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Basic Information
TitleThe Master of the Waves, The Guardian of the Deep
SymbolA great sea serpent coiled around a wave
AlignmentChaotic Good
Allowed AlignmentsNG, CG, CN
Primary PortfolioAbundance, Freedom, Liberation, Mercy, Renewal, Sea
Secondary PortfolioAnimals, Fishing, Horizons, Life, Love, Navigation, Tides, Water
Favored WeaponFalchion
Leviathar, The Guardian of the Deep

Leviathar, deity of the sea, has a presence that is a majestic paradox, exuding an aura of power and tranquility that mirrors the dual nature of the sea. His visage, though intimidating, is a facade that masks a heart filled with boundless compassion and benevolence. He is the embodiment of optimism, a beacon of hope in the darkest depths, guiding his followers to see the best in every situation. His love for life is as deep and encompassing as the oceans, a love that extends to every creature, great and small, that dwells within or beside his vast domain.

The deity's essence is that of freedom, an attribute he holds as dearly as the waters he governs. Leviathar champions the cause of liberation, not just for the denizens of the deep, but for all beings across the multiverse. His nurturing nature ensures the sea's bounty is plentiful, shared with those who approach with respect and a understanding of the delicate balance that must be maintained to preserve the ocean's abundance.

Leviathar encourages a relationship of mutual respect between the sea and its users. He teaches his followers the importance of sustainable practices, urging them to harvest the sea's gifts without greed or exploitation, to preserve its natural cycles and beauty for generations to come. This philosophy of balance and respect for nature reflects his broader vision for the multiverse, a harmony that he tirelessly works to maintain.

Despite his generally passive stance, preferring to offer guidance and wisdom over direct intervention, Leviathar's patience has its limits when it comes to the spread of evil. He watches over the affairs of the multiverse with a keen eye, ready to act decisively against malevolence. When the moment calls for action, Leviathar's response is immediate and powerful, an impulsive and sometimes even rash surge that sweeps away the plans of the wicked as effortlessly as a tidal wave obliterates sandcastles, leaving no doubt about his formidable power and his unwavering commitment to the good.

Leviathar's chosen appearance is that of a sea humanoid, his skin a pale, ethereal green, mirroring the purest depths of the ocean. His hair and beard, tinted with a unique shade of white tinged with green, though short, flow with the grace and unpredictability of sea waves. Adorned with few plates of metallic armor that drapes over his form like coral to the rock, he also sports golden armbands, a mark of his divine status. In his hands, he wields his mighty falchion, a symbol of his power and his readiness to protect the seas and those who cherish freedom and life as he does.

His alternate form is that of an ancient but powerful looking sea serpent. Majestic in scale, his body stretches so vast and long that it fades into the shadowy depths from whence he emerges. Adorned with scales that shimmer in hues of the deepest blues and greens, and covered in barnacles and seaweed, he mirrors the ocean's infinite variety. His eyes, glowing with ancient wisdom, cast a luminous path through the dark waters as he swims through them.


Leviathar's symbol, featurs a great sea serpent coiled around a stylized, towering wave. This emblem encapsulates the deity's dual nature of might and protection, with the serpent symbolizing the deep, hidden mysteries of the ocean and the capacity for renewal and transformation. The towering wave reflects Leviathar's strength and his control over the seas, embodying his role as the guardian of all marine life and the protector of sailors and sea voyagers.

Relations With Other Deities

Leviathar's intricate web of relationships within the celestial pantheon underscores his significant role beyond the confines of the sea. Despite his seemingly rough exterior, Leviathar's profound love for life and the sea, paired with his merciful nature, garners him numerous alliances and friendships among other deities. His brotherly bond with Bahamut, the deity of good, and Gaidos, the deity of knowledge, highlights a shared commitment to the cause of good, uniting three deities of differing personas in a common goal. So the three are called the Three Pillars of Good.

His friendship with Crossus, the deity of mountains and strength, is founded on a mutual love for freedom, illustrating the depth of Leviathar's connections that extend beyond the marine domain. With Antanara, the deity of the moon, Leviathar has a particularly poetic relation, his adoration of her nocturnal dance across the sky driving the tides as he follows her, symbolizing a harmonious natural cycle influenced by divine interaction of the two deities.

His alliances also extend to natural deities like Edmer and Aela, with whom he collaborates to foster renewal in the sea, using Aela's storms as a catalyst for change and rejuvenation.

However, Leviathar's benevolence has its limits, especially towards entities that embody evil. His disdain for Xendral, the deity of tyranny, is pronounced, stemming from a fundamental opposition to any force that threatens freedom.

What The Legends Say

Leviathar, The Great Sea Serpent


Leviathar, The Master of the Waves

The dogma of Leviathar is based on these five tenets:

  • Cherish Freedom: Freedom is the greatest treasure. Protect it fiercely for yourself and others, as it is the very essence of life and happiness. Like the boundless sea, let your spirit be unchained and expansive.
  • Commune with the Sea: Engage with the sea in all its forms, respecting its power and bounty. Protect its depths and creatures, use its abundance wisely without disrupting its balance, and honor its dual nature of nurturing life and wielding the power to destroy.
  • Protect of Life: All life is precious and must be safeguarded. From the smallest fish to the greatest whale, show mercy and compassion to the creatures of the sea and land alike, for they are your kin under Leviathar's watch.
  • Compassion for Those in Need: Extend your hand to those who suffer, for the sea does not discriminate in its giving. Be a beacon of hope and aid, as Leviathar is to the lost and storm-tossed, embodying his merciful nature in your deeds.
  • Oppose Tyranny: Stand against those who would oppress and enslave. Tyranny, in any form, is anathema to the freedoms Leviathar holds dear. Be vigilant, for freedom flourishes only where vigilance and courage meet.

