combined with their powerful builds and striking hair, contribute to a distinct and memorable presence. The Kharnaki are a people of remarkable strength and stature, their very appearance a reflection of the harsh, beautiful land they call home.

What the Legends Say

Where They Live

The Kharnaki, a hardy and resourceful people, predominantly inhabit the coastal regions of their home continent, Kharnak. These coastal areas offer better access to vital resources, supporting thriving communities. However, some Kharnaki, drawn by the challenge of the land, choose to live in the deeper plains or high mountains, enduring conditions where few others could survive.

Renowned as excellent seamen, the Kharnaki are intrepid travelers, navigating the world's oceans with skill and confidence. They often establish small coastal communities on other continents, using these outposts as trade hubs. These settlements come to life with the arrival of Kharnaki ship expeditions, bustling with activity, though they host only a few permanent Kharnaki residents in quieter times.

Kharnaki on foreign shores rarely venture far from the coast, except for those driven by compelling reasons. Even then, their inland excursions are brief, with a swift return to the sea once their goals are met. The Kharnaki's deep connection to the ocean defines their lifestyle, anchoring them to the coasts and the open waters beyond.

In essence, whether on their native shores or far-flung trade outposts, the Kharnaki remain tethered to the sea, and even more to their frigid lands, their lives shaped by the ebb and flow of the tides and by the harsh conditions where they live.


A Kharnaki settlement

The frozen lands of Kharnak have profoundly shaped the way in which the Kharnaki people live. The harsh and unforgiving environment is not conducive to the establishment of large kingdoms or sprawling cities. Instead, the Kharnaki live in small, tight-knit communities scattered across their icy homeland. Most of these settlements are situated near the ocean, where the bounty of the sea provides sustenance, though some hardy groups also reside in the inner frozen plains or high up in the towering mountains.

In the more fertile regions of Kharnak, where the land permits, the Kharnaki engage in farming, cultivating hardy crops that can withstand the cold. However, the majority of the population relies on hunting, fishing, and trade for their livelihoods. These rugged activities are well-suited to the Kharnaki's formidable strength and resilience, and they have mastered the skills needed to thrive in such a demanding environment.

Their settlements are characterized by their practicality and durability, constructed primarily from stone and wood. These buildings are designed to withstand the brutal elements, with little regard for luxury or ornamentation. Instead, the focus is on resilience and functionality, creating homes and communal spaces that offer protection and warmth in the midst of the icy wilderness.

The Kharnaki's way of life is a testament to their adaptability and strength. They have forged a unique existence in one of the most challenging environments of Nyrus, their small, resilient communities standing as proud symbols of their indomitable spirit.


A kharnaki ox

The economy of the Kharnaki is intricately woven into the fabric of their rugged environment and seafaring heritage. It is a robust blend of subsistence activities, skilled craftsmanship, and strategic trade, all sustained by their deep connection to the harsh yet beloved land of Kharnak.

The Kharnaki settlements, nestled near the icy coastlines or hidden within the frozen plains and high mountains, thrive on a foundation of fishing and hunting. The ocean, with its frigid waters teeming with marine life, provides a bountiful harvest of fish, seals, and whales. These icy waters are both a source of sustenance and the backbone of their economy. The Kharnaki are expert fishermen, their longships slicing through the icy waves as they haul in their catches, ensuring their communities are well-fed and supplied.

Inland, the hunt is a vital part of life. The Kharnaki hunt formidable game such as polar bears, wild kharnaki oxes, reindeer, and smaller mammals, using every part of the animal to provide meat, fur, and materials for tools and clothing. They're also experts in hunting for big game in open seas, like whales and other sea mammals. These hunting expeditions are not just economic activities but also rites of passage, bonding experiences, and demonstrations of their renowned strength and bravery. In the more fertile regions of Kharnak, some Kharnaki engage in farming, cultivating hardy crops that can endure the severe climate. Root vegetables and grains, resistant to the biting cold, are grown with care and expertise. These crops supplement their diet and add a layer of stability to their subsistence lifestyle. Alongside farming, they raise livestock such as goats, sheep, reindeer and kharnaki oxes, which provide additional food sources, wool, and hides.

The Kharnaki are not only fierce hunters and skilled farmers but also master craftsmen. Their settlements, constructed from sturdy stone and wood, showcase their expertise in building resilient structures designed to withstand the brutal elements. Inside these rugged homes, the warmth of communal life thrives, with fires burning and stories of old told by the hearth.

