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[[File:IMG000013 - Human.jpg|thumb|left|300px|A human noble]]'''Humans''', the most widespread of all the [[Races and Culture|races]] in [[Nyrus]], are renowned for their extraordinary capacity to adapt and evolve. Their resilience has enabled them to settle in every corner of the world, even thriving in environments where no other race can endure. From the frozen tundras to the arid deserts, humans have made their homes across every continent, a testament to their unparalleled versatility.
[[File:IMG000013 - Human.jpg|thumb|left|300px|A human noble]]'''Humans''', the most widespread of all the [[Races and Culture|races]] in [[Nyrus]], are renowned for their extraordinary capacity to adapt and evolve. Their resilience has enabled them to settle in every corner of the world, even thriving in environments where no other race can endure. From the frozen tundras to the arid deserts, humans have made their homes across every continent, a testament to their unparalleled versatility.

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* '''Skin Tones:''' Skin tones span from very dark to pale white.
* '''Skin Tones:''' Skin tones span from very dark to pale white.
* '''Hair:''' Hair colors include blonde, auburn, brown, black, and white. Their hair can grow in straight, curly, or kinky textures.  
* '''Hair:''' Hair colors include blonde, auburn, brown, black, and white. Their hair can grow in straight, curly, or kinky textures.  
* '''Eye Color:''' Shades of brown, green, blue, and purple.
* '''Eye Color:''' Shades of brown, green, blue, grey and purple.
* '''Builds:''' Average builds.
* '''Builds:''' Average builds.
* '''Weather and Terrain Adaptability:''' Built to endure a wide range of climates and terrains, they possess excellent altitude adaptability.
* '''Weather and Terrain Adaptability:''' Built to endure a wide range of climates and terrains, they possess excellent altitude adaptability.
* '''Life Span:''' Humans reach maturity at around 15 years and live up to 150 years old.  
* '''Life Span:''' Humans reach physical maturity at around 15 years old, and mental maturity at around 18, age at which most humans are considered adults. They normally live up to 150 years old.  

Humans are medium-sized beings, their size generally ranging from 5 to 6.5 feet in height and weigh between 125 and 250 pounds. However, there are some few individuals who exceed these typical measurements, standing taller or broader than most. Men, on average, tend to be taller and heavier than women, showcasing a subtle yet noticeable gender difference in physical stature.
Humans are medium-sized beings, their size generally ranging from 5 to 6.5 feet in height and weigh between 125 and 250 pounds. However, there are some few individuals who exceed these typical measurements, standing taller or broader than most. Men, on average, tend to be taller and heavier than women, showcasing a subtle yet noticeable gender difference in physical stature.
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[[File:IMG000008 - Human Subraces.jpg|thumb|center|1200px|From left to right: Eldenvarian, Igochian, Anwari, Kharnaki and Thundarite humans]]We will detail the five human subraces:
[[File:IMG000008 - Human Subraces.jpg|thumb|center|1200px|From left to right: Eldenvarian, Igochian, Anwari, Kharnaki and Thundarite humans]]We will detail the five human subraces:

=== Eldenvarian ===
=== Anwari ===

[[File:IMG000003 - Humans (Eldenvarian).jpg|thumb|left|300px|Eldenvarians]]Eldenvarians, which means the ancient people, are a proud lineage of humans, trace their origins to the ancient continent of Eldenvar, the ancient land. Although they now populate every corner of the world, their roots remain deeply embedded in their homeland. Some historians even assert that Eldenvarians were the first of all human subraces, journeying and establishing settlements across the world in ancient times, their legacy etched into the very fabric of history.
In the heart of the vast deserts of Nyrus, where the scorching sands stretch beyond the horizon and the sun blazes with relentless fury, dwell the Anwari, or as they call themselves, the Al'Zafri Nasiya, the "people of the sand." This resilient human subrace, originating from the sun-drenched continent of [[Al'Anwaar]], has not only adapted to the arid, unforgiving environment but has flourished within it. The Anwari are a noble people, their lives intricately intertwined with the rhythm of the desert. Their presence is predominant in Al'Anwaar, though many venture far beyond its borders, carrying with them the indomitable spirit of their homeland. Where others fear to tread, the Anwari navigate with ease, their every step a testament to generations of survival and prosperity in one of the world's harshest climates. With skin tones ranging from deep, rich browns to lighter, sun-kissed hues, and hair predominantly black like the midnight sky over the dunes, their appearance reflects the earthy tones of their environment. The Anwari have built a culture rich in tradition, resilience, and honor, their legacy etched into the very sands they call home​​​​.

