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The Kharnaki, known in their native tongue as the Staþfolkrar, meaning "strong people" in the common language, are a hardy human subrace hailing from the harsh and frozen continent of Kharnak. The Kharnaki are a proud and resilient people, having adapted to and thrived in one of the most unforgiving regions of Nyrus. Their love for their homeland is fierce and unwavering, rooted in a deep appreciation for the rugged beauty and formidable challenges it presents.

Despite the relentless cold and treacherous terrain, the Kharnaki have carved out a life of strength and endurance. Their settlements, nestled amidst snow-covered mountains and dense, icy forests, stand as testaments to their indomitable spirit. The Kharnaki are not just survivors but thrivers, their culture steeped in a profound respect for the land that sustains them.

Renowned for their seafaring prowess, many Kharnaki venture beyond their homeland's icy shores, navigating the vast oceans to visit other continents. These journeys, however, are typically temporary, for it is rare to find Kharnaki settlements outside their beloved Kharnak. Their hearts remain tied to the land of their ancestors, a bond that is both unbreakable and sacred.

The Kharnaki are distinguished by their physical and mental fortitude. They are strong and tough, known far and wide for their bravery and rough demeanor. Life in Kharnak demands resilience, and the Kharnaki embody this trait in every aspect of their existence. Their legends and songs speak of heroism and hardship, of battles fought and won against the forces of nature and those who would challenge their way of life.

The Kharnaki are a people forged by the cold, their spirits as unyielding as the frozen land they call home. They are the Staþfolkrar, the strong people, whose legacy is etched into the very ice and stone of Kharnak.


The Kharnaki, who proudly refer to themselves as the Staþfolkrar, or "strong people," embody their name in both spirit and physique. Strength is not merely a trait but an integral part of their identity, woven into their very essence. The Kharnaki are renowned for their formidable physical power, standing far above the average human in both might and endurance. It is said that Kharnaki women are strong and capable to wrestle polar bears with their bare hands, a testament to their unparalleled strength, while the men are even stronger.

Physically, the Kharnaki are giants among humans, their muscular builds and towering stature making them an imposing sight. They range in height from 6.5 feet to nearly 8 feet, with most individuals weighing well over 250 pounds. Even the women, though generally shorter and leaner than the men, surpass the average human in both height and mass, exuding a presence of formidable strength.

Their skin tones are predominantly white, a reflection of their icy homeland. Hair colors vary from shades of blonde and white to auburn and light brown, typically growing straight. Braiding is a favored practice among the Kharnaki, with intricate plaits adorning their hair. The men often wear long, thick beards, further enhancing their rugged appearance.

The Kharnaki's eyes are predominantly green and blue, evoking the hues of their frozen landscape. These piercing eyes, combined with their powerful builds and striking hair, contribute to a distinct and memorable presence. The Kharnaki are a people of remarkable strength and stature, their very appearance a reflection of the harsh, beautiful land they call home.

What the Legends Say



Arts and Culture


Military and Warfare

Social and Family Structure

