Stone Dwarves

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Stone dwarves

The Stone Dwarves are the most common and well-known of all dwarven subraces, their name synonymous with the enduring strength and industrious nature that defines their people. Originating from the continent of Eldenvar, these dwarves have made their homes deep within the mountainous regions, carving out vast underground complexes that are as grand as they are hidden from the world above.

The Stone Dwarves are a laborious and industrious people, driven by an innate desire to reshape their environment to suit their tastes and needs. They possess an unparalleled affinity for stone and metal, transforming the hardest raw materials found in their surroundings into architectural marvels that are the envy of all who behold them. Their settlements are more than just places to live—they are testaments to the dwarves' skill and creativity, with soaring halls, intricate carvings, and fortifications that blend seamlessly into the mountains themselves. Every wall, column, and archway is a reflection of their craftsmanship, honed over centuries and passed down through generations.

Despite their deep connection to the earth and the mountains, Stone Dwarves are the most amicable of their kind toward other races, particularly humans. Their openness has led to many of them relocating to human cities, where they bring their crafts and goods to a wider market. Dwarven goods—especially weapons, armor, and finely crafted tools—are highly coveted, and their presence in these cities has fostered strong trade relationships and cultural exchanges.

In the great cities of Eldenvar, it's not uncommon to find Stone Dwarves running bustling forges, trading in markets, or overseeing the construction of new buildings, their skills in high demand. Their willingness to interact and collaborate with other races, particularly humans, has made them beloved figures in these communities, respected for both their hard work and their jovial nature.

The Stone Dwarves, with their unmatched craftsmanship and their openness to the world beyond their mountain homes, have become an integral part of the cultural and economic fabric of Eldenvar, embodying the very essence of what it means to be a dwarf.


Stone Dwarves embody the quintessential physical traits of their race, standing short yet powerfully built, their bodies a testament to the strength and endurance that define their people. They possess a naturally muscular frame, with broad shoulders and thick limbs, giving them a strong and rugged appearance. Stone Dwarves have a remarkable ability to gain muscle mass easily and burn fat just as quickly, which contributes to their robust and hardy look—an image of strength that they take great pride in maintaining.

Their hair, which covers the full dwarven spectrum except for white, which is rare among them, is thick and voluminous, particularly for the females. The men, known for their ability to grow long, impressive beards, take great pride in their facial hair. These beards are often braided and meticulously kept, serving as a symbol of their status and personal pride. The care and attention they give to their beards are matched only by their dedication to their crafts.

The skin tones of Stone Dwarves range from light brown to pale white, their complexions often reflecting the stone and earth of their mountainous homes. Their eyes, in shades of brown, green, or blue, are sharp and clear, always alert to their surroundings.

When it comes to clothing, Stone Dwarves favor practicality over ostentation. Their typical attire is light and simple, designed for the intense physical activity that fills their days beneath the mountains. Comfort is paramount, especially when they are hard at work in their mines or forges. However, when the occasion calls for formality, Stone Dwarves maintain their preference for simplicity, opting for garments of better quality while adorning themselves with metal bracers and rings. These adornments, often intricately crafted and made from the finest materials, are worn on their fingers and even woven into their beards, adding a touch of refinement without sacrificing comfort.

Stone Dwarves are a people who embody strength and simplicity, both in their appearance and their way of life. Their focus on practicality and their deep connection to their mountainous homes are evident in everything they do, from their clothing to the way they present themselves in both daily life and formal situations.

What the Legends Say

Where They Live

The Stone Dwarves trace their origins to the continent of Eldenvar, where they have lived for countless generations, carving out their kingdoms deep within the mountainous regions. These ancient strongholds, nestled in the heart of the earth, are where the Stone Dwarves have built their lives, forging a deep connection to the land that has sustained them for centuries. Even now, the majority of Stone Dwarves remain in Eldenvar, fiercely loyal to their ancestral homes and the traditions that have been passed down through the ages.