=== Eldenvarians ===

In terms of physical appearance, Eldenvarians possess the average heights typical of humans. Their skin tones range from light brown to white, while their hair and eye colors encompass the full spectrum found among their kind. This physical diversity is a testament to their widespread presence and adaptability.
Eldenvarians, known as the ancient people, originate from the ancient continent of [[Eldenvar]]. Despite their global presence, their deep connection to Eldenvar remains central to their identity. They are physically diverse, with skin tones ranging from light brown to white, and a variety of hair and eye colors, reflecting their adaptability. Eldenvarian societies are sophisticated and hierarchical, with vibrant cities bustling with artisans, merchants, and common folk. They are celebrated for their artistic achievements, especially in music, which is renowned worldwide. Education is highly valued, with grand libraries and respected institutions drawing scholars from far and wide. Eldenvarian militaries are well-organized, with highly trained soldiers recognized for their strategic prowess. Social bonds and family structures are strong, with traditions in naming that reflect both familial and geographical identities. Many Eldenvarians are driven by a desire for adventure, seeking riches and glory, making them prominent figures in tales of bravery and exploration.

==== Society ====
=== Igochians ===

Eldenvarian societies are renowned for their complexity and sophistication. As one of the oldest human subraces, they have constructed mighty kingdoms, each with its own intricate hierarchy. Social status and wealth are highly valued among them, leading to the establishment of noble classes with histories that stretch back through the ages. These hierarchies are not merely social constructs but are woven into the cultural and political tapestry of their kingdoms.
The Igochians, or Ryusei-no Hami, meaning "people of the sun," are a noble and honorable subrace of humans from the eastern continent of Igochi. This land of rolling steppes, majestic mountains, and serene coastal villages shapes their diverse and vibrant culture. Igochians are people of contrasts: they are warriors and poets, farmers and scholars, united by a shared heritage and an unyielding spirit to attain perfection in all aspects of life. They are typically slightly shorter than other humans, with skin tones ranging from light brown to pale white, and predominantly dark hair. Rarely, some are born with white hair, seen as a divine blessing, and their eyes, usually dark brown, occasionally exhibit lighter hues or even the mystical purple. Igochian society is hierarchical, with clear distinctions between nobles and commoners, and a strong emphasis on social status and respect for elders. Their architecture reflects meticulous craftsmanship, with grand buildings like palaces and temples showcasing their cultural pride and artistic achievements

Their cities are vibrant hubs of life and activity, always bustling with the energy of craft and commerce. These urban centers are magnets for artisans, merchants, and those seeking new opportunities. Markets teem with traders from distant lands, while workshops echo with the sounds of industry and creativity. In the streets, one can find everything from grand processions of nobility to the everyday hustle of common folk, all contributing to the dynamic atmosphere that defines Eldenvarian urban life.
=== Kharnaki ===

==== Arts and Culture ====
The Kharnaki, known in their native tongue as the Staþfolkrar, meaning "strong people," are a hardy human subrace hailing from the harsh and frozen continent of Kharnak. They have adapted to one of the most unforgiving regions of Nyrus, demonstrating remarkable physical and mental fortitude. Huge in size related to average humans, and with muscular builds, the Kharnaki are renowned for their enromous strength. Their society is organized into tight-knit clans living in small, resilient communities. They are expert seafarers and fishermen, hunting formidable game and cultivating hardy crops. The Kharnaki are also skilled craftsmen, known for their robust weapons, tools, and longships. But above all, Kharnaki are warriors. Their culture emphasizes resilience, respect for the land, and a rich tradition of storytelling, music, and intricate carvings .

