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An elven woman

Elves the world of Nyrus are a race of exceptional grace and timeless beauty, their lives interwoven with the magic that permeates the world. Possessing an innate connection to both the mystical and the natural, elves are known for their slender, agile forms and sharp senses, moving with a fluid elegance that seems almost otherworldly. This race, blessed with almost agelessness, lives far beyond the lifespan of other beings, allowing them to accumulate a wealth of knowledge and experience that they guard with a deep sense of pride and responsibility.

A defining characteristic of elves is their affinity for a refined and cultured life. They are drawn to beauty in all its forms, from the delicate architecture of their cities, which harmonizes with the natural world, to the creation of art that captures the sublime and the ephemeral. Elves see their long lives as a canvas on which to paint their legacy, meticulously honing their skills in music, literature, and craft. This love for the aesthetic extends to every aspect of their existence, whether in the intricacies of their finely wrought garments or the elegance of their martial techniques, where even the act of combat is seen as an art form.

Elves are also deeply connected to the natural world, viewing themselves as its guardians and stewards. Their knowledge of flora and fauna, of the rhythms of the seasons and the secrets of the earth, is unparalleled. This bond with nature is not merely intellectual but spiritual, as they believe that their fates are intertwined with the trees, rivers, and skies of their homeland. This connection grants them a unique perspective on life and death, where they see the cyclical nature of existence mirrored in their own lives, further deepening their reverence for the world around them.

Magic flows naturally through the veins of elves, enhancing their already remarkable abilities and granting them a heightened awareness of the world’s unseen forces. This magical affinity, coupled with their keen intellect and long lifespans, makes them formidable scholars and spellcasters, capable of delving into the deepest mysteries of the arcane. Their wisdom, however, is tempered by a strong sense of duty to protect their realms and to pass on their knowledge to future generations, ensuring that their rich heritage endures through the ages.

Elven people carry with them the essence of their environment, their cultures, and societies shaped by the lands they call home. Whether in the high towers of Eldenvar, the deep forests, or the shadowed underworld, the elves of Nyrus are a people of mystery and magic, their stories as timeless as the stars.

What the Legends Say


Elves share these characteristics:

  • Size: medium-sized, from 4.5 to 5.5 feet tall and weighing between 90 and 135 pounds.
  • Gender Differences: There are none regarding to heigh and weight on average.
  • Skin Tones: Skin tones span from tan white to pale white.
  • Hair: Hair colors include blonde, auburn, brown, black, and white. Their hair grows straight for most elves, though a few can have curly hair.
  • Eye Color: Shades of brown, green, blue, grey and purple.
  • Builds: Lean builds. Elves cannot gain significant muscle mass with physical activity. Even the strongest elves look athletic rather than muscular.
  • Weather and Terrain Adaptability: They are built to be frail but graceful, and are best suited to plains and woodlands of moderate weather regions.
  • Life Span: Elves reach physical maturity at around 50 years old, and mental maturity at around 80, age at which most of them are considered adults. They normally live up to 1000 years old.

The elves of Nyrus possess a refined and ethereal presence that belies their strength and agility. They stand gracefully between 4.5 to 5.5 feet tall and weighing a delicate 90 to 135 pounds, with both male and female elves share these average dimensions, exhibiting no significant gender differences in height or weight. This uniformity adds to their otherworldly allure, as they move with a fluidity and grace that seem almost supernatural.

Their skin tones range from tan white to pale white, giving them a luminous quality that complements their elegant features. Elven hair, which grows predominantly straight, cascades in hues of blonde, auburn, brown, black, and white. While most elves enjoy the sleekness of straight hair, a few rare individuals are blessed with curls, adding a unique twist to their appearance. Elven males cannot grow beards until very late in their lives, and females never do. Their eyes, vibrant and expressive, come in shades of brown, green, blue, grey, and even purple, each pair telling a story of ancient wisdom and deep connection to the world around them.

Physically, elves are built to be frail yet graceful. Their slender frames and delicate features mask a resilience and adaptability best suited to the plains and woodlands of moderate weather regions. This physical frailty does not detract from their overall presence; rather, it enhances their otherworldly charm, making them seem like ephemeral beings of light and air.

Elves possess remarkably keen senses, which set them apart from other races. Their sharp eyesight allows them to see clearly even in low light, making them exceptional archers and hunters. Their acute hearing enables them to detect the faintest sounds, giving them an edge in both wilderness survival and combat situations. Additionally, elves have a heightened sense of smell, which aids them in tracking and recognizing subtle changes in their environment. These enhanced senses not only contribute to their physical prowess but also deepen their connection to the natural world, allowing them to perceive details and nuances that others might overlook.

Living in harmony with their surroundings, elves have a profound bond with the natural world. They often dwell in ancient forests or other secluded natural habitats, where they maintain a symbiotic relationship with the flora and fauna. Their homes, seamlessly integrated into the environment, reflect their respect and reverence for nature. Elven architecture, characterized by flowing lines and organic shapes, merges effortlessly with the landscape, creating a serene and harmonious living space.

Beyond their connection to nature, elves are also deeply attuned to the arcane energies that permeate Nyrus. This affinity for magic makes them formidable practitioners of the arcane arts. Their spells often draw from the natural world, blending elemental forces with intricate incantations to produce powerful and mesmerizing effects. Elven magic is as much a part of their identity as their physical traits, shaping their culture and society in profound ways.