The open ocean holds little allure for the Stone Dwarves, who are uncomfortable with the vast, unpredictable waters and the thought of spending long periods at sea. Their aversion to the ocean has kept them from venturing far beyond the shores of Eldenvar, and as a result, they have not established themselves on other continents. Their hearts belong to the mountains, and it is there they choose to remain, close to the familiar stone and earth that have shaped their culture and way of life.

Within the lands of Eldenvar, Stone Dwarves often seek to establish their settlements near those of other races, particularly humans. They recognize the value of proximity to human towns and cities, where trade flourishes and the demand for dwarven goods is ever-present. The Stone Dwarves’ craftsmanship is highly prized, and they have found that living near human settlements allows them to engage in lucrative trade, bringing wealth and resources back to their mountain homes.

Though they are most at home in the depths of the mountains, it is not uncommon for Stone Dwarves to build settlements closer to the surface. These smaller communities, often perched on the lower slopes or nestled in the foothills, serve as vital outposts, connecting the grand mountain kingdoms to the world outside. Here, the Stone Dwarves continue to work the land, mine its riches, and craft the goods that have made them famous, all while maintaining the strong ties to their kin in the deeper realms.

In every stone they lay and every structure they build, the Stone Dwarves carry with them the spirit of their mountain origins, creating homes that blend seamlessly with the rugged landscape. Their settlements, whether deep underground or nearer the surface, are a testament to their enduring bond with the mountains, and their unwavering commitment to the land that has always been their true home.


A Stone Dwarven city

The Stone Dwarven society is a marvel of endurance and unity, thriving in conditions few other races would dare to inhabit. Deep within the mountainous regions of Eldenvar, where the air is thin and the stone is hard, the Stone Dwarves have built a way of life that is as strong and enduring as the rock around them. Their culture is ancient, shaped by centuries of tradition, respect, hard work, and resilience. From a young age, Stone Dwarves are taught the value of dependability and contribution, each dwarf raised with the understanding that their place in the community is vital. As they grow, this sense of responsibility becomes the bedrock of their existence, forming communities with bonds that are unshakable—stronger even than the stone they carve their homes from.

Tradition and history are at the heart of Stone Dwarven life. Their ancestors' deeds are revered, their histories carved into the very walls of their subterranean kingdoms, serving as a constant reminder of the legacy they are meant to uphold. To a Stone Dwarf, there is no greater honor than to contribute to this legacy, whether through craftsmanship, battle, or the simple yet profound act of hard work. Their sense of pride in their past is palpable, and it drives them to greater feats of endurance and creativity, always striving to live up to the greatness of those who came before them.

Yet for all their pride, the Stone Dwarves are naturally cautious and slow to trust. Strangers are met with suspicion, and forging a bond with a dwarf requires patience and effort, much like mining precious ore from the depths of the earth. To gain their friendship is no small feat, but once earned, a Stone Dwarf’s loyalty is unwavering. Their trust, once given, is as solid as the stone they hold so dear, but woe to the one who breaks it. A betrayed dwarf will seek vengeance with relentless determination, their stubbornness becoming an unyielding force until justice is served.

This stubbornness is a defining trait of the Stone Dwarves, and while it may make them seem rigid, it also fuels their bravery. They face danger with the same unshakable resolve that they bring to all aspects of their lives, standing firm in the face of adversity no matter how insurmountable it may seem.

At the core of their culture is their unmatched skill in working stone. The Stone Dwarves’ ability to shape and transform the rock around them is legendary, and it is evident in the awe-inspiring architecture of their underground kingdoms. From the intricately carved halls to the soaring columns and grand bridges, their craftsmanship is without peer. Each structure is a testament to their mastery, blending the raw power of the mountain with the finesse of their artistry. In every chisel mark and polished stone, the story of their people is told—a story of resilience, tradition, and an unbreakable bond with the earth itself.


Arts and Culture


Military and Warfare

Social and Family Structure