Eldenvarians hold a deep appreciation for all forms of art, from painting to sculpture, making artistic expression a cornerstone of their culture. Their cities are a testament to this passion, adorned with grand buildings, intricate carvings, and beautiful sculptures that capture the eye and imagination. Eldenvarian art is celebrated for its meticulous attention to detail and its remarkable ability to convey both the grandeur of their mighty kingdoms and the subtleties of everyday life.
=== Thundarites ===

However, it is in the realm of music that Eldenvarians truly excel. Their music is renowned across the world, carried to distant lands by talented bards who spread the enchanting melodies of Eldenvar. These traveling minstrels ensure that the harmonious and evocative strains of Eldenvarian music reach the ears of many, leaving a lasting impression on all who hear them. Whether in their bustling cities or far-flung corners of the world, the musical heritage of the Eldenvarians resonates, a beautiful and enduring testament to their rich cultural legacy.
The Thundarites, or Vadunlūn as they call themselves, are an elusive and enigmatic human subrace dwelling in the heart of Thundarum's dense, vibrant jungles. Shorter and leaner than other humans, their wiry frames and remarkable agility allow them to navigate their tangled forest home with ease and grace. Their skin, mirroring the deep, rich hues of the jungle, serves as natural camouflage, while their hair, predominantly black with occasional streaks of brown or blonde, and eyes in shades of brown, green, or even rare purple, reflect the lush canopy and flora of their homeland. Thundarite society is deeply interconnected with nature, evident in their seamlessly integrated settlements and sustainable living practices. While reclusive, their curiosity and desire to share their rich culture lead some to venture beyond their secluded homes, becoming explorers and ambassadors of their enigmatic ways​​.

==== Education ====
== Interaction with Other Races ==

Eldenvarian societies place an immense value on education, a principle that has shaped their culture and built a foundation for their remarkable achievements. In their largest cities, some of the oldest and most respected teaching institutions in the world stand as testaments to this dedication. These institutions draw scholars and students from far and wide, eager to partake in the rich academic tradition that Eldenvarians have cultivated over centuries.
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The Eldenvarians' reverence for knowledge goes beyond mere education. They are deeply committed to the acquisition and preservation of wisdom, a commitment that is evident in the grand libraries that grace their major cities. These libraries are vast repositories of tomes, housing countless volumes of historical records, scientific treatises, and literary works. They also serve as centers for research and the exchange of ideas, where scholars gather to advance their understanding and share their findings with the world.
In smaller settlements, education remains a vital part of life. Here, the process is more intimate and hands-on, with knowledge passed from older to younger generations, from tutors to apprentices. From a young age, children receive practical education in crafts, trades, and manual work, ensuring that they acquire the skills necessary to contribute to their communities when they reach maturity. This system of learning not only preserves traditional crafts but also fosters a strong sense of community and shared purpose.
Driven by a thirst for knowledge, some Eldenvarians embark on pilgrimages to the larger cities, seeking the superior education offered there. These journeys are rites of passage, encouraging the young to explore, learn, and bring back new insights to their home villages.
This profound appreciation for education extends to the arcane arts as well. Eldenvarian schools of wizardry are renowned and highly sought after. These institutions have produced some of the mightiest wizards, individuals whose mastery of the arcane has shaped the course of history. The rigorous training and exceptional resources available at these schools ensure that their graduates are among the most skilled and knowledgeable in the world.
interaction with other races
==== Military and Warfare ====
Eldenvarian kingdoms are known for their well-organized and formidable military forces. Their armies are composed of highly trained soldiers, skilled in both traditional combat and strategic warfare. The Eldenvarians have a long history of defending their territories and expanding their influence through both diplomacy and military might. Recognized as exceptional warriors, Eldenvarians are esteemed not just for the finesse of their martial techniques, but for their tactical prowess and remarkable adaptability in adverse situations.
From the smallest village garrison to the grandest royal battalion, every level of the Eldenvarian military reflects a meticulous commitment to strategy and preparedness. Their soldiers, though diverse in origin, share a rigorous training regimen that emphasizes versatility and quick thinking. In battle, Eldenvarian troops can swiftly adapt to changing circumstances, turning potential disadvantages into opportunities for victory.
Eldenvarian warriors are celebrated not for showy displays of combat skill, but for their effectiveness and resilience. Their ability to remain composed and resourceful under pressure has earned them a reputation as some of the most reliable and formidable forces in the world. Whether defending their homeland or aiding allies, Eldenvarian soldiers embody the strategic genius and enduring spirit of their ancient and storied civilization.

