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Basic Information
TitleThe Lady of the Green Canvas, Elandrien of the Woodlands
SymbolA tree, with a sword over it and a lyre and a sigil on its sides
AlignmentChaotic Good
Allowed AlignmentsNG, CG, CN
Primary PortfolioArts, Mysticism, Woodlands
Secondary PortfolioAgility, Forests, Magic, Nobility
Favored WeaponLongsword
Elandrien of the Woodlands

In the heart of the woodlands, where the dance of light and shadow weaves an ever-changing tapestry, dwells Elandrien, the deity of woodlands, arts and mysticism. Her essence is as refined and graceful as the most exquisite craft, embodying the serene patience required to bring true beauty into being. She teaches that the journey of creation, with its deliberate pace and attention to the minutest details, holds its own allure, a testament to her belief that perfection is not to be rushed but savored.

Elandrien's harmony with nature is profound; she adores the forests and their inhabitants, advocating for a symbiosis between fine craft and the wild, ensuring that artistic endeavors enhance rather than exploit. Her love extends to the mystical, seeing magic as the ultimate art form—a delicate blend of craft, nature, and enchantment.

Though she champions patience, Elandrien also values agility and adaptability, urging her followers to respond with swiftness when the moment demands action. In her, the dichotomy of stillness and motion finds its balance, making her a guardian not just of the forests and their creatures, but of the very essence of art and life itself.

Elandrien likes to appear as an ethereal elven figure, her presence marked by flowing blonde hair and eyes mirroring the verdant hues of forest leaves. Adorned in woodland attire that weaves together the essence of fine craftsmanship and the wilderness, her garments are a testament to her dominion: decorated with motifs of trees and forests, merging elegance with the practicality of nature. Fine jewelry, both delicate and functional, accentuates her attire, symbolizing the harmony between artistry and the natural world she protects. Always by her side, creatures of the woods accompany her, a vivid testament to her role as a guardian of the forests. Elandrien's longsword, a constant companion, serves as a reminder of her readiness to protect her realm. Elandrien also manifests as a green eyed falcon of feathers that range from grey to green, and adorned with few but fine jewelry.


Elandrien's symbol merges four distinct elements. At the center, a tree stands for her mastery over woodlands, signaling growth and nature's bounty. Above it, a sword reflects her dedication to safeguarding the forest, a protector's pledge. Beside the tree, a magical sigil showcases her connection to the arcane, hinting at a world beyond the physical. And, a lyre on the other side underlines her love for the arts, celebrating the beauty and creativity she inspires. This emblem, simple yet profound, encapsulates Elandrien's essence: guardian, mystic, and muse.

Relations With Other Deities

Elandrien's connections with her divine peers tell a story of harmony, alliance, and aversion. Her spirit resonates most closely with Antanara, the luminous deity of the moon, whose friendship she cherishes above all. United by a deep love for music, their bond transcends the simple alliance of deities, becoming a symphony of shared adoration for melody and harmony that lights up the darkest nights.

Elandrien also finds kinship among the guardians of the natural world. Edmer, the embodiment of nature's untamed essence; Aela, who commands the capricious weather; and Leviathar, the sovereign of the vast seas, stand with her in a steadfast alliance. Together, they form a protective circle around the natural world, a barrier against those who would seek to harm the balance of their domains.

Her circle of divine companionship extends to Cyndel, a deity whose heart beats in tune with beauty and artistry. Their shared appreciation for the exquisite and the splendid forms a bond not just of mutual respect but of a deep-seated recognition of beauty's transcendent power.

Yet, in the realm of gods, not all relationships foster peace and unity. Elandrien's disdain for malevolence brings her into silent contention with Ophion, the shadowy deity of the undead, and Kharn, whose essence drips with the poison of hate. Her aversion to these deities is not merely a clash of domains but a fundamental opposition to their very natures, marking them as her antithesis in the cosmic balance of good and evil.

What The Legends Say


Elandrien, in falcon form

Elandrien's dogma is rooted in these tenets:

  • Harmonize with Nature: Live in unity with the natural world, respecting its cycles and creatures. The forests are providers, but must be used with respect and without tipping the balance that ensures their vitality and growth. Protect the woodlands and all who dwell within, ensuring the forests thrive and flourish for generations to come.
  • Create with Patience and Passion: Embrace the arts in all forms, recognizing the creation process as a reflection of divine beauty. Approach each work with patience, allowing the art to unfold naturally, embodying both the creator's spirit and Elandrien's grace, and ensuring that your work respects the balance of nature and reflects the beauty inherent in her realms.
  • Seek Mystical Wisdom: Pursue knowledge of the mystical arts, understanding that magic and nature are intertwined. Use this power wisely, aiming to heal and protect, never to harm or dominate.
  • Be Agile and Adaptive: Like the forest, which changes with the seasons yet remains enduring, embody agility in thought and action. Adapt to life's challenges with grace, learning from the environment and remaining resilient in the face of adversity.
  • Uphold Noble Values: Act with honor, respect, and kindness, reflecting the nobility of Elandrien's domain. Champion the cause of the good, standing firm against the forces of evil and darkness that seek to corrupt the natural and mystical worlds.

Clergy and Temples

A cleric of Elandrien

Within the verdant heart of the forest, where light filters through ancient canopies and the earth breathes with life, the clergy of Elandrien, deity of woodlands and arts, thrives. This sacred assembly transcends the traditional bounds of clerical orders, embracing rangers, druids, and arcane spellcasters alike. Elves, with their innate affinity for the woods, stand prominent among its members, though beings of all races find a home within its ranks, united under Elandrien's gentle dominion.

The hierarchy within this clergy is like the forest itself—organic and adaptable. Elders, revered for their wisdom and dedication, lead not through decree but by example. Their guidance allows each member to follow their own path, as winding and unique as the forest's own trails, provided they uphold the sacred dogma of their deity.

