Plain Dwarves

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Plain Dwarves

The Koropokkuru, or Plain Dwarves, are a remarkable dwarven subrace native to the continent of Igochi, embodying a unique blend of tradition and adaptability. Unlike their mountain-dwelling cousins, the Plain Dwarves have chosen the open plains and fertile valleys as their home, forging a peaceful yet disciplined society in the lowlands. Their settlements are often found near rivers and lakes, where the land is flat and the air crisp, the perfect contrast to the rugged mountains that still play a vital role in their lives.

Though the Plain Dwarves have distanced themselves from the subterranean strongholds of traditional dwarves, they remain tied to the mountains in one crucial way: their need for raw minerals. Their love for fine craftsmanship runs deep, and the mountains provide the ores and metals necessary for their intricate work. Thus, their towns often dot the valleys at the base of towering peaks, where the plains meet the highlands in perfect harmony. In these valleys, Plain Dwarves settlements rise, orderly and meticulously planned, as every building, path, and structure is positioned with purpose.

Life among the Plain Dwarves is guided by an unwavering appreciation for order. In their society, everything has its rightful place, and every action is performed at its proper time. Whether they are crafting delicate tools or maintaining their farms, the Koropokkuru follow time-honored practices with an almost ritualistic devotion. To outsiders, their lifestyle may seem rigid, but to the Plain Dwarves, it is the embodiment of harmony—a reflection of the natural world’s balance and precision.

Their craftsmanship is legendary across Igochi. Though they are known to keep to themselves, the Plain Dwarves' finely crafted goods are sought after by merchants and nobles alike. They create tools and works of art with unmatched skill, valuing practicality and beauty in equal measure. From shimmering jewelry to sturdy farming equipment, every piece they craft is a testament to their dedication and the precision with which they approach life.

Despite their preference for isolation, the Plain Dwarves are no strangers to interaction with other races. They understand the importance of trade and cooperation, seeing it not as a necessary evil but as a way to ensure fairness and mutual benefit. Strangers visiting their settlements are often met with a reserved but respectful welcome. Though trust is not given lightly, the Plain Dwarves hold a deep belief in fairness—any guest will be treated justly, and agreements made with them are upheld with unwavering integrity.

In a world of chaos and unpredictability, the Plain Dwarves offer a glimpse into a life where balance and order reign supreme. Their society, shaped by the tranquil plains and the shadow of the mountains, reflects their desire for harmony—within themselves, their community, and the wider world.


What the Legends Say

Where They Live



Arts and Culture


Military and Warfare

Social and Family Structure