Their cities, bustling with life and commerce, also function as logistical hubs supporting their military endeavors. Craftsmen produce weapons and armor of high quality, while scholars and tacticians work together to develop new strategies and technologies. This integration of civilian and military efforts ensures that Eldenvarian armies are well-supplied and innovative, always ready to meet new challenges.
[[Category:Races and Culture]]
==== Social and Family Structure ====
Family and social bonds are highly important in Eldenvarian culture. Extended families often live together or maintain close ties, and social gatherings are a regular part of life. Nobility and commoners alike value hospitality and community, creating a strong sense of unity and support.
==== Names ====
Eldenvarian names vary significantly depending on social status. Nobles and royalty typically have family names, and it is common for certain names to be repeated across generations, with numbering added as necessary to distinguish individuals. For example, a noble might be named Aric Ravencrest III, indicating that he is the third Aric in his family line.
Commoners, on the other hand, usually have only one name. Parents often choose a name, sometimes a slight variation of one of the parents' names. It is very common for Eldenvarian commoners to identify themselves by their first name followed immediately by their parentage, such as "Tarin, son of Roderic" or "Elena, daughter of Darian."
In a few regions it is customary, as it is also for orphans without knowledge of their parents, to adopt a name followed by their place of origin. This tradition also extends to individuals whose parents have fallen into disgrace. Such individuals might introduce themselves as "Marian of Greyhaven" or "Thorn from the Whispering Woods." This practice provides a sense of identity and belonging, even in the absence of familial connections.
For those who travel far from home, where their parents might not be known, a combination of both naming conventions is often used. Travelers might introduce themselves as "Lira, daughter of Eamon, from Eldenport," blending familial and geographical identifiers to provide a clearer sense of their origins and background.
==== Adventurers ====
Most Eldenvarians are driven by a profound desire to see the world, obtain riches, and achieve glory for their names. This intrinsic motivation naturally leads many Eldenvarians to take up the path of the adventurer. Those who do embark on this path are often the most audacious and ambitious members of human society, capable of venturing into uncharted territories and facing dangers that others shun.
Eldenvarian adventurers are known for their daring exploits and relentless pursuit of greatness. They journey to the farthest reaches of the world, from the highest mountains to the deepest dungeons, driven by a thirst for discovery and a yearning to carve their names into the annals of history. Their tales of bravery and exploration are legendary, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.
The ranks of Eldenvarian adventurers are filled with individuals who possess not only courage but also a keen intellect and resourcefulness. They are skilled in combat, adept in survival, and often possess a deep knowledge of ancient lore and forgotten secrets. Their journeys are fraught with peril, yet they press on, motivated by the promise of untold treasures and eternal fame.
Some of the most renowned heroes in Eldenvarian history began their paths as humble adventurers, inspired by the legends of those who came before them. These heroes, through their deeds and exploits, have left an indelible mark on the world, their names celebrated in songs and stories for generations.
== Interaction with Other Races ==

Latest revision as of 10:03, 21 August 2024

A human noble

Humans, the most widespread of all the races in Nyrus, are renowned for their extraordinary capacity to adapt and evolve. Their resilience has enabled them to settle in every corner of the world, even thriving in environments where no other race can endure. From the frozen tundras to the arid deserts, humans have made their homes across every continent, a testament to their unparalleled versatility.

This versatility is also evident in their rich and diverse culture. Human society is a vibrant mosaic of traditions, beliefs, and practices that vary from one region to another. This cultural tapestry is woven with threads of music, art, literature, and cuisine, reflecting the myriad ways in which humans express their creativity and ingenuity. This cultural mosaic is woven with threads of music, art, literature, and cuisine, reflecting the myriad ways in which humans express their creativity and ingenuity. Human culture is so rich, diverse, striking, and even exciting that wherever other races have contact with them, they tend to integrate some cultural aspects of human life into their own culture, such as clothing, art, and customs.

