Elemental Plane of Water

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Elemental Plane of Water
Planar Traits
GravitySubjective Directional
MorphicAlterable Morphic
ElementalWater Dominant
AlignmentNo Alignment Traits
MagicWater magic is enhanced, while fire magic is diminished or impeded.
The Elemental Plane of Water

The Elemental Plane of Water, one of the elemental planes in the Inner Planar Region can be better described as an infinite ocean without a bottom or a surface. It es mostly endless water, lit by a diffuse glow in the environment. Features other than blue all around are scarce, and most of the time brought from other planes.

This plane is actually very hospitable to travelers who find a way to breathe underwater. So creatures that are aquatic by nature cannot only live but thrive here. Still, the plane has its own dangers, in the form of strong currents, underwater storms, and the marine life that can be found here.

Currents actually are the most important dynamic in the plane. Some currents are permanent, a kind of underwater rivers, while there are other currents that are periodical and some happen at random for a period of time. These currents shape entire areas of the endless waters, as they can create zones of enormous pressures where only certain creatures could survive, and areas of lighter pressure. Also the currents affect water temperature, so that areas of the plane can have very different temperatures or even a seasonal feel. This plane even has unique regions where the pressure is so immense that it solidifies water into a crystal-like state, resembling ice. These formations offer solid ground for creatures who can endure the harsh conditions.

Despite being hospitable to life, the Elemental Plane of Water has few natural inhabitants. The most notable are water elementals, which come in various types, and the marids, a unique species intrinsic to this realm. Most other life forms found here have been introduced from other planes, making the plane a diverse mosaic of species not originally native to its vast, endless waters.
