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Basic Information
TitleThe Devourer of Worlds, The Tempest of Madness
SymbolA front-facing wolf head with demonic horns extending backwards
AlignmentChaotic Evil
Allowed AlignmentsCN, NE, CE
Primary PortfolioChaos, Destruction, Doom, Madness, Pain, Slaughter
Secondary PortfolioChange, Instinct, Massacres, Predation, Rage, Unpredictability, Violence, Wanderers
Favored WeaponGreatsword
Zabel, The Devourer of Worlds

Zabel, deity of chaos and destruction, is the living embodiment of chaos, an entity of pure madness, instability and unpredictability. As the personification of chaos, he thrives on the raw, untamed impulses that lie deep within all beings. To him, primal instincts and raw emotions hold far more value than logic and reason. He urges his followers to abandon restraint and embrace their basest desires, acting on their impulses without a moment's hesitation.

In Zabel's crazed mind, there is no agenda or creed beyond the relentless drive for destruction. His singular desire is the annihilation of everything: deities, temples, clerics, worshippers, and the very world itself, along with all its inhabitants. He dreams of a multiverse plunged into utter ruin, filled with the screams of suffering and the faces of agony as creatures are torn apart. Zabel's vision is not a world ruled by evil but a reality where no world exists at all—an end to the entire multiverse. His anger is a tempest, uncontrollable and devastating. The smallest slight can trigger his wrath, unleashing widespread carnage and suffering in its wake. To encounter Zabel is to face the embodiment of chaos and destruction, an experience that leaves nothing but ruin and despair in its path.

Zabel delights in causing pain, possessing an insatiable desire to destroy all creatures in the most excruciating ways possible. He revels in the sight of faces contorted in suffering and the sound of screams echoing in torment. This pleasure is magnified when the destruction and suffering are on a massive scale. Zabel is relentless, never stopping once he begins a violent streak. Some of the most infamous and dreaded massacres in recorded history bear his mark, tales of horror and devastation that serve as grim reminders of his wrath. His joy lies in the orchestration of such atrocities, each act a symphony of agony that fuels his chaotic existence.

Despite the madness that permeates his being, Zabel can display an astonishing level of cunning and intelligence when it suits his purpose. This intellect is always wielded in service of greater chaos, deeper pain, and more profound destruction. His actions are driven by impulse, and he favors direct confrontation, reveling in the primal instincts and raw emotions that fuel his every move.

Zabel delights in spreading madness. He often appears to his followers in visions or dreams, driving them to the brink of insanity and beyond. These followers, consumed by his influence, are driven to acts of irrational violence and chaos. Whether this madness is a deliberate act on Zabel's part or simply a byproduct of his chaotic essence is a mystery that even his most devoted followers cannot unravel.

Zabel manifests as a terrifying amalgamation of demon and werewolf, a vision designed to strike fear into the hearts of all who behold him. His face is that of a savage wolf, perpetually twisted in a snarl of anger, with sharp fangs bared and eyes glowing a blood-red, lusting for violence. From his head sprout two demonic horns, each one extending backwards in a menacing display of his infernal power. His body is a fortress of muscle, every sinew and fiber taut and powerful, covered in a coat of brown fur that flickers with the touch of infernal flames. This fur is not just a natural covering but a constant reminder of his chaotic essence, as the flames dance and weave through it, creating an aura of burning destruction. Massive, bat-like wings extend from his back, their leathery expanse a dark canvas of demonic might, capable of propelling him through the air with terrifying speed and grace. His legs, like those of a werewolf, are strong and agile, designed for both brutal ground assaults and swift, predatory movements. Each step he takes leaves scorched earth in his wake, the very ground recoiling from his presence. Zabel's form is the perfect embodiment of his chaotic and destructive nature, a living nightmare that heralds doom and madness wherever he appears.

Zabel can also take the form of an infernal dire wolf, a beast of nightmarish proportions and terrifying power. His eyes burn with a destructive fury, two blazing orbs that pierce the darkness with their malevolent light. Sharp fangs jut from his maw, each one a lethal weapon capable of rending flesh and bone with ease. His fur is not merely a protective coat but a spiked armor, bristling with sharp, jagged points that add to his fearsome appearance. This fur is interwoven with infernal flames, a constant conflagration that dances along his body, casting an eerie glow and filling the air with the acrid scent of burning. Every movement he makes is accompanied by the crackle of these unholy fires, the heat emanating from him scorching the earth beneath his claws.


