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== Clergy and Temples ==
== Clergy and Temples ==

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The clergy of Aios lead lives that echo the very essence of their deity. Cloistered within the walls of ancient monasteries that blend seamlessly into the tranquil landscapes, these devout followers form an order more akin to a contemplative monastic community than a traditional church.
The clerics of Aios are enigmatic figures, shrouded in the serenity of reclusion. They are seldom seen by the outside world, choosing instead the quietude of their sacred halls. Their days are spent in the pursuit of inner harmony, their lives a reflection of the balance and neutrality championed by Aios. In the stillness of their chambers, or in the peaceful courtyards of their monasteries, they meditate, their thoughts adrift in the cosmic equilibrium they seek to comprehend and maintain.
Among them move the monks, a substantial presence within the order. These monks, draped in simple robes, dedicate themselves to a life of discipline and contemplation. They are the silent sentinels of balance, their practices ranging from the physical rigor of martial arts to the profound depths of astral meditation. Each movement, each moment of stillness, is a tribute to the dual nature of existence that Aios embodies.
The preference for isolation is a hallmark of this clergy. It is in solitude that they find their strongest connection to the divine, a solitude that allows them to resonate with the subtle energies of the universe. Their monasteries, far removed from the clamor of cities and towns, stand as sanctuaries of peace and introspection. On rare occasions, when the world outside teeters on the brink of imbalance, these reclusive followers emerge. With wisdom honed by years of contemplation, they step forth to restore harmony, their intervention as subtle and effective as the unseen forces they worship.
Their temples are sanctuaries of unadorned beauty, where simplicity reigns supreme. The halls are devoid of extravagance, every element a testament to the modesty and balance that is central to their faith. Here, in these hallowed spaces, the clergy live their lives as embodiments of Aios's teachings, each day a meditation on the delicate dance of cosmic forces. Usually located in places of difficult access, are the ideal places for solitude and introspection.
One can sometimes find temples of Aios that seem empty, a quiet testament to the reclusive nature of their clergy. These sacred spaces are not places of constant activity; instead, they are sanctuaries for the moments when the clerics seek solitude for meditation or refuge. Though uninhabited, these temples are not abandoned. The clergy use them as needed, turning to these hallowed halls for deep spiritual practices or as retreats during times of personal or universal upheaval.
When the clerics are away, the temples of Aios don't remain closed off. Instead, they open their doors to those in need, offering shelter to travelers and the weary. This hospitality reflects the teachings of Aios, providing balance and sanctuary to anyone seeking it. However, this openness is not an invitation for permanent occupation. Should anyone try to take property over these sacred places for their own purposes, the clergy of Aios respond quickly and decisively to reclaim their holy grounds. Though reclusive, they watch over these holy sites with a vigilance born of deep reverence for their deity.

== Initiation ==
== Initiation ==

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Revision as of 09:12, 29 January 2024

Basic Information
TitleThe Diamond Dragon, The Arbiter
SymbolA circle divided in two halves with draconic ornaments
Allowed AlignmentsNG, LN, N, CN, NE
Primary PortfolioBalance, Duty, Life, Moderation, Neutrality, Neutral Dragons
Secondary PortfolioChange, Harmony, Mysticism, Protection, Secrets, Unpredictability, Vigilance, Wisdom
Favored WeaponDouble bladed sword
Aios, The Diamond Dragon

Aios, the Deity of Balance and Neutrality is as ancient as the multiverse. He epitomizes True Neutrality, deeply committed to his role as the universe's central balancer. His actions and motives are enshrouded in mystery, making them difficult for others to understand. He instructs his followers to prioritize the concept of balance in their actions, rather than being guided by conventional morality or ethics. Aios is known for speaking in riddles, often obscuring the true meanings behind his words, adding to his enigmatic persona.

Aios's is not merely a passive observer of the cosmic balance between good and evil, chaos and law. Instead, Aios adopts a proactive role, actively intervening in events to preserve equilibrium. This approach sets him apart from the traditional neutral stance, as he is willing to engage directly to prevent any one force from overpowering another. His actions, though shrouded in mystery and conveyed through cryptic riddles, are thus purposeful, aimed at maintaining the delicate harmony of the multiverse.

In his more accessible guise, he adopts the form of a beardless and bald old man, modestly dressed in common clothing, with a hood that conceals his face behind a brilliant light. In his true form, however, he manifests as a magnificent and singular diamond dragon. His body is adorned with scales that are a harmonious blend of two distinct styles: some scales mirror the perfection of finely cut gems, while others embody the raw, unrefined beauty of natural diamond. His eyes, consistent in both his humanoid and dragon forms, resemble smooth crystal mirrors, reflecting an ancient wisdom and a depth that seems to transcend the physical realm.


A circle divided in two halves, one black and smooth and one white and rough half and a rough one, with draconic ornaments. This represents the position Aios has as keeper of balance between evil and good, and law and chaos, as also his position as one of the draconic deities.

