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=== The Climate Regions ===
=== The Climate Regions ===

[[File:Nyrus - Climate Regions.jpg|thumb|Left|400px|The world of Nyrus]]The Sun's journey around Nyrus follows a circular path, a divine arc that bathes the world in light and warmth. This celestial circuit is perpendicular to the plane of Nyrus, causing the Sun to rise majestically from the east. As it ascends, it traces a grand arc across the sky, reaching its zenith before descending towards the west, where it sets in a blaze of glory. This journey ensures that the entire world is bathed in daylight during the Sun's passage overhead. When the Sun dips below the horizon, it completes its circuit beneath the plane of Nyrus, plunging the surface into the serene embrace of night. The distance of the Sun from Nyrus during its rotation is a matter of great mystery, with scholars estimating it to be tens, if not hundreds, of millions of miles away. This vast expanse only adds to the Sun's divine mystique, a radiant beacon of Aerion's power.
[[File:Nyrus - Climate Regions.jpg|thumb|right|400px|The world of Nyrus]]The Sun's journey around Nyrus follows a circular path, a divine arc that bathes the world in light and warmth. This celestial circuit is perpendicular to the plane of Nyrus, causing the Sun to rise majestically from the east. As it ascends, it traces a grand arc across the sky, reaching its zenith before descending towards the west, where it sets in a blaze of glory. This journey ensures that the entire world is bathed in daylight during the Sun's passage overhead. When the Sun dips below the horizon, it completes its circuit beneath the plane of Nyrus, plunging the surface into the serene embrace of night. The distance of the Sun from Nyrus during its rotation is a matter of great mystery, with scholars estimating it to be tens, if not hundreds, of millions of miles away. This vast expanse only adds to the Sun's divine mystique, a radiant beacon of Aerion's power.

Intriguingly, the Sun's circular path is not perfectly centered on Nyrus. Instead, its center lies towards the east, causing the Sun to be closest to the world when it sets in the west and farthest away when it rises in the east. This asymmetry creates a unique weather pattern, forming a somewhat concave triangular region. The western part of this region, where the Sun is closest, experiences the most intense heat and light, while the eastern part, where the Sun is farthest, enjoys a gentler climate. This divine design results in a gradient of weather patterns, shaping the environment and the lives of those who dwell beneath the celestial dance of Aerion and Antanara.
Intriguingly, the Sun's circular path is not perfectly centered on Nyrus. Instead, its center lies towards the east, causing the Sun to be closest to the world when it sets in the west and farthest away when it rises in the east. This asymmetry creates a unique weather pattern, forming a somewhat concave triangular region. The western part of this region, where the Sun is closest, experiences the most intense heat and light, while the eastern part, where the Sun is farthest, enjoys a gentler climate. This divine design results in a gradient of weather patterns, shaping the environment and the lives of those who dwell beneath the celestial dance of Aerion and Antanara.

Revision as of 09:16, 25 July 2024

In the heart of the vast material plane lies Nyrus, a world of boundless diversity and breathtaking contrasts. This central realm is the home and the entirety of existence for its inhabitants, surrounded by the enigmatic floating islands known as the Drifts. Each Drift, varying from the size of a small house to a vast country, adds to the complexity of this land, with some following predictable patterns while others drift erratically or remain stationary, depending on the will of their inhabitants.

Nyrus itself is a land where the verdant serenity of open plains juxtaposes with the dense, nearly impenetrable forests. This world offers a tapestry of extreme climates: frigid, inhospitable cold lands, scorching deserts, lush jungles teeming with life, and barren, desolate wastelands. Towering, snow-capped peaks soar high into the sky, while the depths of the dark, mysterious oceans plunge into unknown abysses.

For the common peoples of Nyrus—adaptable humans, elegant elves, sturdy dwarves, clever gnomes, and nimble halflings—this world is all they know. It is a place where diverse cultures intertwine, each bringing unique strengths and weaknesses, and striving to thrive amidst the world's challenges. But not all inhabitants are benign; savage orcs, brutish ogres, and other formidable beings roam the land, adding layers of danger and complexity to the societal fabric.

The rich diversity of life on Nyrus is matched only by the omnipresent perils. It is a world where great danger is a constant companion, yet with danger comes opportunity. For those bold enough to face the world's challenges, great rewards await. However, courage alone is insufficient. Knowledge is the key to navigating and conquering these threats.

In the chapters ahead, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of Nyrus, exploring its lands, peoples, and the myriad dangers and opportunities that define this remarkable world. Prepare to embark on a journey of discovery and adventure, armed with the wisdom needed to survive and flourish in Nyrus's ever-changing landscape.


The world of Nyrus

Through the ages, scholars of Nyrus have amassed a vast repository of knowledge about their world, a world that presents itself in the shape of an immense disk. The habitable lands lie on the upper side of this disk, a realm of diverse terrains and climates that supports the rich tapestry of life that calls Nyrus home.

The scholars, with their endless debates and theories, have come to a general consensus about the dimensions of their world. They describe Nyrus as a disk with a diameter of approximately 342,000 miles. Although their calculations vary, they agree that the total area of this world amounts to roughly 92 billion square miles. This expanse encompasses verdant plains, dense forests, harsh deserts, icy wastelands, deep jungles, and towering mountain ranges, each contributing to the world’s breathtaking diversity.

The dimensions of Nyrus remain a subject of scholarly debate, yet the grandeur of this world is undisputed. As our journey unfolds, we will explore the myriad landscapes and secrets of Nyrus, delving into the knowledge painstakingly gathered by generations of scholars and adventurers alike.