Zabel's symbol is a medallion featuring a front-facing wolf head with demonic horns extending backwards, commonly constructed from fragments of other medallions. The wolf's eyes are made to appear to glow with destructive fury, and its sharp fangs are bared in a snarl, embodying the chaos and violence Zabel represents. The twisted, menacing horns signify his demonic nature and unrelenting desire for destruction. Each fragmented piece of the medallion reflects his chaotic essence, as if torn from other symbols of order and sanity, reassembled to convey the raw, primal instincts he values above all. This medallion serves as a constant reminder of Zabel's influence, invoking fear and madness wherever it is seen.

Relations With Other Deities

Zabel, The Tempest of Madness

Fear is the defining element in the relationship between Zabel and almost all other deities. His presence alone invokes a deep, primal terror that even the most powerful beings cannot easily dismiss. Few creatures in the multiverse would dare to stand before him, let alone engage him in combat. Those who do possess such courage are found only among the greatest deities and the oldest, most formidable dragons. This pervasive fear ensures that most deities go to great lengths to avoid crossing paths with him or even being in his presence. The very mention of his name is enough to send shivers through the divine pantheon, a constant reminder of the chaotic destruction he embodies.

Despite this widespread fear, there is a peculiar exception in the form of his half-sister, Tiamat. For reasons unknown to many, Tiamat seems to have a unique ability to appease Zabel's anger and madness, creating the appearance of some measure of control over him. When Zabel is in one of his uncontrollable rages, her presence alone can soothe the tempest of his fury to a point where it almost looks like submission. Whether this is a genuine control exerted by Tiamat or a cunning act by Zabel himself remains a mystery. Some speculate that Zabel's apparent docility in her presence might be a strategic maneuver, a demonstration of his deeper, more insidious cunning.

In Zabel's eyes, every deity is merely another target for destruction. He places no value in alliances, friendships, or even hatred. To him, all beings, divine or mortal, are obstacles to be obliterated. His vision is one of total annihilation, where the multiverse is reduced to nothingness. This singular focus on destruction makes him utterly unpredictable and immensely dangerous, as he does not differentiate between friend or foe. His disdain for any form of order or alliance further isolates him within the pantheon, reinforcing his role as the ultimate harbinger of chaos. The other deities, aware of his relentless nature, can only watch with a mix of horror and anticipation, knowing that Zabel’s wrath could descend upon them at any moment, bringing with it unparalleled devastation.

What The Legends Say


Zabel, in dire wolf form

The dogma of Zabel is based on these five tenets:

  • Embrace the Fury of Chaos: Reject all forms of order and predictability. Embrace the raw, primal instincts within you, and act on your impulses without hesitation. Let chaos be your guide, as true strength lies in unpredictability and the rejection of constraints.
  • Destruction Above All: Pursue the annihilation of everything in existence, from the divine to the mundane. Destruction is not a means to an end, but the ultimate goal. Seek to dismantle all forms of creation, leaving nothing but ruin in your wake.
  • Exalt in Pain and Madness: rejoice in the suffering of others and the madness that follows in the wake of chaos. Spread fear and insanity wherever you go, for it is through torment and confusion that true power is realized. Let the screams of the tormented be your symphony.
  • Relentless Wrath: Do not pause once you have embarked on a path of violence. Relentlessness in your pursuit of destruction is paramount. Show no mercy, and let your anger be a tempest that sweeps away all in its path.
  • All Are Prey: See all beings as potential targets for destruction, with no distinction between ally and enemy. Alliances, friendships, and even hatred are meaningless. Trust only in the chaos you create and the power of your own destructive force. Every creature, deity, and mortal is your prey.

Clergy and Temples

A cleric of Zabel

The clergy of Zabel, much like the deity they serve, is a rare and terrifying presence. Zabel's followers are few, and those who count themselves among his clergy are even fewer, scattered like the fragments of a shattered world. These clerics hail from diverse backgrounds and races, drawing even outsiders like demons and other chaotic evil beings into their ranks. Warlocks and barbarians are the most common classes among them, their very essence aligned with the primal chaos and unrestrained violence that Zabel embodies. In appearance, these clerics are a manifestation of chaos itself. They dress in tattered robes or piecemeal armor adorned with symbols and designs that evoke fear and madness. Their attire bristles with spikes, chains, and the grim trophies of their conquests. Each piece of their armor is a testament to their destructive path, cobbled together from the remnants of those they have vanquished.