Their attire mirrors the environment they protect: garments that blend seamlessly with the woodland's hues, crafted with the utmost skill and adorned with symbols of leaves, branches, and the myriad forms of forest life. These clothes are not just for show; they are functional, designed for ease of movement through dense underbrush and over tangled roots, a manifestation of their commitment to living in harmony with the forest.

As guardians of the woodlands, they stand vigilant against any who would harm their sacred charge, be it through recklessness or malice. Yet, their guardianship extends beyond protection to nurturing, ensuring the forest's health and vitality. They engage with those communities nestled within the forest's embrace or perched at its edges—hunters, lumberjacks, and gatherers—teaching them to harvest the forest's bounty without tipping the delicate balance that sustains it.

Artistry flows through the clergy as a river through the forest, their creations a homage to the beauty surrounding them. Crafted with skill and love, their art is sought after, not just for its beauty but as a testament to the divine inspiration that fuels it. Through their works, they teach the language of beauty, of harmony between creation and creator, between the forest and those who draw from its bounty.

Their magic is the whisper of the wind through the leaves, the gentle caress of the stream over smooth stones—a power drawn from the very essence of nature. It heals and nurtures, protects and enhances, serving the community and the forest in equal measure. This magic is a tool, wielded with wisdom and care, a gift from Elandrien to her faithful.

Agility and adaptability are virtues held in high esteem, for the forest teaches that strength is not just the power to overcome, but the grace to adapt, the speed to outpace. The clergy moves with the forest, part of its endless dance of growth and decay, of seasons changing and life renewing.

Above all, they embody goodness, a beacon of light in the shadowed woods. Their deeds, guided by noble intent, spread Elandrien's grace throughout the land, a testament to her divine will. In their actions, the essence of Elandrien is manifest: protector, nurturer, and guide, a deity whose heart beats in unison with the wild, untamed beauty of the natural world.

Temples of Elandrien lie nestled within the heart of verdant forests, where the canopy's embrace shields the earth and dappled sunlight plays upon the ground. These sacred spaces, found both in secluded glades and within the bustling communities of forest dwellers like the elves, are not just places of worship but marvels of divine architecture. Crafted with an eye for detail that mirrors the intricate beauty of the woodlands, each temple stands as a testament to the fusion of artistry and nature. The structures blend seamlessly with their surroundings, their presence enhancing rather than intruding upon the natural landscape.

The temples serve as sanctuaries for knowledge and preservation, where the mysteries of the forest are studied and protected. They are centers of learning, where the clergy and faithful come together to understand the deeper connections between the natural world and the divine.

Beyond their role as guardians of the forest, these temples are also cradles of artistic expression. Artists from far and wide are drawn to their tranquil beauty, seeking the inspiration that seems to flow as freely as the wind through the leaves. Here, amidst the quiet and the splendor of nature, creativity is nurtured, and art flourishes under the watchful eyes of Elandrien's devotees.

Above all, the temples of Elandrien are havens of refuge and assistance. Their doors stand open to all who seek aid, offering shelter to those in distress and comfort to those in need. In these hallowed halls, the generosity and compassion of Elandrien's followers shine brightly, a beacon of hope and sanctuary for the weary and the lost. In every stone and every beam, in every leaf and every brushstroke, the essence of Elandrien is palpable, making her temples not just places of worship but embodiments of her divine grace and guardianship over all aspects of the natural and artistic world.


The initiation into the fold of Elandrien, the revered deity of woodlands and arts, unfolds as a journey of deep spiritual and personal growth, normally commencing a year before the initiate’s coming of age. This sacred path begins with a solemn vow, where the aspirant, filled with a yearning to intertwine their fate with the divine essence of Elandrien, seeks out a cleric. In the presence of this spiritual guide, they express their heartfelt desire to embrace Elandrien as their patron deity, marking the first step of their commitment.

The year that follows is one of pure devotion, woven with actions that resonate deeply with Elandrien’s dogma. The initiate dedicates themselves to helping with the preservation of the forests, embodying the guardian spirit of the woodlands. They immerse themselves in the study of the arts, seeking to capture the sublime beauty and harmony that Elandrien champions. In the midst of this journey, the initiate undertakes an artistic project, a labor of love and reverence that mirrors the majestic harmony of the woodlands. This creation, destined to be an offering to Elandrien, becomes a focal point of their daily meditations.

Each day, the initiate retreats into solitude for at least one hour, reflecting on their deeds and the teachings of Elandrien’s dogma. This daily practice of meditation deepens their connection to the deity, guiding them in their quest to embody her virtues.

As the final day of preparation dawns, the initiate is called to a day of profound contemplation. Secluded within the temple in the heart of the forest they have sworn to protect and nurture, they meditate on the year’s endeavors, seeking to commune with the divine essence of Elandrien. This solemn reflection is a moment of introspection, a seeking of approval from the deity they wish to serve.

On the morrow, guided by the light of dawn, the cleric leads the initiate to a sacred space within the forest. Whether it be a sun-dappled grove, a serene clearing, or a shrine sanctified by Elandrien’s presence, it is here that the final rite of initiation unfolds. The initiate is anointed with a sacred ointment, a blend of natural oils, soil, and spring water, symbolizing their deep bond with the earth and the life it sustains. With reverence, they present their artistic tribute to Elandrien, a tangible expression of their devotion and understanding of her teachings.

As the cleric invokes the initiation spell, a profound transformation occurs. In this sacred moment, a bond is forged between Elandrien and her new follower, sealing their commitment to each other. The initiate emerges from this ceremony reborn, not just as a devotee of Elandrien but as a guardian of the forests and a champion of the arts, ready to spread her teachings and embody her grace in the world.