Omnimental Demiplane of Storms

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Omnimental Demiplane of Storms
Planar Traits
MorphicAlterable Morphic
ElementalNo Elemental Traits
AlignmentNo Alignment Traits
MagicNormal Magic
The Omnimental Demiplane of Storms

The Omnimental Demiplane of Storms, a demiplane in the Inner Planar Region, is a realm of awe-inspiring power and beauty, where the elements of air and water are infused with an abundance of positive energy. This plane is dominated by ever-changing skies, ranging from crystal clear to stormy, with clouds that dance and shift in an eternal ballet, over an infinite sea. The air crackles with electricity, while torrents of rain, ranging from gentle showers to fierce downpours, bring life-giving water to every corner of the demiplane. Majestic thunderstorms illuminate the skies, their lightning a dazzling display of raw energy and creation. The sounds of this plane are equally mesmerizing, from the soothing whispers of gentle breezes to the exhilarating roars of thunder. In this realm, the cycle of storms is not just a meteorological phenomenon but a symbol of the endless cycle of creation, destruction, and renewal