Plane of Shadow

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Plane of Shadow
Planar Traits
MorphicMagically Morphic
ElementalNo Elemental Traits
AlignmentNo Alignment Traits
MagicShadow magic is enhanced, while light magic is diminished.
The Plane of Shadow

In the intricate tapestry of the multiverse, the Plane of Shadow stands as a realm of mystery and enigma. Coexisting with the Material and Ethereal planes within the Central Planar Region, it shares a unique relationship with the Material Plane, being coterminous only at specific points. These points are the shadows cast by objects and creatures, along with areas shrouded in darkness, serving as gateways for those adept in the arcane arts to traverse between realms. Though they coexist, the Plane of Shadow and the Ethereal Plane are not coterminous, which mean that there is no planar travel possible between the two planes.

The Plane of Shadow is a world in constant flux, its landscape defined by the ever-changing nature of shadows. This highly morphic characteristic means that while an area near a shadow cast in the Material Plane may momentarily mirror its counterpart, venturing further leads into a terrain that is increasingly alien and unrecognizable. Attempting to map this plane is a futile endeavor, as its features are as transient as the shadows that shape them. Even familiar locations appear distorted and twisted, a reflection of the plane's inherent instability.

Enveloped in an eternal twilight, the Plane of Shadow is a realm devoid of color. Its sky, an abyssal black, is barren of stars, sun, or moon, casting everything beneath in varying shades of darker and lighter black. The absence of vibrant colors lends the plane a sense of decay and desolation. Light brought by travelers dim in this world, yet paradoxically, are visible from afar, creating a beacon in the oppressive gloom.

This plane is not uninhabited, for within its shifting landscape dwell the Shades. These beings, humanoid in form, are akin to shadowy reflections of the races found in the Material Plane. Their existence, intertwined with the plane's essence, makes them both elusive and enigmatic. In addition to the Shades, the plane is a haven for certain types of undead, further emphasizing its nature as a domain of darkness and decay.

The psychological impact on travelers from the Material Plane is profound. Prolonged exposure to the Plane of Shadow can drain the spirit, leading to deep-seated depression and loss of will. Those who fall prey to this despair risk becoming part of the plane itself, transforming into Shades and losing their connection to their former lives.
