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Basic Information
TitleThe Dark Serpent, The Queen of Chaos
SymbolA coiled, winged serpent dragon
AlignmentChaotic Evil
Allowed AlignmentsCN, NE, CE
Primary PortfolioEnvy, Evil, Evil Dragons, Malice, Seduction, Vice
Secondary PortfolioConspiracies, Corruption, Deception, Discord, Greed, Grief, Lust, Misfortune
Favored WeaponRapier
Tiamat, The Dark Serpent

Tiamat, deity of evil and seduction, and the sovereign of the Pantheon of Dread, is a figure shrouded in darkness and deceit. To the world, she is the ultimate manipulator, her presence a whisper of fear and a promise of ruin. Most evil deities bow to her; the weaker ones do so out of abject terror, while the more powerful ones find it more convenient to align with her or are ensnared by her persuasive charm. Tiamat’s insatiable hunger for power is legendary, driving her relentless ascent to the ranks of the greater deities. Despite not being the most potent among them in sheer might, her unparalleled skills in seduction and manipulation, combined with her unending ambition, have secured her formidable position. Tiamat is inherently treacherous, placing herself above all else. Her self-preservation instinct is paramount, and she will not hesitate to sacrifice others to save herself from harm. Deceitful and untrustworthy, she embodies the very essence of betrayal, always ready to put others in the line of fire to ensure her own safety.

Direct confrontation is not Tiamat's preferred method. Instead, she weaves intricate webs of deceit and manipulation, using others as pawns to achieve her nefarious goals. Her seductive prowess is unmatched, tempting wills with promises of wealth, power, or fulfilling their deepest desires. Initially, she may grant these boons, but it is only a prelude to a far more sinister game. She takes great pleasure in the psychological torture that follows, watching her victims spiral into misfortune and despair.

Corrupting otherwise non-evil beings is another of Tiamat's dark pleasures. She views this as a personal challenge, an opportunity to sharpen her seductive abilities and those of her followers. The process of leading a soul astray, from innocence to corruption, is a game she plays with expert precision and relish. She derives immense satisfaction from bending pure hearts to her will, making them instruments of her malice.

Beyond manipulation and corruption, Tiamat finds great joy in abusing weaker beings. Her cruelty knows no bounds, and she takes special delight in causing pain and suffering, even when it serves no strategic purpose. For her, the agony of the weak is a source of deep, sadistic satisfaction.

Her ultimate goal is nothing less than the annihilation of the Celestial Pantheon and the conquest of the multiverse. Every scheme, every whispered deceit, is a step towards this grand design. Her plans are labyrinthine, often shrouded in layers of complexity that make them nearly impossible to thwart. Even when her plots are uncovered and foiled, the destruction she leaves in her wake is devastating, ensuring that her name remains a source of dread across the multiverse.

In her human form, Tiamat presents herself as a woman of extreme beauty, captivating and fearsome in equal measure. Her skin is porcelain white, contrasting starkly with her long, black hair that flows like a river of midnight. Her sharp, piercing red eyes are both mesmerizing and terrifying, capable of ensnaring the souls of those who dare to look into them. Sometimes she appears with a pair of draconic wings. Tiamat's presence exudes an aura of both fear and fascination, drawing people in with a mixture of allure and dread. Her attire reflects her status as the queen of malevolence and seduction. She wears garments that are both seductive and regal, reminiscent of a dark enchantress. Her clothing is made of luxurious, dark fabrics that cling to her form, adorned with intricate draconic designs that speak of her nature, her power and cunning. Jewels and dark metals accent her attire, adding a sinister elegance to her appearance. Every aspect of her presentation is designed to enthrall and intimidate, making it clear that she is a being of immense power and malevolent intent.

Tiamat's true form is that of the Chromatic Dragon, a fearsome creature with a legless, serpentine body. Her face features a terrifying mix of dragon and demon characteristics: sharp fangs, menacing horns, piercing red eyes, and a serpentine tongue. Her large wings are tattered, giving her an even more sinister appearance. Her scales are normally a dull black as the darkest void, but her wings and underbelly are of a stunning, iridescent mix of red, black, white, blue, and green, reflecting a mesmerizing array of colors that shift and change with her movements. When on the ground, Tiamat's body coils on itself like a snake ready to strike, exuding an aura of raw power and malevolence.


Tiamat's holy symbol is a coiled, winged serpent dragon with fiery red eyes, intricately designed to convey both beauty and menace. The dragon serpent's body, dark and scaly, wraps tightly around itself, symbolizing Tiamat's cunning and her ability to ensnare and manipulate those who fall under her influence, and also represent her treacherous nature. The large, dragon-like wings folded around the serpent represent her dominion over evil dragons.