While humans may lack a natural aptitude in any single domain, their true strength lies in their ability to excel in almost every aspect of social life. From the strongest warriors who defend their lands with unmatched valor to the mightiest wizards who command arcane forces, humans are capable of reaching the pinnacle of achievement in various fields. Their adaptability and determination enable them to shine brightly in roles as varied as leadership, scholarship, and craftsmanship.

Human versatility is also reflected in their approach to life, as one can find the very best and the very worst among them. From the noblest hero to the most dreaded villain, from the most strict law keeper to the most rebellious adventurer, humans encompass a myriad of possibilities. This broad spectrum of characteristics and behaviors underscores the complexity and depth of human nature, making them one of the most dynamic and unpredictable races in Nyrus.

Humans possess a remarkable talent for building relationships, not only among themselves but also with other races. Their diplomacy and openness foster strong alliances and cooperative communities, making them pivotal in the intricate social web of Nyrus. Whether through trade, marriage, or shared ventures, humans weave connections that enrich the lives of all who inhabit their world.

In essence, humans in Nyrus are a dynamic and influential force, their adaptability and sociability driving the continuous evolution and enrichment of their societies.

What the Legends Say


Humans share these characteristics:

  • Size: medium-sized, from 5 to 6.5 feet tall and weighing between 125 and 250 pounds.
  • Gender Differences: Men tend to be taller and heavier than women.
  • Skin Tones: Skin tones span from very dark to pale white.
  • Hair: Hair colors include blonde, auburn, brown, black, and white. Their hair can grow in straight, curly, or kinky textures.
  • Eye Color: Shades of brown, green, blue, grey and purple.
  • Builds: Average builds.
  • Weather and Terrain Adaptability: Built to endure a wide range of climates and terrains, they possess excellent altitude adaptability.
  • Life Span: Humans reach physical maturity at around 15 years old, and mental maturity at around 18, age at which most humans are considered adults. They normally live up to 150 years old.

Humans are medium-sized beings, their size generally ranging from 5 to 6.5 feet in height and weigh between 125 and 250 pounds. However, there are some few individuals who exceed these typical measurements, standing taller or broader than most. Men, on average, tend to be taller and heavier than women, showcasing a subtle yet noticeable gender difference in physical stature.

The physical characteristics of humans are highly diverse, painting a broad and varied spectrum of appearances. Their skin tones range from very dark to pale white, with some white-skinned individuals adorned with freckles. This rich diversity is further highlighted by their hair, which comes in an array of colors including blonde, auburn, brown, black, and white. Human hair can grow in straight, curly, or kinky textures, adding to their varied appearance. Male humans have the unique ability to grow facial hair, such as beards or mustaches, which in many cultures are a significant source of pride and identity. Human eye colors are equally diverse, encompassing shades of brown, green, blue, and even rare purples, each contributing to their distinct and varied looks.

Typically, human bodies have average builds—not overly muscular nor too lean. However, with regular physical activity, they can increase their muscle mass, becoming quite strong and fit. Conversely, they can also easily gain fat or see a decline in their physical condition if they do not maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Humans are remarkably adaptable, built to endure a wide range of climates and terrains. They can thrive in environments ranging from very cold to very hot and possess excellent altitude adaptability, making them capable of living in high mountainous regions as well as low-lying plains.

Despite their adaptability and resilience, humans have the shortest lifespans among the common races. They reach maturity at around 15 years and can live up to 150 years old. As they age, typically from about 60 years onwards, they often experience visible signs of aging such as graying hair, wrinkling skin, and a general decrease in strength and muscle mass. Some even experience hair loss, marking the passage of time.