Elves mature at a slower pace than humans, both physically and mentally. They reach physical maturity around 50 years old, their bodies fully grown and their movements imbued with the grace of centuries. However, mental maturity comes later, around the age of 80, when elves are considered adults in the eyes of their peers. This extended period of growth allows them to absorb the vast knowledge and experiences of their elders, preparing them for the long lives they are destined to lead.

Elves can live up to 1000 years, a lifespan that grants them a unique perspective on the world. Their long lives are filled with the pursuit of wisdom, art, and the preservation of their rich cultural heritage. Over centuries, elves accumulate knowledge and skills that they pass down through generations, ensuring that their traditions and values endure.

In essence, the elves of Nyrus are a race of graceful, ageless beings, deeply connected to both nature and the arcane. Their lives are a delicate balance of harmony with the natural world and mastery of magical forces, making them one of the most enigmatic and revered races in the land.


From left to right: Dawn, Silvermoon, Mist and Dark elves

Elves are a testament to the intricate nuances of their heritage, with four distinct subraces that weave a spectrum of subtle differences. To the untrained eye, these variations might appear negligible, almost imperceptible, blending seamlessly into the graceful elegance common to all elves. However, for those well-versed in the lore and lineage of these ethereal beings, the distinctions are as clear as the night sky's constellations. Each subrace carries its own unique blend of traits and traditions, a silent melody that speaks of ancient magic, storied pasts, and an unyielding connection to the world around them. In their delicate features, their choice of attire, and the way they move through the world, these elves reveal their rich diversity to those who know where to look. Yet, for the casual observer, the elves remain an enigmatic and unified race, their subtleties cloaked in the mystique of their timeless existence.

Dawn Elves

The Dawn Elves, the most common of the elven subraces, are a noble and harmonious subrace of elves, embody grace and wisdom, their very presence a testament to their deep connection with nature and the arts. In their magnificent settlements, spires rise like golden sunbeams amidst lush, verdant gardens, showcasing their unparalleled craftsmanship and aesthetic sensibilities. With skin tones ranging from warm tan to pale white, hair in shades of brown, and black, and eyes that gleam with the colors of the forest, they move with an elegance that mirrors the tranquility of their slow-paced, intellectually rich lives. Their society thrives on communal bonds and a sustainable lifestyle, blending traditional elven magic with innovative practices to create a seamless harmony with their environment. Here, in lands where music and dance celebrate the rhythms of nature and literature weaves tales of ancient heroism, the Dawn Elves stand as paragons of cultural refinement, their peaceful demeanor balanced by a readiness to protect their serene way of life with both martial skill and arcane power.

Silvermoon Elves

The Silvermoon Elves, a reclusive and majestic subrace of elves, dwell in the ancient forests and mist-shrouded lands of Nyrus, where the light of the moon seems to dance upon their alabaster skin. Taller and more robust than their kin, they possess an ethereal beauty, with silvery hair that cascades like waterfalls and eyes that shimmer with the mysteries of the cosmos. Their society, hidden away from the transient affairs of the world, is a bastion of wisdom and arcane mastery, where art, music, and magic intertwine to create a culture as enigmatic as it is resplendent. Within their secluded realms, they craft legendary works of beauty—jewelry and artifacts imbued with otherworldly power—known only to a select few beyond their borders. Though rarely seen by outsiders, the Silvermoon Elves are whispered of in awe, their presence in the world like the fleeting glow of a crescent moon, powerful yet elusive, leaving behind tales of wonder and mystery wherever they tread.

Mist Elves

In the mist-laden depths of Nyrus, where sunlight filters through a canopy of ancient trees, the Mist Elves reside in harmonious secrecy. Their villages, hidden amidst the verdant undergrowth, are masterpieces of natural architecture—crafted from living trees, vines, and stone, as if the forest itself had shaped their homes. These elves, ethereal in both beauty and demeanor, move with a grace that makes them seem almost part of the mist that cloaks their realm. Their hair, often in shades of soft blonde or earthy brown, cascades down their backs, while their eyes, in deep greens and blues, mirror the serenity of the woods they protect. The Mist Elves are more than mere inhabitants of the forest; they are its guardians, weaving their lives into the delicate balance of nature. They are skilled in the arts of herbalism, crafting, and stealth, their rangers renowned for their ability to strike from the shadows, leaving no trace behind. Though peaceful by nature, the Mist Elves are ever vigilant, ready to defend their sacred groves from any who would disrupt the fragile harmony they hold so dear.

Dark Elves

In the shadowed depths of the world, the Dark Elves weave a life steeped in mystery and fear. With skin as dark as the void and hair like threads of moonlight or shadow, they move through their vast, labyrinthine cities, where every structure blends seamlessly with the stone, echoing the elegance of their ruthless society. Their eyes, pale orbs with hints of color, see clearly in the darkness that defines their world. Masters of shadow magic and deception, they train relentlessly in the arts of stealth and war, their society a web of intrigue where betrayal is as common as breath. Yet, the sun's touch is their bane, confining these enigmatic beings to the safety of their subterranean realm, emerging only under the shroud of night to haunt the surface world.

Interaction with Other Races