Relations With Other Deities

Tiamat, The Queen of Chaos

Tiamat is a well-known and feared figure within the Pantheon of Dread. Her cunning and wrath instill fear even in some of the most malevolent deities. This fear, combined with her prowess as a master manipulator, has led most evil deities to recognize her as their leader. Whether out of fear, convenience, or because of her skills, Tiamat commands a unique position of authority among her dark peers.

Her animosity towards good deities is profound. Tiamat holds a deep-seated grudge against them, viewing their very existence as an affront to her power. This is particularly true for Bahamut, the noble dragon deity, whose presence and influence are the primary obstacles preventing Tiamat from consolidating her rule over all existence. The enmity between Tiamat and Bahamut is legendary, symbolizing the eternal struggle between good and evil.

Tiamat also sees neutral deities as a significant nuisance. Their efforts to maintain balance in the multiverse are a direct challenge to her ambitions of spreading evil and chaos. To Tiamat, these deities' dedication to equilibrium only serves to hinder her plans and frustrate her desires.

Even within the Pantheon of Dread, Tiamat faces opposition. Nessus, the deity of death, stands as one of her most formidable enemies. He refuses to accept her as a leader, and this defiance enrages Tiamat almost as much as her hatred for Bahamut. If given the opportunity, she would not hesitate to destroy Nessus and eliminate his opposition.

Tiamat is not without allies. The most important, although her most complex relationship, is with her half-brother, Zabel, the deity of destruction. Zabel's immense power is both a boon and a challenge for Tiamat, as he is the only being apparently capable of controlling him. Their relationship is fraught with tension, yet it remains one of the most critical alliances in her pursuit of dominance.

Another crucial alliance is with Xendral, the deity of tyranny. While this relationship is not without its own problems, it provides Tiamat with valuable support. Together, their combined forces of manipulation and tyranny form a formidable power bloc within the Pantheon of Dread, further cementing Tiamat's influential role among the evil deities.

What The Legends Say


Few can escape from her seductive charms

Tiamat's dogma is based around these five principles:

  • Embrace Your Darkest Desires: Tiamat teaches her followers to embrace their darkest desires and ambitions without hesitation. Indulge in envy, malice, and vice, for these emotions are sources of true power. To deny them is to deny one's true nature and potential.
  • Sow Discord and Corruption: Followers of Tiamat are commanded to spread discord and corruption wherever they go. They must manipulate and deceive to weaken the structures of order and goodness. The ultimate goal is to create a world where chaos and evil reign supreme.
  • Exploit the Weak: Power is to be taken and wielded without mercy. Tiamat's followers are encouraged to exploit the weaknesses of others, using fear, seduction, and manipulation to achieve their goals. The suffering of the weak is not only a means to an end but also a source of personal pleasure.
  • Destroy the Forces of Good: Tiamat's followers are sworn enemies of all that is good. They must work tirelessly to undermine and destroy good deities and their followers. Special enmity is reserved for Bahamut and his allies, whose very existence is an affront to Tiamat's desire for absolute dominion.
  • Seek Power Relentlessly: The pursuit of power is a sacred duty. Followers of Tiamat must always strive to increase their influence and control, whether through personal gain or by expanding Tiamat's dark empire. Every action should be calculated to enhance one's own power and, by extension, the power of Tiamat herself.

Clergy and Temples

A cleric of Tiamat

Tiamat's clergy draws its followers from diverse backgrounds and races, including humans, demons, and evil dragons. The highest ranks of the cult are populated by these varied beings, each vying for power through manipulation and subterfuge. The hierarchy within the cult is intentionally loose and chaotic. Power is not granted through formal titles but is seized by those who can outwit, deceive, and overpower their rivals, even those of higher rank. This ruthless structure ensures that only the most cunning and capable ascend, while the weak are purged.

Clergy members typically attire themselves in dark, elaborate robes adorned with draconic ornaments. Depending on their roles, some may choose to wear light or medium armor. Jewelry is a common accessory, including rings, amulets, and headdresses, all featuring draconic motifs. In the cult, jewelry is not merely for adornment but a symbol of status and power. It is also common for them to paint some markings in their faces, as a way to honor the draconic essence of Tiamat.

The primary duties of Tiamat's clergy are to spread her influence through manipulation, corruption, and fear. They are tasked with recruiting new followers, conducting dark rituals, and undermining good and neutral forces. Direct confrontation is avoided whenever possible. Instead, members of the cult operate from the shadows, using seduction and charm to mask their true intentions. Their adeptness in deception allows them to infiltrate the most important societal and political structures. Many pose as influential nobles, advisors, or merchants, using their positions to further Tiamat's agenda.