From left to right: Eldenvarian, Igochian, Anwari, Kharnaki and Thundarite humans

We will detail the five human subraces:


In the heart of the vast deserts of Nyrus, where the scorching sands stretch beyond the horizon and the sun blazes with relentless fury, dwell the Anwari, or as they call themselves, the Al'Zafri Nasiya, the "people of the sand." This resilient human subrace, originating from the sun-drenched continent of Al'Anwaar, has not only adapted to the arid, unforgiving environment but has flourished within it. The Anwari are a noble people, their lives intricately intertwined with the rhythm of the desert. Their presence is predominant in Al'Anwaar, though many venture far beyond its borders, carrying with them the indomitable spirit of their homeland. Where others fear to tread, the Anwari navigate with ease, their every step a testament to generations of survival and prosperity in one of the world's harshest climates. With skin tones ranging from deep, rich browns to lighter, sun-kissed hues, and hair predominantly black like the midnight sky over the dunes, their appearance reflects the earthy tones of their environment. The Anwari have built a culture rich in tradition, resilience, and honor, their legacy etched into the very sands they call home​​​​.


Eldenvarians, known as the ancient people, originate from the ancient continent of Eldenvar. Despite their global presence, their deep connection to Eldenvar remains central to their identity. They are physically diverse, with skin tones ranging from light brown to white, and a variety of hair and eye colors, reflecting their adaptability. Eldenvarian societies are sophisticated and hierarchical, with vibrant cities bustling with artisans, merchants, and common folk. They are celebrated for their artistic achievements, especially in music, which is renowned worldwide. Education is highly valued, with grand libraries and respected institutions drawing scholars from far and wide. Eldenvarian militaries are well-organized, with highly trained soldiers recognized for their strategic prowess. Social bonds and family structures are strong, with traditions in naming that reflect both familial and geographical identities. Many Eldenvarians are driven by a desire for adventure, seeking riches and glory, making them prominent figures in tales of bravery and exploration.


The Igochians, or Ryusei-no Hami, meaning "people of the sun," are a noble and honorable subrace of humans from the eastern continent of Igochi. This land of rolling steppes, majestic mountains, and serene coastal villages shapes their diverse and vibrant culture. Igochians are people of contrasts: they are warriors and poets, farmers and scholars, united by a shared heritage and an unyielding spirit to attain perfection in all aspects of life. They are typically slightly shorter than other humans, with skin tones ranging from light brown to pale white, and predominantly dark hair. Rarely, some are born with white hair, seen as a divine blessing, and their eyes, usually dark brown, occasionally exhibit lighter hues or even the mystical purple. Igochian society is hierarchical, with clear distinctions between nobles and commoners, and a strong emphasis on social status and respect for elders. Their architecture reflects meticulous craftsmanship, with grand buildings like palaces and temples showcasing their cultural pride and artistic achievements


The Kharnaki, known in their native tongue as the Staþfolkrar, meaning "strong people," are a hardy human subrace hailing from the harsh and frozen continent of Kharnak. They have adapted to one of the most unforgiving regions of Nyrus, demonstrating remarkable physical and mental fortitude. Huge in size related to average humans, and with muscular builds, the Kharnaki are renowned for their enromous strength. Their society is organized into tight-knit clans living in small, resilient communities. They are expert seafarers and fishermen, hunting formidable game and cultivating hardy crops. The Kharnaki are also skilled craftsmen, known for their robust weapons, tools, and longships. But above all, Kharnaki are warriors. Their culture emphasizes resilience, respect for the land, and a rich tradition of storytelling, music, and intricate carvings .


The Thundarites, or Vadunlūn as they call themselves, are an elusive and enigmatic human subrace dwelling in the heart of Thundarum's dense, vibrant jungles. Shorter and leaner than other humans, their wiry frames and remarkable agility allow them to navigate their tangled forest home with ease and grace. Their skin, mirroring the deep, rich hues of the jungle, serves as natural camouflage, while their hair, predominantly black with occasional streaks of brown or blonde, and eyes in shades of brown, green, or even rare purple, reflect the lush canopy and flora of their homeland. Thundarite society is deeply interconnected with nature, evident in their seamlessly integrated settlements and sustainable living practices. While reclusive, their curiosity and desire to share their rich culture lead some to venture beyond their secluded homes, becoming explorers and ambassadors of their enigmatic ways​​.

Interaction with Other Races