Renowned for their blacksmithing skills, the Kharnaki forge robust weapons, tools, and armor from the abundant metals found in their homeland. Their craftsmanship is meticulous, producing items that are not only functional but also works of art, adorned with intricate designs that tell tales of their history and beliefs. These weapons and tools are highly sought after, their quality unmatched, making them prized possessions across Nyrus.

Woodworking is another craft the Kharnaki excel in. Their longships, known for their speed and durability, are masterpieces of naval engineering. Carved with intricate designs and built to brave the harshest seas, these ships are a symbol of Kharnaki ingenuity and seafaring prowess. In addition to ships, they create various wooden goods, from everyday items to ceremonial pieces, each reflecting their cultural heritage.

Trade is a lifeline for the Kharnaki, connecting their remote settlements to the wider world. Their longships venture far across the seas, engaging in trade with other continents. They bring back essential items and luxury goods not available in Kharnak, enriching their communities with resources and wealth. Trading outposts along the coast serve as bustling hubs of activity, where goods are exchanged, and alliances are forged.

In their small, tight-knit communities, the Kharnaki practice a way of life that emphasizes resilience and sustainability. They share resources and work together to prepare for the long, brutal winters. Food is stockpiled, shelters are fortified, and every member of the community is equipped to withstand the cold. Their settlements, characterized by their practicality and durability, are a testament to their ability to thrive in one of the most challenging environments of Nyrus.

The Kharnaki economy, shaped by their environment and heritage, is a testament to their strength, adaptability, and enduring spirit. It is a way of life that reflects their deep bond with the land and the sea, their mastery of craft and trade, and their unwavering resilience in the face of nature's harshest challenges.

Arts and Culture

A carved kharnaki hand axe

The art and culture of the Kharnaki, or Staþfolkrar, are deeply rooted in their rugged environment and rich heritage, reflecting their strength, resilience, and creative spirit. Carving stands as one of their most renowned forms of artistic expression. Skilled hands meticulously carve scenes from their legends, traditions, and daily life into wood, stone, and even whale bones and steel. These intricate carvings adorn homes, ships, public spaces, and even tools and weapons, showcasing their artistry and attention to detail.

Renowned for their metalworking skills, the Kharnaki produce steel of unparalleled durability, sought after across Nyrus. Their blacksmiths craft weapons and tools that are not only functional but also beautifully decorated, a testament to their exceptional craftsmanship.

In their harsh climate, the Kharnaki craft fine, functional clothing from animal hides and fur. These garments are designed to withstand the biting cold and are adorned with intricate decorations that reflect personal and clan identities. Their jewelry, made from wood, stone, bone, and steel, is somewhat crude compared to that of other regions, yet they take immense pride in their creations. Adorning their hair and beards with these handcrafted pieces, they express their cultural heritage with every accessory.

The Kharnaki have a rich oral tradition, with sagas and epic tales recounting the deeds of their ancestors and legendary heroes. In this way they preserve these stories through generations, ensuring the continuity of their cultural identity. Music also plays a vital role in their traditions. Using basic instruments like drums and flutes crafted from available materials, their music is rhythmic and powerful, echoing the natural sounds of their environment.

Braids are a common sight among the Kharnaki, with both men and women adorning their hair with beads and metal rings. Men often grow long, thick beards, similarly braided and decorated. These styles are not only practical but also hold deep cultural significance, symbolizing strength and tradition.

Among some Kharnaki clans, tattoos are a popular form of personal and cultural expression. These tattoos depict runes, mythical creatures, and symbols of protection and strength, marking significant life events and achievements. Each tattoo tells a story, a permanent reminder of one's journey and identity.

The art and culture of the Kharnaki are a testament to their adaptability, creativity, and enduring spirit. Through their carvings, metalwork, clothing, jewelry, storytelling, music, hairstyles, tattoos, and rites of passage, they celebrate their heritage and their profound connection to the harsh yet beautiful land of Kharnak.


The education of the Kharnaki is deeply rooted in their traditions and the harsh realities of their environment. It is a process that is predominantly oral and hands-on, passed down through generations by parents and elder family members.

From a young age, Kharnaki children are immersed in the history and traditions of their people. They learn about their ancestors, legendary heroes, and the rich tapestry of myths that define their cultural identity. This education is intertwined with practical skills related to their family trade, whether it be fishing, hunting, blacksmithing, shipbuilding, or another craft. Each child is taught to master the tools and techniques of their family's livelihood, ensuring the continuation of these essential skills.