Ambitious individuals seeking power, wealth, or revenge often turn to Tiamat's clergy for assistance. The cult's extensive knowledge of dark rituals and forbidden magic, coupled with their influence and ability to bend wills, makes them attractive allies for those with grand ambitions. The clergy capitalizes on these opportunities to gain allies and increase their power.

Despite the allure of power, the cult is widely distrusted and feared. Their association with malevolence and corruption makes them pariahs in the eyes of many. The forces of good are particularly vigilant and will not hesitate to act against a known cleric of Tiamat. This external threat, combined with the constant danger from internal power struggles, makes life within the cult perilous. However, for those who are cunning and ruthless enough, the rewards can be immense, promising a life of power and influence.

Tiamat's temples, though scarce outside regions of evil influence, are strategically located in secluded and hard-to-reach areas. These hidden sanctuaries are often found in deep caves, dense forests, or other remote locations, providing necessary seclusion from prying eyes. In some cases, evil dragons who revere Tiamat dedicate a small part of their lairs to function as impromptu temples, allowing the clergy a safe haven within their domains.

Tiamat's clergy rarely maintain temples within cities in these regions of evil influence. Instead, they prefer to operate undercover, infiltrating society under various guises. Within these urban environments, clergy members often view each other as competition, each striving to outdo the other in their clandestine activities.

In regions where evil holds sway, Tiamat's temples emerge openly, dominating the landscape with their ominous presence. These grandiose structures are monumental works of masonry, designed to instill both awe and fear. The facades are adorned with sinister draconic statues and intricate carvings, all meant to convey the power and malevolence of Tiamat. The interiors are equally lavish and dark, decorated with rich colors, elaborate tapestries, and opulent furnishings. Precious metals and dark-hued gemstones are used extensively, enhancing the temple's sinister appearance.

These temples serve as central hubs for spreading Tiamat's influence. From these shadowy strongholds, clerics plot and execute schemes to manipulate, corrupt, and control various facets of society. They are also centers of indoctrination, where new recruits undergo rigorous preparation for a life of service to Tiamat. The temples provide the perfect setting for these transformative processes, blending luxury with intimidation to mold devoted followers.

Major rituals, sacrifices, and dark ceremonies are conducted within the hallowed halls of Tiamat's temples. These rites are essential for maintaining the dark deity's favor and power. The temples also function as vaults, safeguarding forbidden knowledge, dangerous magical artifacts, and the wealth amassed through their nefarious dealings.

Thus, Tiamat's temples are not merely places of worship but strategic centers of power, control, and corruption, reflecting the chaotic and malevolent essence of their dark queen.


The preparation for initiation into the service of Tiamat begins a year before the ritual itself, typically timed to coincide with the would-be follower's coming of age. This period is crucial; failing to complete it risks the initiate becoming a Soulstray, a fate no one desires.

In regions of evil influence, would-be followers must approach a temple and formally request to be initiated. In regions where Tiamat’s influence is not as strong, it is the clerics who seek out potential candidates, identifying and corrupting them from a young age to steer them towards evil. At the appropriate time, these clerics will offer initiation without manipulation, ensuring the decision is made of free will.

Once accepted, the initiate embarks on a year-long journey of preparation. This period involves intensive training in the arts of seduction and manipulation, learning how to instill fear, and undergoing rigorous tests to prove their worthiness. The initiate is continuously evaluated to ensure they are a suitable follower who can effectively spread Tiamat’s influence.

During this time, initiates are often unaware that they are being pitted against each other. The training environment fosters a covert battle of subterfuge, where only the most cunning and ruthless will succeed. It is not uncommon for initiates to fall victim to these trials, failing to survive the harsh and competitive preparation stage.

Each day, the initiate must dedicate at least one hour to meditation. This practice involves deep reflection on their actions, assessing how well they align with Tiamat’s dogma. They contemplate the nature of envy, malice, and vice, and how their deeds contribute to these dark principles.

On the final day of preparation, the initiate presents themselves before a cleric at a location that embodies Tiamat’s essence. This could be a dragon’s lair or a dark ritual altar within a temple. The initiate arrives with a small, captured creature, prepared for sacrifice.

In this solemn moment, the initiate makes a dark oath, pledging their life to the service of Tiamat. As they perform the sacred killing of their offering, the cleric casts the initiation spell. This ritual not only sacrifices the creature but also binds the initiate to Tiamat, forging an unbreakable bond between the dark deity and her new follower.

Through this rigorous and perilous process, the initiate is transformed into a devoted follower of Tiamat, ready to spread her influence and malevolence across the world.