Frost Dwarves

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Frost Dwarves

The Frost Dwarves, are the least known of all dwarven subraces. They dwell far beyond the reach of most travelers, in realms where the cold bites deeper than steel and the wind howls like a living thing. Only the hardiest of explorers, or those with a purpose dire enough, ever venture into the frozen expanse where these enigmatic dwarves make their home.

For the Frost Dwarves, cold is not a curse but a companion, woven into the very fabric of their existence. Unlike other races who shrink from the bitter freeze, these dwarves have evolved to survive—and thrive—in temperatures that would spell doom for most. Their stout, resilient forms seem impervious to the biting winds and endless snows, moving with the ease of those who are one with the elements. Their skin, pale and touched with a faint blue hue, and their bright, icy eyes reflect the frozen world they inhabit.

As with all dwarves, their affinity for the underground remains, though the Frost Dwarves have carved out a life in places unlike any other. Their cities lie beneath glaciers and frozen peaks, with vast halls hewn from both stone and ice. These cold citadels, lit by the soft glow of frost crystals, are marvels of craftsmanship, a blend of natural beauty and skilled artistry. Towers of translucent ice rise alongside sturdy stone walls, and their intricate designs seem to shimmer as if alive with the essence of the cold itself.

The Frost Dwarves are a laborious people, known for their tireless work ethic and unmatched craftsmanship. Their hands shape the ice and stone around them into objects of breathtaking beauty and remarkable strength, forging weapons, tools, and structures that rival the greatest works of their kin. But where fire fuels the forges of other dwarves, the Frost Dwarves harness the very cold itself. Their crafts are not hindered by the ice; instead, they have mastered it, using the frigid air and the power of frost to enhance their creations in ways that no other race has ever imagined.

Though their homelands lie in the furthest, most isolated regions of Nyrus, the Frost Dwarves are not unfriendly by nature. They live in solitude by necessity, for few can survive the long journey to their frozen realms. Yet, for those who come in peace and make it through the harsh wilderness, the Frost Dwarves are generous hosts. They welcome company, sharing stories and warmth in their glacial halls, enjoying the rare moments when strangers from the outside world enter their icy domain.

But such encounters are rare, for the Frost Dwarves prefer their quiet, cold existence, far from the bustling world that lies beyond the frost-clad mountains and frozen seas. Here, in the stillness of the snow, they continue their work, forging wonders from ice and stone, content in the knowledge that they have made the cold their ally and their home.


What the Legends Say

Where They Live



Arts and Culture


Military and Warfare

Social and Family Structure