Seafaring and navigation are integral parts of Kharnaki life, and all children receive instruction in these areas. From a young age, they accompany their parents on trips, learning to read the stars, understand the tides, and navigate the often treacherous waters around Kharnak. This practical education is vital for their survival and prosperity, reinforcing their deep connection to the sea.

Survival skills are paramount in the rugged, unforgiving landscape of Kharnak. Children are trained in wilderness survival, first aid, and self-defense, equipping them with the knowledge and abilities to thrive in their harsh homeland. These skills are not just taught but lived, as children participate in hunting, foraging, and other activities that demand resilience and ingenuity.

Above all, the Kharnaki are warriors. From a young age, combat training is an essential part of their education. Children learn various forms of combat, weapon handling, and tactics, developing the strength and skills necessary to defend their community and uphold their warrior traditions. This training is rigorous and comprehensive, instilling discipline and honor in the young warriors.

The transition from childhood to adulthood is marked by significant rites of passage. These ceremonies are pivotal moments in a young Kharnaki's life, involving tests of strength, bravery, and skill. Challenges such as hunting large game or surviving alone in the wilderness for a set period are common. These rites are celebrated by the entire community, reinforcing social bonds and acknowledging the individual's new status as an adult member of society.

Kharnaki education is a holistic and immersive process that integrates cultural knowledge, practical skills, and survival techniques. It prepares the young to navigate their challenging environment, uphold their traditions, and contribute to the resilience and strength of their people. Through this robust educational framework, the Kharnaki ensure the continuation of their rich heritage and the survival of their community in the harsh lands of Kharnak.

Military and Warfare

A Kharnaki Berseker

The Kharnaki are warriors above all else. Their approach to military and warfare is deeply embedded in their culture, emphasizing individual valor, strategic acumen, and a communal sense of duty. Each Kharnaki clan functions as a self-sufficient unit, capable of defending its territory and engaging in warfare independently. Clan chieftains, or Jaräks, lead their warriors into battle, supported by a council of seasoned fighters and advisors.

Within each clan, warbands are formed, consisting of warriors trained to fight together. These warbands are highly cohesive, operating with a level of coordination and mutual trust that is difficult for adversaries to break. Being a warrior is a deeply respected role in Kharnaki society. Honor and valor are highly esteemed, and warriors strive to prove themselves through acts of bravery and skill in combat.

Among the most feared and respected warriors are the Berserkers, who tap into their inner wild spirits, becoming a formidable force on their own. These warriors are legendary throughout Nyrus for their ferocity and resilience.

Kharnaki warriors are adept in melee combat, favoring heavy weapons that make good use of their monstrous strength, such as great axes and greatswords. While they prefer melee combat, they also train in the use of bows and throwing axes, allowing them to engage enemies from a distance before closing in for close combat. Mounted combat is conducted on specially trained Kharnaki oxen, as horses are not suited to the harsh lands they inhabit.

The Kharnaki are also renowned for their naval combat. Exceptional seafarers, their longships are central to their naval warfare strategy. These ships are swift and maneuverable, enabling them to launch surprise attacks and raid coastal settlements with devastating efficiency. Naval battles often involve boarding enemy ships and engaging in brutal close-quarters combat. The Kharnaki excel in these scenarios, leveraging their combat skills and ferocity to overwhelm their opponents.

Kharnaki settlements are often built in strategically advantageous locations, such as high ground or near natural barriers like rivers and mountains. These positions provide natural defenses against invaders. When needed, they can quickly turn their settlements into strongholds by building walls with stone and wood, creating fortified defenses that can withstand prolonged sieges.

In essence, the Kharnaki approach to military and warfare is a testament to their strength, resilience, and unwavering commitment to defending their people and their way of life. Their warrior culture, strategic prowess, and formidable combat skills ensure that they remain a powerful force in the harsh and unforgiving lands of Kharnak.

Social and Family Structure

A clan meeting

Community is organized around the clan system, with family ties and communal responsibilities playing a pivotal role in daily life. This tight-knit social fabric ensures the survival and prosperity of the Kharnaki in their harsh homeland.

The clan is the fundamental unit of Kharnaki society. Each clan operates as an extended family, providing social structure, support, and a sense of identity to its members. Clan loyalty is paramount, and every individual is expected to contribute to the well-being and honor of their clan. There is no concept of nobility among the Kharnaki; instead, respect and status are earned through deeds and character.