Climate and Weather

In the mystical realm of Nyrus, the celestial movements of the Sun and Moon are more than mere natural phenomena; they are the embodiment of divine influence. Aerion, the deity of the Sun, and Antanara, the goddess of the Moon, imbue these celestial bodies with their essence, guiding their paths across the sky. Yet, the intricate dance of the Sun and Moon is not solely dictated by these deities. Aela, the goddess of nature, and Chronos, the god of time, also impart their influence, ensuring a harmonious balance in the heavens.

The Climate Regions

The world of Nyrus

The Sun's journey around Nyrus follows a circular path, a divine arc that bathes the world in light and warmth. This celestial circuit is perpendicular to the plane of Nyrus, causing the Sun to rise majestically from the east. As it ascends, it traces a grand arc across the sky, reaching its zenith before descending towards the west, where it sets in a blaze of glory. This journey ensures that the entire world is bathed in daylight during the Sun's passage overhead. When the Sun dips below the horizon, it completes its circuit beneath the plane of Nyrus, plunging the surface into the serene embrace of night. The distance of the Sun from Nyrus during its rotation is a matter of great mystery, with scholars estimating it to be tens, if not hundreds, of millions of miles away. This vast expanse only adds to the Sun's divine mystique, a radiant beacon of Aerion's power.

Intriguingly, the Sun's circular path is not perfectly centered on Nyrus. Instead, its center lies towards the east, causing the Sun to be closest to the world when it sets in the west and farthest away when it rises in the east. This asymmetry creates a unique weather pattern, forming a somewhat concave triangular region. The western part of this region, where the Sun is closest, experiences the most intense heat and light, while the eastern part, where the Sun is farthest, enjoys a gentler climate. This divine design results in a gradient of weather patterns, shaping the environment and the lives of those who dwell beneath the celestial dance of Aerion and Antanara.


Beyond its daily arc across the sky, the Sun in Nyrus exhibits a slower, more intricate behavior, a testament to the divine complexities woven by the gods. This celestial ballet, guided by Aerion's essence, unfolds with a subtle yet profound shift that defines the passage of seasons.

At the beginning of the year, the Sun's plane of rotation starts a gradual descent towards the south. Simultaneously, its distance from Nyrus increases, and its rotational speed quickens. Each day, the Sun appears slightly further south in the sky, maintaining a delicate balance that keeps the duration of daylight and nighttime relatively constant. This graceful shift continues through the first half of the year, a slow dance towards the southern horizon. Midway through the year, on a day of celestial significance known as the solstice, the Sun reaches the peak of its southern journey. Here, the divine choreography changes. The Sun's plane of rotation, distance, and speed begin to revert, marking the second half of its annual cycle. Gradually, the Sun's path ascends northward, drawing closer to Nyrus once more and slowing its rotation.

The solstices, moments of celestial balance, are celebrated across Nyrus. They mark the points of reversal in the Sun's grand dance, occasions of reverence and festivity, where mortals honor the divine patterns that govern their world. Through this intricate celestial ballet, Aerion's influence brings life and change to the realms below, a constant reminder of the gods' presence in the very fabric of existence.

The unique path of the Sun across the sky throughout the year casts a profound influence on the climate regions of Nyrus, with each region experiencing its own distinct weather patterns.

In the northern realms, the climate is notably more intense and conditions harsher than in the southern regions. The difference between maximum and minimum temperatures is stark, creating a land of extremes. The northern frigid region, in particular, endures the harshest conditions, with summer temperatures barely reaching 5 degrees above freezing, while winter plunges to a bone-chilling 100 degrees below zero. This unforgiving landscape is shaped by the Sun's distant arc, casting long shadows and limited warmth.

Conversely, the southern climate regions enjoy milder temperatures and less dramatic fluctuations between the seasons. Here, the differences between summer highs and winter lows are more tempered, offering a more gentle transition through the year. The southern lands bask in a more consistent climate, their environments less burdened by the extremes of their northern counterparts.

The tropical region of Nyrus, straddling the equator, experiences the least variation in temperature throughout the year. However, due to the Sun's proximity in the west, this region is significantly hotter on the western side than on the eastern side. The tropical climate remains relatively stable, with the Sun's steady path maintaining a warm, humid atmosphere.

In the northern tropical, subtropical, temperate, and frigid regions, the year begins at midsummer. The fiery peak of summer gives way to the rich hues of fall, then to the icy grip of winter. The winter solstice marks the exact midpoint of the year, a day of deep reflection and endurance. Winter slowly thaws into spring, and the cycle culminates in the summer solstice, the year's final day, when the Sun stands highest in the sky before beginning its southern descent once more.

In contrast, the southern subtropical, temperate, and frigid regions start their year in the heart of winter. The cold season gradually yields to the blossoming of spring, leading to the warmth of summer. Here, the summer solstice is the midpoint of the year, a celebration of life and growth. As summer wanes, fall descends, and the year closes with the winter solstice, the Sun's lowest arc heralding the end of the cycle.

One of the most striking features of the northern frigid region is its long, six-month period of near-total darkness. During this time, the Sun barely grazes the horizon, casting an ethereal twilight that lingers through the endless nights. This prolonged darkness challenges the resilience of those who dwell there, shaping their lives and culture around the enduring cold and the promise of the Sun's eventual return.

Through these intricate celestial patterns, the deities weave their influence, creating a tapestry of climates that define the world of Nyrus. Each region, from the blistering tropics to the icy north, tells a story of divine balance and the ever-turning wheel of the seasons.