Clergy and Temples

A cleric of Leviathar on the sea

The Clerics of Leviathar form a diverse and devoted congregation, a testament to their deity's boundless embrace. Drawn from a myriad of races across both land and sea, their ranks burgeon with not just clerics but rangers, druids, and fighters, each united under Leviathar's banner. This eclectic assembly thrives without rigid structure, their hierarchy as fluid as the tides, ensuring that devotion and skill, rather than birth or station, guide their actions.

Adorned in attire that mirrors the ocean's myriad hues—turquoises, deep blues, and greens—their garments are as practical on the deck of a ship as they are on solid ground, blending the essence of sea folk with the necessities of terrestrial life. This oceanic motif extends beyond mere aesthetics, reflecting a profound connection with their deity's domain.

At sea, their prowess is unmatched. Whether charting unseen waters as seasoned navigators or crafting vessels that ride the waves like creatures born of the deep, their knowledge of the ocean's ways is unparalleled. This expertise extends to the realms of ship maintenance, fishing, and the myriad other skills required to master the maritime world.

Some among them choose the path of scholarship, delving into the mysteries of the ocean—its cycles, currents, and the life that teems within. These scholars not only seek understanding but also stand as guardians over the health of the seas. With a knowledge both deep and broad, they work to heal wounds inflicted upon the ocean, ensuring its vitality for generations to come.

Among the clergy are also warriors of renown, masters of naval combat whose strategic acumen and prowess in battle are as feared by foes as they are revered by allies. Their skill in warfare is matched only by their dedication to protecting the freedom of the seas, a mission that resonates deeply with Leviathar's own ethos.

Nestled within the embrace of coastal landscapes or perched on the bustling docks of seafaring settlements, the temples of Leviathar serve as beacons to those drawn to the vastness of the ocean. These sanctuaries, with their unassuming exteriors, prioritize function over form, constructed from materials that whisper tales of the sea. Within these hallowed halls, simplicity reigns, mirroring the unadorned beauty of the ocean itself.

It is common to find upon the decks of vessels that brave the untamed waters, shrines to Leviathar that stand as silent guardians, each ship carrying a cleric among its crew, ensuring the deity's protection and guidance stretch far beyond the shore.

In smaller communities, the temples double as centers of maritime activity, where sailors and adventurers converge to trade knowledge, procure maps, and seek the wisdom of the clerics in navigating the sea's mysteries.

The larger temples of Leviathar unfold as academies of the sea, where the future guardians of the ocean's wonders—sailors, shipwrights, and warriors—are forged. These centers of learning are complemented by the church's shipyards, where the art of shipbuilding reaches new heights, crafting vessels that are both marvels of design and tributes to Leviathar's glory.

Some temples are dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, acting as marine research centers where the secrets of the deep are unveiled and the health of the sea is vigilantly guarded. The church's commitment to the sea's welfare is further embodied by its naval force, a formidable fleet ready to sail forth in defense of the good and the just, under Leviathar's watchful eye.

Together, these temples and their congregations stand as testaments to Leviathar's enduring presence, bridging the realms of land and sea, and ensuring that the deity's teachings and protection are ever-present in the hearts of those who heed the call of the ocean.


The path to becoming a follower of Leviathar is marked by a year of rigorous preparation, a journey that begins with a would-be follower's request for initiation at one of Leviathar's temples. This request, typically made a year before the initiate's coming of age, sets in motion a period of learning and service that is both challenging and transformative. Over the course of the following year, the initiate embarks on an educational voyage through the domains of Leviathar—fishing, swimming, sailing, and shipbuilding—each lesson imbued with the deity's spirit and teachings.

Community service forms the backbone of the initiate's year, grounding their learning in practical experience. Whether lending their hands in the shipyards, assisting aboard fishing vessels, or contributing in other ways to the life of seafaring communities, the initiate is immersed in the daily rhythms of those who live by Leviathar's bounty. Through this service, they not only gain invaluable skills but also deepen their understanding of Leviathar's dogma, reflecting on these lessons during their mandatory hour of meditation each day.

As the year draws to a close, the initiate retreats into solitude for a day of deep contemplation, seeking to commune with Leviathar and reflect on their journey. This period of isolation serves as the threshold to their new life, a moment to gather the year's experiences and prepare to step forward as a true follower of the sea deity.

The culmination of this transformative journey occurs on the shore, where the initiate, accompanied by a cleric, approaches the sea's embrace. Here, in the presence of Leviathar's boundless domain, the initiate offers a prayer to the deity, their words carried by the wind and waves. In a symbolic act of rebirth, the cleric submerges the initiate in the cool depths, a brief immersion that signifies the washing away of the old and the emergence of the new. Rising from the water, the initiation spell is cast, sealing the initiate's bond with Leviathar and marking the beginning of their life as a true follower of the sea deity.