Zabel's church, if it can even be called such, has no hierarchy. The clerics operate in isolation, each a lone harbinger of chaos. It is so rare for them to meet that most clerics only encounter another of their kind at the moment of their ordination. Within this fractured brotherhood, there are two distinct types: those who venerate Zabel as the embodiment of primal chaos and those who are driven by a mad desire to see the multiverse torn asunder.

The first type of cleric is devoted to worship and ritual. They seek to recruit new followers and perform dark rites in Zabel's name. Yet, despite their ritualistic focus, they are far from harmless. They are as unpredictable and prone to violence as the chaos they revere. Occasionally, these clerics might gather for greater dark rituals or to orchestrate large-scale massacres. Such gatherings, however, are fraught with danger, as their chaotic and malevolent nature often leads to internecine strife.

The second type of cleric is the most feared and the most dangerous. These lone agents of chaos are driven by an insatiable thirst for destruction. They mirror Zabel's own madness and unpredictability, seeking nothing but to bring about the end through slaughter and ruin. Their path is one of relentless violence, and they stop at nothing to fulfill their dark purpose.

Encounters with the clerics of Zabel are perilous in the extreme. Whether they are ritualistic devotees or lone agents of destruction, these clerics are always surrounded by danger. Those who survive the constant perils of their existence become incredibly powerful, their very presence a herald of chaos and despair. To cross paths with a cleric of Zabel is to face a force of unbridled destruction, a living testament to the deity's terrifying will.

Zabel's clergy does not have any temples. The number of his followers is too few, and they are far too isolated or unstable to organize and construct a permanent place of worship. Moreover, building structures is fundamentally opposed to Zabel's creed of destruction. His followers believe that creation of any kind contradicts the essence of their deity, whose very existence is predicated on annihilation and chaos.

Instead of temples, most clerics of Zabel use makeshift altars, often consisting of nothing more than inscribing his symbol onto a wall or the floor. These symbols, carved or drawn with malicious intent, serve as focal points for their dark rituals. Secluded locations such as dark forests, abandoned ruins, or hidden caves are preferred sites for these altars, allowing the clerics to operate away from prying eyes.

However, Zabel's influence is not confined to the wilderness. His clerics also establish these makeshift altars in urban areas, choosing hidden corners of settlements such as alleys or deserted buildings. It is considered a dire omen to discover one of these symbols within a community, as it often heralds impending misfortune, chaos, and destruction. The presence of Zabel's mark is a clear indication that a follower is near, and that their malevolent activities are likely to bring great suffering and calamity to all who reside there.


Initiation into the faith of Zabel is a path unlike any other, marked by madness and malevolence that few can comprehend. Those rare individuals who might become followers of Zabel are singled out by their inherent chaos and cruelty. It is said that to willingly seek Zabel requires a level of insanity and malevolence that is exceptionally rare among common folk.

For those destined to follow Zabel, the journey begins with recurring visions and unearthly voices. These haunting manifestations start a year before the initiation, typically just before the initiate's coming of age. Initially vague and disorienting, the visions and voices grow clearer as the year progresses, guiding the would-be follower on a torturous path towards their ultimate destination.

Throughout this year, the initiate is subjected to relentless torment by these visions and voices, which drive them to commit heinous acts of cruelty and inhumanity. Massacres of innocents, wanton destruction, and acts of sheer chaos become their daily fare, transforming them into agents of evil and disorder. This perilous journey makes them targets for agents of good, keepers of balance, and even rival forces of evil. Many initiates do not survive the year, falling to their enemies or their own inner turmoil.

Every day, the voices in the initiate's head force them into contemplation, compelling them to meditate for at least an hour on their deeds. This ritual of reflection strengthens their connection to chaos and destruction, further aligning them with Zabel's dark dogma. On the last day of the year, the initiate is directed to a secluded location for absolute contemplation, reflecting on how their actions contribute to spreading chaos and destruction throughout the multiverse.

The final day brings the ultimate test. The initiate is led to a place resonant with Zabel's doctrine, such as the site of an ancient massacre or the ruins of a devastated city. Here, the initiate faces their initiation ritual, a deadly challenge that culminates in a confrontation with a cleric of Zabel. To be initiated, the would-be follower must force the cleric to cast the initiation spell upon them, a feat only possible through victory in combat. This brutal battle often results in the death of the initiate, the cleric, or both. Should the initiate succeed and the spell be cast, a powerful bond between Zabel and his new follower is forged, sealing their fate as a servant of chaos and destruction.