Clans are led by a chieftain, or Jaräk, who is selected based on their leadership qualities, wisdom, and combat prowess. The Jaräk is supported by a council of elders and seasoned warriors who advise on matters of strategy, justice, and governance. This leadership structure ensures that decisions are made with a balance of experience and strength.

Each clan dominates its own territory, but the boundaries between territories are often blurry at best. This fluidity can lead to conflicts but also fosters a spirit of resilience and adaptability among the Kharnaki. Clans often form alliances through marriages and pacts, strengthening their position and ensuring mutual support in times of need. However, rivalries and feuds are also common, driven by competition for resources, honor, and influence.

Periodic gatherings of clan representatives foster communication and cooperation among the various clans. These meetings are crucial for resolving disputes, negotiating alliances, and planning joint ventures such as trade expeditions or military campaigns. Such gatherings are a testament to the Kharnaki's ability to balance independence with collective action.

Kharnaki families are typically large and extended, including multiple generations living together. This structure promotes a strong sense of unity and ensures that knowledge and skills are passed down from elders to the younger members. Each family member has clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Elders provide wisdom and guidance, adults engage in labor and defense, and children learn and assist with tasks suited to their abilities.

There is a strong emphasis on equality and mutual respect within Kharnaki society. Both men and women are valued for their contributions, whether in combat, craftsmanship, or domestic duties. This egalitarian approach ensures that every individual's talents and efforts are recognized and appreciated, fostering a cohesive and supportive community.

The social and family structure of the Kharnaki is a robust and cohesive system that emphasizes duty, honor, and mutual support. Through their clan-based organization, strong family ties, and communal responsibilities, the Kharnaki maintain a resilient and adaptive society. Their values of equality and respect ensure that everyone, regardless of gender, plays a vital role in the survival and strength of their people.


The Kharnaki have a rich tradition of naming that reflects their cultural values, heritage, and the natural environment of their homeland. Given names are carefully chosen to convey meanings of strength, bravery, natural elements, and ancestral honor. Each name carries the weight of history and the hopes of future deeds.

A typical Kharnaki name consists of a given name followed by a surname and the individual's clan name. Surnames are usually associated with the individual's lineage, indicating their family’s history and connections. Finally, to honor their clan, Kharnaki also use their clan name as part of their full name. This naming structure reinforces the importance of both family and clan in Kharnaki society.

In addition to their formal names, it is common for Kharnaki to receive a nickname following a significant deed or achievement. These nicknames often relate to the specific accomplishment and can become widely recognized, sometimes even surpassing the person's original name in fame. This practice ensures that the individual’s valor and contributions are celebrated and remembered throughout the community.

For example, the name Sigrund Eirikrson Fjordr indicates that Sigrund is the son of Eirikr and belongs to the clan Fjordr. This structure clearly reflects the individual's family heritage and clan allegiance, embodying the values and social organization of the Kharnaki.


Kharnaki adventurers are among the most formidable and respected individuals in the lands of Nyrus. Driven by a sense of duty, honor, and the desire to achieve greatness, these brave souls venture beyond the harsh confines of Kharnak to explore, conquer, and leave their mark on the world. Their exploits are celebrated in songs and sagas, inspiring future generations to follow in their footsteps.

Some Kharnaki become adventurers solely out of their desire to become stronger. These individuals seek to test their limits, pushing themselves through epic quests and dangerous challenges to make a name for themselves. Many Kharnaki adventurers are motivated by the desire to achieve personal glory and renown. They seek out epic quests and dangerous challenges to make a name for themselves and earn nicknames that commemorate their deeds.

Driven by a thirst for knowledge and adventure, other Kharnaki adventurers explore unknown lands, uncover hidden secrets, and encounter new cultures. Their journeys often lead to the discovery of ancient relics, powerful artifacts, and valuable resources. These adventurers play a crucial role in establishing trade routes and forging alliances with other regions. Their diplomatic skills and bravery open doors for mutually beneficial relationships.

Many Kharnaki adventurers see themselves as protectors, defending the weak and oppressed. Their sense of justice drives them to confront evil, right wrongs, and bring balance to the lands they traverse. Even when far from home, these adventurers act as guardians of Kharnaki interests, ensuring that their homeland remains safe and prosperous.

No matter the reason, by achieving great deeds, these adventurers bring honor to their clan, reinforcing their family's reputation and strengthening their community's standing.