Relations With Other Deities

Aios stands as the steadfast leader of the Pantheon of Equilibrum, a guardian of balance in a world where forces constantly shift and sway. His mission, deeply rooted in the origins of time, is to maintain the delicate balance of the multiverse. With eyes like crystal mirrors, Aios watches over the intricate dance of existence, always working to keep everything in harmony. Chronos, deity of time, Devian, deity of magic, and Dorgross, deity of war, are Aios's closest allies.

Chronos's ability to see into the future is invaluable to Aios. It helps him anticipate and prevent disturbances in the universe's balance. With each vision that Chronos shares, Aios carefully adjusts his actions to ensure stability. Then, in a world where magic is a powerful and unpredictable force, Devian controls its flow. Aios relies on Devian to keep this magic in check, ensuring it doesn't disrupt the cosmic equilibrium. Dorgross, master of conflict, also plays a key role. Conflict can easily lead to chaos, so Aios looks to Dorgross to manage and guide these clashes. Together, they work to ensure that battles and wars don't throw the world out of balance. This circle of deities trusts Aios's judgment implicitly, knowing he is dedicated to his role as the keeper of balance.

Aios views Bahamut and Tiamat, the dragon Deities of good and evil, with suspicion. He feels they have lost sight of their original purpose, set by Aethas at the beginning of time. In Aios's eyes, they are no longer aligned with the mission of maintaining universal harmony. In spite of that, he considers they can play a role in keeping the balance.

Aios navigates his world with a keen sense of duty, respected by his peers for his commitment to balance, yet ever cautious of the forces that threaten the stability he strives to uphold.

What The Legends Say


Aios, The Arbiter

The dogma of Aios, could be centered around the following tenets:

  • Seek Balance in All Things: Uphold the equilibrium between opposing forces. Neither good nor evil, order nor chaos should dominate. Strive to maintain harmony in the universe.
  • Embrace the Dual Nature of Existence: Recognize and respect the duality in all aspects of life. Just as Aios embodies both the refined and the raw, followers should acknowledge and appreciate the diverse facets of the world.
  • Act with Purpose, Not Preference: Decisions should be made based on the need to preserve balance, not personal inclinations or moral judgments. Neutrality is the guiding principle.
  • Guard Against Extremes: Extreme actions and ideologies are the antithesis of balance. Followers of Aios should work to prevent any one ideology or force from becoming too powerful.
  • Seek Wisdom in Mystery: Embrace the enigmatic teachings of Aios. Delve into the deeper meanings behind his riddles and cryptic words, understanding that true wisdom often lies hidden beneath the surface.

Clergy and Temples

The clergy of Aios lead lives that echo the very essence of their deity. Cloistered within the walls of ancient monasteries that blend seamlessly into the tranquil landscapes, these devout followers form an order more akin to a contemplative monastic community than a traditional church.

The clerics of Aios are enigmatic figures, shrouded in the serenity of reclusion. They are seldom seen by the outside world, choosing instead the quietude of their sacred halls. Their days are spent in the pursuit of inner harmony, their lives a reflection of the balance and neutrality championed by Aios. In the stillness of their chambers, or in the peaceful courtyards of their monasteries, they meditate, their thoughts adrift in the cosmic equilibrium they seek to comprehend and maintain.

Among them move the monks, a substantial presence within the order. These monks, draped in simple robes, dedicate themselves to a life of discipline and contemplation. They are the silent sentinels of balance, their practices ranging from the physical rigor of martial arts to the profound depths of astral meditation. Each movement, each moment of stillness, is a tribute to the dual nature of existence that Aios embodies.

The preference for isolation is a hallmark of this clergy. It is in solitude that they find their strongest connection to the divine, a solitude that allows them to resonate with the subtle energies of the universe. Their monasteries, far removed from the clamor of cities and towns, stand as sanctuaries of peace and introspection. On rare occasions, when the world outside teeters on the brink of imbalance, these reclusive followers emerge. With wisdom honed by years of contemplation, they step forth to restore harmony, their intervention as subtle and effective as the unseen forces they worship.

Their temples are sanctuaries of unadorned beauty, where simplicity reigns supreme. The halls are devoid of extravagance, every element a testament to the modesty and balance that is central to their faith. Here, in these hallowed spaces, the clergy live their lives as embodiments of Aios's teachings, each day a meditation on the delicate dance of cosmic forces. Usually located in places of difficult access, are the ideal places for solitude and introspection.

One can sometimes find temples of Aios that seem empty, a quiet testament to the reclusive nature of their clergy. These sacred spaces are not places of constant activity; instead, they are sanctuaries for the moments when the clerics seek solitude for meditation or refuge. Though uninhabited, these temples are not abandoned. The clergy use them as needed, turning to these hallowed halls for deep spiritual practices or as retreats during times of personal or universal upheaval.

When the clerics are away, the temples of Aios don't remain closed off. Instead, they open their doors to those in need, offering shelter to travelers and the weary. This hospitality reflects the teachings of Aios, providing balance and sanctuary to anyone seeking it. However, this openness is not an invitation for permanent occupation. Should anyone try to take property over these sacred places for their own purposes, the clergy of Aios respond quickly and decisively to reclaim their holy grounds. Though reclusive, they watch over these holy sites with a vigilance born of deep reverence for their deity.
